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Unit Three

Unit Three. Happiness. Cultural Background or Related Information There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. Then, what is happiness? Different people may have different opinions

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Unit Three

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  1. Unit Three Happiness

  2. Cultural Background or Related Information • There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in • the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. Then, • what is happiness? Different people may have different opinions • about happiness. In my opinion, happiness is a kind of feelings of • pleasure or satisfaction. It is something that everyone seeks, and • yet few find true happiness. True happiness, first of all, lies in • health. Only a strong man can enjoy happiness. True happiness • comes from hard work. Some people equate happiness with fun. • Fun is what we experience during the act. Happiness is what we • experience after the act. Usually things that lead to happiness • involve some pain. But so many people try to avoid hard work, • which is the source of true happiness.

  3. Wealth has always been something people long for. Most of • them try to get wealth by means of honest labor. But • happiness cannot be bought by money. Some people have • more money than they can ever spend in their lifetime, yet • they are unhappy. Then there are poor people who may not • have enough food to eat, yet they smile and feel content. • Therefore, true happiness lies in contentment and material • things don’t necessarily bring happiness. Some people, who • are materially poor, always smile and feel happy because they • have spiritual happiness — the inner sense of satisfaction and • richness that can not be bought by money.

  4. Part OneListening and Speaking ☆ Listening ☆ Speaking

  5. Listening • Scripts and Keys • Activity 1 COMPOUND DICTATION • Directions: In this part ,you will hear a passage 3 times. • When the passage is read for the first time, you should • listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is • read for the second time, you are required to fill in the • blanks numbered from 1 to 7 with the exact words you • have just heard. For blanks numbered from 8 to 10, you • are required to fill in the missing information. You can either • use the exact words, you have just heard or write down the • main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is • read for the third time, you should check what you have • written.

  6. I felt a little tired after the examination (1) week, so I went shopping to get relaxed last Saturday. I went up to the best shopping center in downtown (2). Actually (3), I can buy nothing there because I’m a poor college student, but I like to go there time and again. Although I buy nothing there, looking at the fashion (4) can also bring me much happiness. • When I got to the gate (5) of the shopping center, I saw a hand-some (6) boy standing there in tears. I went up to him and asked him why he had tears in his eyes. He told me he was five years old and he had lost (7). I told him not to feel so sad because I could help him find his parents or send him back (8).

  7. Then I decided to search for his parents in the shopping center at first. I went into the shopping center with the little boy, walking here and there to look for his parents, but failed (9) . Then, I had to send him back. We took a bus, got a transfer and then walked about half an hour. Finally, I got to his home. When I saw his parents smiling because of getting their son back, I felt greatly relaxed and very happy (10). • Although I had no chance to enjoy the fashion in the shopping center, I walked a lot and spent some money on others, I felt very happy that day, because I helped others in need.

  8. Activity 2 CONVERSATIONS • Directions: In this part you will hear 5 • conversations. Listen carefully and fill in • each of the following blanks with the word • you hear.

  9. Conversation 1 • A: Did you expect (1) to win today? • B: No, to be honest. But I was very lucky. • A: What is the secret for becoming a top-class golfer? • B: Well, I think the secret for becoming a top-class golfer is dedication and lots of practice (2). • A: Would you say that golf is a difficult game? • B: No. But I suppose it depends on one’s talent for playing it.

  10. Conversation 2 • A: What do you want to do when you grow up? • B: Grow taller and meet (3) a lot of new friends. • A: I mean academically. • B: Teachers are nice, but strict. • A: You don’t realize how important (4) it is for a young person to study. • B: Big deal!

  11. Conversation 3 • A: Are there any elevators in your apartment building? • B: Yes, there are two elevators. • A: Is it a tall building? • B: Yes, it is a ten-story (5) one. • A: Which floor do you live on? • B: I live on the fifth (6) floor. • A: Do you always take elevators up to your apartment? • B: Yes, I always do.

  12. Conversation 4 • A: That is all for today. • B: Could you please explain the assignment (7), Mr. Smith? • A: Certainly. Read the next chapter in your textbook and come to class prepare to discuss what you have read. • B: When is the discussion (8)? • A: Next Friday. • B: I see.

