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Coding Trends 2024: What NIET Students Need to Know

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Coding Trends 2024: What NIET Students Need to Know

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  1. Coding Trends 2024: What NIET Students Need to Know Every task your machine or computer does results from the coding commands. So, isn’t it evident that you must know about the latest coding trends in 2024? This is especially important for the NIET students who have to work with codes across every field during their respective courses. Understanding the Coding Trends of 2024 Coding never goes out of fashion, and it is nothing different this year. All engineering students and professionals must know them to excel in the industry. So, have you come across the coding trends of the year yet? If not, we have curated it for you below: AI and ML Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning act as powerhouses that drive innovation across various fields. It is also expected that the demand for developers skilled in developing AI- powered applications and ML models will increase over time. That is why students from the top computer engineering colleges in Greater Noida must know about these technologies. Web 3.0 and Blockchain These come under the category of decentralized technologies that have also gained traction over the years. This has created opportunities in several areas, such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and Web 3.0 development. So, NIET students who study in one of the best colleges for B.Tech CSE in Indiamust learn about blockchain fundamentals and other relevant programming languages. Low Code or No Code Platforms These platforms allow non-technical individuals to build the most basic applications easily by democratizing software development processes. Low code and no code platforms cater to specific needs and improve efficiency without replacing the work of programmers. Microservices Architecture It involves breaking down applications into independent and small services for a more agile and scalable system. Students from the top computer engineering colleges in Greater Noida

  2. can expect continued adoption of microservices architecture because of its flexibility and resilience. Edge Computing It involves processing data closer to the source. Hence, edge computing involves optimizing performance and reducing latency for real-time IoT and autonomous systems applications. Python Over the years, Python has maintained its dominance as the most trending coding technology. Versatile, has easy syntax, and has an extensive library system. NIET students must know the applications associated with Python. Examples include data science, machine learning, and web development. Full-Stack Development Students who choose full-stack development can handle both front-end and back-end development processes. That is why such professionals who master React, Node.js, JavaScript, and Python are sought after by top companies worldwide. DevOps It is a collaborative approach that emphasizes communication and automation. These elements usually happen between development and operations teams. That is why its associated tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and GitLab are in high demand at present. NIET is one of the best colleges for B.Tech CSE in India that teaches its students the importance of such coding trends. Final Thoughts Students who pursue computer engineering must know the latest coding trends. It helps them attain knowledge of the same field and excel in their respective careers. Interested individuals can seek admission to the institute in Computer Science courses to understand such elements further. So, why wait? Get ready to seek admission to NIET if you are curious about the latest coding trends of 2024 and beyond. Source Url: https://medium.com/@niet.greaternoidancr/coding-trends-2024-what-niet-students- need-to-know-b47a5af9253d

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