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The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning – Update on Recent Developments. ReferNet Meeting 22 January 2009. Overview. EQF: Purpose and Structure Legislative process Implementation National Co-ordination Points EQF Advisory Board EQF Web Platform
The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning – Update on Recent Developments ReferNet Meeting 22 January 2009
Overview EQF: Purpose and Structure Legislative process Implementation National Co-ordination Points EQF Advisory Board EQF Web Platform EQF and Bologna Framework Conclusion
EQF: Purpose and Structure Proposal for a European Qualifications Framework launched by the European Commission in September 2006 Recommendation outlines the establishment of an overarching framework to facilitate comparison of qualifications and qualifications levels in order to promote geographical and labour market mobility in order to promote Lifelong Learning The core of EQF consists of 8 qualifications levels described through learning outcomes: knowledge, skill and competence EQF represents a new approach to European co-operation in the field of qualifications
2 1 2 4 3 5 6 9 7 5 3 6 4 8 1 1 8 7 6 4 2 3 5 Country A EQF Country B Qualifications (A) Qualifications (B)
EQF adopted by the European Parliament and Council in December 2007 Formal signing of documentation took place in April 2008 EQF Launch Conference 3-4 June 2008 Implementation process has now commenced EQF: Legislative process and implementation I
Implementation of EQF a voluntary process: countries who choose to do so will implement EQF in 2 stages Referencing national qualifications levels to EQF by 2010 Referencing EQF in all new certificates, diplomas and Europass documents by 2012 EQF: Legislative process and implementation II
Timeline is to allow for development of national qualifications frameworks in most member states Ireland, of course, has a Framework and will, along with the UK, move towards speedier implementation Referencing processes well advanced in Scotland, and England/Northern Ireland Commencing now in Wales EQF: Legislative process and implementation III
Implementation: National Co-ordination Points NCPs are to be appointed by member states to support and guide relationship between national qualifications systems and EQF Qualifications Authority designated as Irish NCP Will be responsible for: co-ordinating referencing of Irish Framework levels to EQF, using a transparent methodology providing access to information and guidance to stakeholders on referencing process promoting participation of stakeholders in referencing process
Implementation at European level will be overseen by EQF Advisory Group – first meeting held 13/14 March 2008 Composed of representatives of member states and involving social partners and other stakeholders as appropriate Qualifications Authority representing Ireland on EQF Advisory Group Implementation: EQF Advisory Group I
Advisory Group responsible for: Providing overall coherence and promoting transparency of the process of relating qualifications systems to EQF Sub-group has produced criteria and procedures for referencing national frameworks and qualifications levels to EQF (Qualifications Authority participated) Other issues/policy areas being explored include: quality assurance, particularly in relation to certification how sectoral qualifications might relate to EQF; the external dimension of EQF (relationship with other geographical areas) the EQF Web platform Implementation: EQF Advisory Group II
Implementation: EQF Web platform Prototype web platform under development Issue around whether it will serve primarily as a technical communication tool for the National Coordination Points or as an information point for European citizens on EQF matters more generally Advisory Group is establishing a Steering Committee to look at this issue and procedures and protocols for populating the web platform – Qualifications Authority participating It appears web platform will, initially, provide information on types of qualifications and on the referencing processes of national systems to EQF
Similarities and overlaps Overarching frameworks Cover broad scope of learning Designed to improve transparency Support Lifelong Learning and mobility Associated with quality assurance Employ concept of ‘best fit’ for relating national qualification levels to the overarching framework Developed out of different political processes: Bologna and Copenhagen/Lisbon Recognised at an early stage that two Frameworks needed to be compatible EQF and Bologna Framework I
Compatibility asserted in European Commission’s recommendation on EQF Also through co-operation between Council of Europe and Commission through EQF Advisory Board and Bologna Framework Co-ordination Group Clear cross-referencing exists at Levels 5-8 (EQF) and cycles 1-3 (Bologna Framework) EQF and Bologna Framework II
Ireland has verified the compatibility of its National Framework to the Bologna Framework (2006) Referencing of NFQ levels 6-10 to EQF levels 5-8 may be deemed to be completed on the basis of this verification and the assertion of compatibility in the EQF Recommendation of EQF levels 5-8 to the Bologna Framework Short-cycle and Cycles 1-3 Referencing Process: technical comparison of the NFQ and EQF level descriptors will be undertaken across all levels EQF and Bologna Framework IV
Irish Referencing process now commencing Will conduct process using EQF Advisory Group criteria and procedures Communications with stakeholders to be significant part of process Aim to complete referencing process by Summer 2009 Conclusion