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African-European Georesources Observation System and Its Role In African Mineral Resources Development. Ketema Tadesse – SEAMIC, Tanzania Moussa Sylla – Ministry of Mines, Senegal Marc URVOIS – BRGM, France. First Meeting of the ACP Ministers In Charge Of The Development of Mining Resources
African-European Georesources Observation System and Its Role In African Mineral Resources Development Ketema Tadesse – SEAMIC, Tanzania Moussa Sylla – Ministry of Mines, Senegal Marc URVOIS –BRGM, France First Meeting of the ACP Ministers In Charge Of TheDevelopment of Mining Resources Brussels – 13-15 December 2010
Has Africa been sufficiently explored for minerals and does the full potential of its minerals been made use of for the benefit of its people? Background • Africa mineral resources potential hosts the largest global mineral resources and deposits except for copper, lead and zinc: • gold 40%, cobalt 60%, PGM reserves 90% • 40% of the world know reserves in bauxite, manganese, vanadium, gold, rhodium and diamond • A unique archive of Africa-related geoscientific data and information exists: • they were acquired by African and European geoscientific organisations; • public, disseminated, partly hard to identify and access; • Several formats, several languages, under various custodianships; • they should be identifiable and accessible thanks to modern IT.
Why AEGOS? • Data realises its full potential and value when made accessible (at affordable cost), used and disseminated. • Developing the knowledge on mineral resources potential benefits to knowledge development on other underground natural resources e.g. groundwater and geothermal energy. • Sustainable use of geology-related resources requires data, information and expertise for informed decision-making. • Web-based Georesources databases are a key factor to base proper land-use planning/ environmental management policies and to attract local/ foreign investment both at large and small scales. • They are essential infrastructures for combining data, knowledge and skills in support of the sustainable development policies. The role of AU, UNECA, RECs, OAGS and the ACP Group of States is essential. • AEGOS scope: • Visibility and accessibility of accurate and reliable public data • Capacity building for qualified human resources • Efficient promotion of the available information on potential resources with appropriate Intellectual Property Right management
Objectives African-European Georesources Observation System • Strengthen the sustainable use of underground resources in Africa bydesigning the SDI for Georesources based on interoperable geoscience data and user-oriented services • Safeguard, share and valorisethe knowledge and data archived in African and European geological surveys • Supportgeoscientific communities and institutional decision-makersfor sustainable development public policies • Elaborate common strategiesfor capacity building and training programmes
ACP – EU initiative in FP7 RTD • Two Phases project • Phase 1(2008-2011) detailed design of a multi-national georesources observation system • Main targets: institutional decision-makers, investors, geoscientific communities and education • 9 Europeangeological surveys • 8 Africancounterparts: geological surveys, ministries of mines, school of mines • 4 Internationalorganisations: EU Commission (Joint Research Centre), CIFEG, UEMOA, SEAMIC • Lessons learnt from past EC & African and French-African Projects e.g. SIGAfrique 2003-2005, Mining Sector Support Programmes in Ghana (2002-2007) and Senegal (2005-2010)
Project team – Advisory Board Consortium of 23 partners Advisors: AUC, UNECA, UNESCO, GSAF, OAGS, GEO, ICSU/ROA, EuroGeoSurveys
Infrastructure components Skilled human resources Charter of partnership Capacity building Training schemes Sustainable funding Intellectual Property Rights management Standards Innovative projects Operational procedures User-oriented services Hardware Software Networks User-oriented products Data sets
AEGOS distributed infrastructure • Metadata on-line • Data (on-line and off-line / e-AEGOS) • Products (on-line and off-line) • Services (customised) • Capacity building
Data and SDI Architecture AEGOS Data Themes 4 main themes:Geology, Mineral resources, Groundwater, Geothermal Energy Resources Complementary data themes:Geophysics, Geochemistry, Boreholes, Elevation model, Topographic maps, Remote sensing data, Administrative boundaries, Land use, Hydrology, etc. Definition of data specifications for the AEGOS Spatial Data Infrastructure, a common Reference Model and metadata profiles Definition of standardised hardware, software, network and other technical components as well as operational procedures required for AEGOS-SDI Identifying a test-case area and relevant data sources and services for interoperability and interdisciplinarity Integration with the other African SDIs developed at national and regional levels
Capacity Building and Training • Identification of the gap between the existing and the required human resources capacity for operating AEGOS • From the responses of 25 questionnaires, only few are up to AEGOS required knowledge level GAP
CAPACITY BUILDING Goals of Capacity Building Activities AEGOSKnowledge Baseline A1 Dissemination of standardised dataand Operational Management Minimum Required Knowledge Baseline A2 Workflow how to prepare data and IT infrastructure for standardised dissemination A3 […]
Capacity Building and Training • Proposing organisation and curricula • Definition of curricula, qualifications and outline of capacity building modules • Definition of the training infrastructure and organisation • Proposed training modules • Basic training– below knowledge baseline • Open source applications (AEGOS supported) • Definition of curricula, qualifications and outline of capacity building modules • Data management (national organisation responsible) • Foundation training– above knowledge baseline • on the job training and basic guidelines on AEGOS basic SDI (AEGOS supported) • Operational training– above AEGOS required level • Data standardisation • Information Technology • Operational management