  13. Conversation 5 • A: Miss Smith, please look again for those orders from the women’s clothing department (9). We must find them. • B: They’re not with the other orders, sir. They ought to be there, but they’re not. • A: I don’t care where they ought to be. Look everywhere. We simply have to find them. • B: Yes, sir. • A: You should have a better system (10). Then, when you have to find something, you can find it.

  14. Activity 3 PASSAGE • Directions: In this part there is only one • passage. Listen to the passage twice and • complete the answer to each of the • following questions.

  15. Mars is a beautiful planet to look at. It’s very bright when watched from the Earth. With the help of a telescope it looks orange, red and brown. Those are the colors of the rocks. It’s a rocky planet, almost half the size of the Earth, 3390 kilometers across. A day on Mars is about 24 hours and 37 minutes long, and its four seasons are twice as long as those on the Earth. In late spring and early summer, there are terrible dust storms. All year round, in fact, it is a very dusty place. It’s too cold for water and there are high levels of ultraviolet radiation. So there is no life at all on Mars.

  16. BACK • Questions and Answers • 1. Q: What is Mars? • A: Mars is a beautiful planet. • 2. Q: What is the color of Mars? • A: Mars is orange, red and brown. • 3. Q: What is the size of Mars? • A: Mars is almost half the size of the earth. • 4. Q: How long is a day on Mars? • A: It is about 24 hours and 37 minutes long. • 5. Q: What happens in late spring and early summer? • A: There are terrible dust storms.

  17. Speaking • Activity 1 • Samples • —— I’ll listen to music, since music can change my mood. • —— I’ll have a haircut or a bath. In this way I can feel energetic again. • —— I’ll read my favorite novels, and immerse myself in the imaginary world. • —— I’ll go shopping, and use up my money. • —— I’ll keep eating, and make myself full, reluctant to think about anything unhappy. • —— I’ll go to sleep. I believe “Tomorrow will be another day.”.

  18. Activity 2 • Samples • ——When I feel unhappy, I’ll talk with my friends. Even though they can not help me to solve my problem, talking itself is useful. • ——When I have achieved a goal, or made progress in my studies, I’ll tell the news to my parents, and share the happiness with them. • ——I cannot agree more. So it is important to make as many friends as possible. • ——I agree to this saying partly. When I feel happy, I’d like to share the happiness with my friends. However, when I feel sad, I prefer to stay alone. Nobody can help me at that certain moment.

  19. Part TwoReading Text A Text B

  20. Lead-in Activity : Discussion • Samples • 1. • —— Happiness lies, first of all, in health. • —— Happiness consists in the fulfillment of our desires, and in our having only right desires. • —— Happiness is not a goal, but a by-product. • —— Hope itself is a kind of happiness, and perhaps the greatest happiness this world affords. • —— Happiness is a kind of courage.

  21. 2. • —— I’m happy because my parents love me very much. • —— I’m happy because I have the chance to study at this university. • —— I’m happy because I have found a good job with a good salary. • —— I’m not happy because I could not find a job after graduation. • —— I’m not happy because my parents don’t love me as much as they do to love my brother. • —— I’m not happy because I have a lot of homework to do after class.

  22. Reading • Language Focus • 1. I live in the Disney Land with year-round sun. (Para. 1) • year-round是复合形容词,由“名词+形容词”构成,表示“整年的,一年到头的”。如:a year-round resort (一个常年度假胜地)。类似的表达还有:year-end(年终的),year-long(整整一年的),world-famous(闻名世界的),stone-deaf(完全聋的),life-long(终生的),grass-green(草绿色的),blood-thirsty(嗜血成性的),dog-tired(累极了的),home-sick(想家的)。

  23. 2. You may think people in such a charming, fun-filled place are happier than others. (Para. 1) • fun-filled,复合形容词,由“名词+ 过去分词”构成,表示“充满乐趣的”。类似的表达如:book-filled(放满书的),heart-felt(衷心的),home-made(自制的),travel-worn(旅行疲乏的),hen-pecked(怕老婆的)。

  24. 3. If so, you misunderstand the nature of happiness. (Para. 1) • If so为省略句,完整的句子为:If you think so或者If you think that people in such a charming, fun-filled place are happier than others.

