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Situating Constructionism and A Word for Learning by Seymour Papert

Situating Constructionism and A Word for Learning by Seymour Papert. Michael Orey. Questions or Issues?. Today – Gal, Norman and Norman Podcast, and Papert Next Week – Aldrich and Jenkins – Gaming and Simulation Two Weeks– Nothing – Do Carrie Coker’s Website on accessibility

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Situating Constructionism and A Word for Learning by Seymour Papert

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Situating ConstructionismandA Word for LearningbySeymour Papert Michael Orey

  2. Questions or Issues? • Today – Gal, Norman and Norman Podcast, and Papert • Next Week – Aldrich and Jenkins – Gaming and Simulation • Two Weeks– Nothing – Do Carrie Coker’s Website on accessibility • http://identitywebandphoto.com/carrie/portfolio/cncoker/edit6600/

  3. Primary Topics • So what is this word CONSTRUCTIONISM? • Is this model relevant in the schools? • Is this model relevant to media developers? • Mathetic • Heuristics • What is the most important thing to learn from your experience in The Studio?

  4. Bricoluer • Some programmed their space ships as if they had read a book on "structured programming," in the top-down style of work that proceeds through careful planning to organize the work and by making subprocedures for every part under the hierarchical control of a superprocedure. Others seemed to work more like a painter than like this classical model of an engineer's way of doing things. The painter-programmer would put a red blob on the screen and call over her friends (for it was more often, though not always, a girl) to admire the shuttle. After a while someone might say: "But its red, the shuttle is white." "Well, that's the fire!"--came the reply--"Now I'll make the white body." And so the shuttle would grow, taking shape through a kind of negotiation between the programmer and the work in progress.

  5. Question • What is Constructionism?

  6. Can we define constructionism? • Can I tell you what constructionism is? • Can I instruct you about constructionism? • If I am a liar, can I tell you that I am a liar?

  7. Constructionism • “knowledge is not simply transmitted from teacher to student, but actively constructed by the mind of the learner. Children don’t get ideas; they make ideas…(by) making some type of external artifact … which they can reflect on and share with others. Thus, constructionism involves two intertwined types of construction: the construction of knowledge in the context of building personally meaningful artifacts.” Kafai & Resnick p. 1

  8. Constructionism in Schools • Can you do it? • If you can, how?

  9. Constructionism in Media Development • Is this incommensurable? • Can a field called Instructional Technology talk about constructionism? • What is an example of constructionism applied in a media development setting or a B&I setting or a consultation in higher ed context?

  10. Mathetic • The art of learning • The field of inquiry related to the study of learning • The content to be taught to students that includes learning how to think, to learn and to play • Do we really need this word added to the English language?

  11. Question • What are some examples of heuristics?

  12. My Examples • Draw a picture • Search for a pattern • Think of a similar problem • Find a way to represent the problem • Divide problem into smaller problems • Consider extreme cases • Work backwards

  13. Question • What are some examples of mathetics?

  14. Problem Solving and Creativity • Reflection • Incubation • Meditation • “Coffee break”

  15. Papert’s List • Give yourself time • Good discussion of learning, promotes learning • Relate something you are not good at to something that you are good at • Learn things by making connections • Cultivation

  16. Question • What does this chapter say to your learning so far in The Studio? • What is the most important thing to learn from your experience in The Studio?

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