Defining innovative user-oriented products and services. Areas of interest refined through questionnaires in: Mineral resources Construction raw materials Groundwater Geothermal energy Identification of priority research themes for preparing innovative projects. Potential test-bed projects: IGRAC – groundwater monitoring WAXI – West African Exploration Initiative Beak – geological predictive maps of Ghana GD-SOM-UNZA – transboundary governance maps in Copperbeltof ZAMBIA and CONGO… User-Oriented Products and Services
Sustainability of the “Georesource Observation System” Plan for sustainable Operation of AEGOS organisation Charter of Partnership including Data Sharing Recommendations Definition of the future organisation of the AEGOS network throughout Africa for the commercial aspects to ensure AEGOS sustainability but also for training, data collection, processing and validation Information dissemination and promotion of AEGOS services AEGOS website accessed all around Promotion of AEGOS by all partners in different forums Sustainability of AEGOS
Towards AEGOS Phase 2 AEGOS – Phase 1, 2008-2011 • Infrastructure design and network of contributors Recent and upcoming events: • 5 workshops in Ghana, Senegal and South Africa (October 2010) • Results and Final Conference: Dakar, Senegal (April 2011) AEGOS – Phase 2, 2012-2016 • Extension of the network of involved African countries and RE Communities • All partners to reach the minimum required baselines (equipment, skills) • Infrastructure development and implementation • Training of concerned persons
Results and deliverables at the end of the future Phase 2 • Distributed infrastructure of national multidisciplinary data sets • Internet and satellite-based access to public geoscientific metadata and harmonised data • Operational procedures and open standards to browse interoperable spatial information • User-oriented products and services: customised decision-support systems • Capacity building and training programmes • Permanent network of institutions and geoscientists • Charter of partnership - Intellectual Property Right Management • Funding model for the sustainability of the AEGOS infrastructure “Plan for Sustainable Operation”
Benefits from AEGOS? • Become an active partner in designing and implementing a modern Spatial Data Infrastructure for georesources Africa and relevant capacity building programmes. • Benefit from the strength and efficiency of collective means and actions rather than at individual level. • Facilitate cross-border harmonisation of georesources data within the AEGOS networks of partners • Enhance the capacity to plan and build scenarios to better manage the non-renewable resources wealth in minerals, aggregates and groundwater. • Market investment opportunities in the georesources sector • Improve the governance taking into account the socio-economic factors • Further develop domestic commodities to support the economy and meet the Millennium Development Goals (poverty reduction) • Enhance the level of human capacities through dedicated schemes in information technologies and SDI management
Benefits from AEGOS Participation by New ACP States • ACP countries (79); Africa (48); Caribbean (16); Pacific (15) • African countries: huge minerals, geothermal and groundwater resources • Caribbean: gold, copper rich, potential for geothermal • Pacific: bauxite and alumina, potential for geothermal • Adopt existing AEGOS-SDI and thereby save time and resources • Human Resources development of the new ACP State in areas where knowledge gaps are identified • Georesources institutions in these regions to be equipped with standardised hardware and software capable of running the AEGOS SDI • Facilitate access to the georesources of the new ACP states to potential investors
Customer relations Operative relations Strategic relations Strategic and operative relations Strategic integration of AEGOS African Union Ministers Conference GSAf OAGS Policy Science Infrastructure & Technology Internal needs External relations Training AEGOS core System Products (product sales) External organisation as a Client Member as a client Service Services (sales of services) Public Relation Projects (project acquisition) Commercial/Semi commercial AEGOS Partners & Members AEGOS Charter Partnership
Preparing AEGOS Phase 2: present context and opportunities • Africa-EU Strategic partnerships, including “Science, Information Society and Space” (Lisbon, 2007) • Action plans (1st on going / 2nd adopted at the 3rd Africa-EU Summit in Tripoli, Nov. 2010) • AU-EU college-to-college meeting in June 2010, Addis Ababa: • with participation of the Regional Economic Communities • Bilateral cooperation on raw materials • AUC “African Mining Vision 2050” (adopted Feb. 2009) • EC “Raw Material Initiative” (Communications Nov. 2008 & Nov. 2010) • Three subjects including Geological knowledge and Skills • Phase 2 of AEGOS organisation is the natural follow-up of the bilateral-funded geoscientific projects and EU-funded Mining Sector Support Programmes.
Preparing AEGOS Phase 2: present context and opportunities • AEGOS corresponds to the AMV 2050 ST Action 8 “Increase the level and quality of resource potential data”. • AUC “African Mining Vision 2050” (adopted by AU head of states on Feb. 2009) • Different from past African plans by specifically clearing barriers to advance AMV (HR development, Infrastructure improvement, inclusive of the private sector, the academia, improve the quality of the business environment which all complement AEGOS objectives) • AEGOS 2 implementation will therefore strengthen the shared vision through: • Transparent and optimal exploitation of mineral resources, • Assist broad based sustainable growth, • Improve governance that would reflect on mineral resources development, • Improve the socio-economic development of Africa arising from the mineral development.
Preparing AEGOS Phase 2: Way Forward for Short Term Implementation • ACP Countries to develop public, harmonised and interoperable geoscientific information systems to support the geoscientific communities and institutional decision-makers for sustainable development public policies. • AEGOS is identified as a “practical example” which is technically possible to implement as an actual example of the AU-EU joint strategies in information systems. • AEGOS design Phase 1 (2008-2011) should be turned into an implementation Phase 2 (2012-2016), at ACP scale, with appropriate funding (10th EDF?) as part of the AU-EU partnership for the sustainable development of non-renewable underground natural resources.
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