  25. 4. Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. (Para. 2) • equate A with B是动词词组,表示“认为A与B相等,A等同于B”。例如: • ◆ It is foolish and unrealistic to equate money with happiness. • 认为金钱等于幸福是愚蠢和不现实的。 • ◆He equates poverty with misery. • 他认为贫穷就是不幸。 • equate还可以和to连用,即equate A to B, 表示 “把A与B等同起来,使A与B相等”。 例如: • ◆You can’t equate the education system of Britain to that of • Germany. • 不能把英国的教育制度与德国的教育制度等同起来.

  26. 5. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. (Para. 2) • that引导的是表语从句,说明truth的内容。that可引导表语从句。 • 例如: • ◆My idea is that we should do it right away. • 我的意见是马上就干。 • ◆Her chief worry was that she lacked experience. • 她的主要忧虑是她缺乏经验。 • have … in common表示“与……有共同之处”的意思。例如: • ◆The two brothers have much in common. • 两兄弟有很多相同之处。

  27. 6. Fun is what we experience during an act. (Para. 2) • what引导的是表语从句。此时的 what相当于“something(先行词)+that(关系代词)”,常译为“所……的”。表语从句通常置于系动词之后。例如: • ◆Being a super film star is what she always dreams about. • 成为超级电影明星一直是她梦寐以求的愿望。 • ◆Water was what he badly needed then. • 当时,他急需的东西就是水。

  28. 7. The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. (Para. 3) • 本句主语是the way,谓语是diminishes。people cling to the belief … 是定语从句,修饰the way ,省略了that / in which。that引导的从句作belief的同位语,解释说明belief的具体内容。that引导同位语从句时为从属连词,只起连接作用,没有具体的词义,不充当句子成分。例如: • ◆We were excited at the news that our team won the game. • 听到我们队获胜的消息,我们感到很兴奋。 • 比较: • ◆The news that he told us was not true. • 他告诉我们的消息是不真实的。

  29. painfree为复合形容词,由“名词+ 形容词”构成,意思是“无痛苦的”,类似的表达还有:fat-free(不含脂肪的),toll-free(不交费的),maintenance-free(无需维修的),dust-free(无尘的),interest-free(无息的),care-free(无忧无虑的)。

  30. equal是动词,表示“等于”。例如: • ◆Three times three equals nine. • 3乘3等于9。 • equal还可作形容词,表示“相等的,同样的,相同的”。例如: • ◆One mile is equal to 1,609 kilometers. • 1英里等于1,609公里。 • ◆Women demand equal pay for equal work. • 妇女要求同工同酬。 • equal也可作名词,表示“相等的事物(或数量),(地位等)相同的人”。例如: • ◆Let x be the equal of y. • 设x等于y。 • ◆He’s my equal in strength. • 他和我力气一样大。

  31. 8. But in fact, the opposite is true- usually, things that lead to happiness involve some pain. (Para. 3) • Opposite意思是“对立面,对立物”。例如: • ◆Black and white are opposites. • 黑和白相反。 • ◆I thought quite the opposite. • 我的想法恰恰相反。 • lead to是固定搭配,表示“导致”。例如: • ◆The event led to the resignation of the President. • 此事件导致了总统的辞职。 • ◆You have to pay great attention to this disease because it • might lead to cancer. • 你得密切注意这个疾病,因为它可能会致癌。

  32. 9. As a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. (Para. 4) • as a result是固定词组,表示“结果”,通常置于句首。例如: • ◆He studied very hard this semester. As a result, he got good • marks in the exam. • 这学期他学习很努力,结果考试取得了好成绩。 • ◆As a result, there is often trouble in American families. • 因此,美国家庭中常常会出现麻烦事。

  33. Avoid表示“避免”,后跟名词或动名词(短语)。例如:Avoid表示“避免”,后跟名词或动名词(短语)。例如: • ◆To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors. • 为避免混淆,两队分穿不同颜色的衣服。 • ◆Are you trying to avoid meeting me? • 你是不是想躲开我? • 句中的very是形容词,表示“正是” ,用来加强语气。例如: • ◆This the very kind of house I’d rather have. • 这正是我想拥有的房子。 • ◆That’s the very thing I’ve been looking for. • 那正是我要找的东西。

  34. 10. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement. (Para. 4) • such … as表示“诸如……之类”,而such as则表示“例如” 。表示相同意思的短语还有for example,for instance。例如: • ◆I don’t like such news as this. • 我不喜欢像这样的新闻。 • ◆They have all kinds of reference books ,such as dictionaries and handbooks. • 他们有各种参考书,如词典、手册等。 • ◆We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. • 我们有不同的派,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓派。 • ◆I know many women who have a career and a family —— Alison for example. • 我知道有许多妇女能事业家庭兼顾——艾莉森就是其中之一。 • ◆Several of his friends came, Ben, Carol and Mike, for instance. • 他的几个朋友来了,比如本、卡罗尔和麦克。

  35. 11. Ask a bachelor who even finds dating to be less and less satisfying why he resists marriage. (Para. 5) • why he resists marriage作ask的直接宾语,who引导的从句作a bachelor的定语。to be less and less satisfying是不定式用作宾语补足语。例如: • ◆He found the patient to be a small boy. • 他发现病人是一个小男孩。 • ◆I found the method to be very practical. • 我发现这个办法很实用。 • less and less表示“越来越少” 。例如: • ◆The noise became less and less. • 声响渐渐小起来了。

  36. 12. Similarly, couples who choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful happiness. (Para. 6) • Choose表示“愿意,选择”。例如: • ◆They chose not to work for him anymore. • 他们不愿再为他干活了。 • decide in favor of sth. / sb.相当于decide to support sth./ sb.,表示“决定支持……”。例如: • ◆After their discussion, I decided in favor of Mr. Li. • 通过他们的讨论,我决定支持李先生。

  37. 13. Couples with infants are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep, let alone a three-day vacation. (Para. 6) • are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep是“be+形容词+不定式短语”结构,不定式短语在句中用作状语。例如: • ◆They were willing t follow her example. • 他们愿意以她为榜样。 • ◆You were foolish to believe what he said. • 你相信他的话真是太傻了。 • let alone是固定词组,表示“更不用说”。例如: • ◆He hasn’t enough money for food, let alone amusements. • 他连吃饭钱都不够,就更不用说玩儿的钱了。 • ◆I don’t know how to skate, let alone taking part in a skating • contest. • 我不会滑冰,更不用说参加滑冰比赛。

  38. 14. But couples who decide not to have children never experience the pleasure of hugging them or tucking them into bed at night. (Para. 7) • of hugging…是动名词短语与介词of一起构成定语。介词可以和动名词短语构成定语。例如: • ◆She had the intention of visiting her home town. • 她有意回家乡看看。 • ◆He had the honor of speaking at the opening ceremony. • 他有幸在开幕式上讲话。 • hugging them or tucking them 是两个并列的动名词短语,由连词or连接。

  39. 15. More difficult endeavors-writing, raising children, getting deep relationship with my wife, and trying to do good in the world-will bring me more happiness than can ever be found in fun, the least permanent of things. (Para. 8) • 破折号后的几个动名词(短语)是对more difficult endeavors的补充说明。本句的谓语是will bring。the least permanent of things在句中作fun的同位语,是对fun作进一步的补充说明。

  40. 16. Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations we can ever come to. (Para. 9) • 本句主语为动名词短语understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun。尽管是两个动名词,但他们表达的是一个整体概念,因此谓语用单数。动名词短语可用作句子的主语。例如: • ◆Collecting stamps is her major interest. • 她的主要兴趣是收集邮票。 • ◆Listening to fairy tales gave me great pleasure when I was a child. • 我小的时候,听童话故事带给我极大的快乐。 • come to是固定搭配,表示“达成”。例如: • ◆The two nations finally came to an understanding. • 两国最终达成了谅解。

  41. 17. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. (Para. 9) • devote … to 是固定搭配,表示“贡献,专心于”。例如: • ◆He devoted all his time to his job. • 他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了。 • ◆He devoted a great sum of money to books. • 他们花了一大笔钱买书。

  42. 18. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those rich and charming people who we were so sure are happy because they are always having so much fun, actually may not be happy at all. (Para. 9) • who引导定语从句,修饰people。we were so sure在此句中是插入语。

  43. 19. The moment we understand that fun does not bring happiness, we begin to lead our lives differently. (Para. 10) • the moment的意思是 “一……就……”。例如: • ◆I found myself in an entirely new world the moment I arrived • in Beijing. • 我一到北京就感到耳目一新。

  44. Translation of Text A • 幸福的秘诀 • 我住在一年四季阳光普照的迪斯尼乐园。你可能会认为生活在如此迷人、 充满乐趣的地方的人会比其他人更幸福 。如果你有这种想法,那么你就误解了幸福的本质。 • 许多聪明的人也会将幸福和享乐等同起来。 实际上,享乐和幸福几乎没有甚至毫无共同之处。 享乐是我们在行动过程中所感受到的,而幸福却是我们在行动过后所体验到的 。幸福是一种更深刻、 更持久的感受。 • 人们坚信,充满欢乐、 没有痛苦的生活就是幸福。 实际上,人们这样理解幸福反而减少了他们获得真正幸福的机会。 如果享乐和休闲就是幸福,那么痛苦就是不幸福。 但事实上,情况正好相反—— 幸福和痛苦往往都是如影随形的 • 结果,许多人逃避那些恰恰能成为真正幸福的源泉的努力 他们害怕结婚、 养育子女、 职业成就、 宗教义务、 公益事业以及自我完善这一类事情所带来的不可避免的痛苦。

  45. 找一个对约会都感到越来越不满意的单身汉,问问他为什么不肯结婚。 如果他够诚实,他会告诉你他害怕作出承诺,因为承诺的确是令人痛苦的。 单身生活充满乐趣、 冒险和刺激。 婚后也有类似体验,但这类体验并非婚姻最显著的标志。 • 同样,决定不要孩子的夫妇宁愿要没有痛苦的欢乐也不愿意要充满痛苦的幸福。 他们可以想什么时候出去吃就什么时候出去吃,想到哪里旅游就到哪里旅游,想多晚睡就多晚睡。 而需要看护婴儿的夫妇会因为能睡一晚好觉而感到幸运无比,更不用说三天假期了。 我不认识任何会选用 “享乐” 这个词来描述他们养儿育女的经历的父母。 • 然而,决定不要孩子的夫妇永远也体验不到抱着孩子或晚上为孩子掖被的乐趣。 他们永远无法体会看着孩子慢慢长大、 和孙儿孙女一起玩耍的乐趣。

  46. 不过这些形式的享乐根本无法增加我的幸福。 更困难的探索,比如写作、 养儿育女、 与夫人保持恩爱关系以及努力为世界做善事,带给我的幸福比短暂的享乐所带来的要多得多。 • 了解并承认真正的幸福与享乐毫不相干最能使我们解放思想。 这样我们就可以腾出时间,把更多的时间用到那些能真正提高幸福感的活动中去;这样,还可以省钱,购买与提高幸福感毫无关系的新车或精致的服装似乎变得毫无意义了;这样还可以使我们不再嫉妒,现在我们明白,我们过去以为那些名人富豪因为总是在享受着无比乐趣,所以一定是幸福的;但实际上也许他们根本就不幸福。 • 当我们明白享乐并不带来幸福时,我们就会以不同的方式开始我们的生活。 其结果是,我们的生活确确实实地发生了变化。

  47. Exercises • Understanding the Text • READING COMPREHENSION • 1. 答案:B。解析:参照课文第二段第二句。 • 2. 答案:C。解析:参照课文第八段第二句。 • 3. 答案:D。解析:参照课文第八段第二句。 • 4. 答案:C。解析:参照课文第五段第四句。 • 5. 答案:A。解析:参照课文第八段第二句。 • 6. 答案:A。解析:参照课文第二段第四句。 • 7. 答案:A。解析:参照课文第二段第三句。 • 8. 答案:C。解析:参照课文第九段和第十段。

  48. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION • Samples: • 1. —— If we understand that fun and happiness have little or nothing in • common, we can have different lives. In this way we can enjoy • our lives better. • 2.—— I felt the happiest when I learned that I was admitted to a key • university. • I felt happiest when I earned my first wage. • I felt happiest when I won the first prize in the Olympic Math • Competition. • I felt happiest when I fell in love with a beautiful girl.

  49. Language Power Building • Word Focus • WORD OUT-CROSSING

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