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Nila Akhter
's Uploads
94 Uploads
Implications of terrorism/farmers-herders conflicts on small-scale maize farmers
14 vues
Genetic structure of Rastrococcus invadens populations on citrus in Senegal
21 vues
Detergents and degreasers toxicity on Escherichia coli in marine water
12 vues
Misconceptions in biology among high school science teachers in Siargao Islands
22 vues
Assessment of solid waste management awareness and practices among junior high
27 vues
A survey on consumption behaviour of indigenous food: An experience from Guwahat
17 vues
Effect of three types of compost on agromorphological parameters of field-grown
16 vues
Mangrove conservation and utilization in Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines
17 vues
Wound healing potency of Scratch assay and MTT assay on whole plant methanol
12 vues
Toxicity evaluation of coconut oil extracted with switchable hydrophilicity
12 vues
Seed germination and seedling performance of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) varietie
10 vues
The processing and preservation of biogas by utilizing cow manure
18 vues
Utilization of N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine in coconut oil extraction
11 vues
The diversity of aquatic insects in Assam, North-East India: A Review
7 vues
Visual deficiency symptoms of Parashorea and Hopea species seedlings as affected
9 vues
Isolation of phosphate solubilizing fungi from vegetable rhizosphere
18 vues
A microcontroller based flour processing machine for Coconut
12 vues
Residential property price forecasting model for Central Pangasinan, Philippines
14 vues
Empowering sustainability: The impact of student engagement in Cacao planting for waste reduction and environmental awar
11 vues
Examining the impact of socio-economic development programs on hotel employee
27 vues
A machine learning prediction of the fisheries production in the Philippines using WEKA
14 vues
Production systems, land cover change and soil factors affecting pasture production in semi-arid Nakasongola
18 vues
Assessment of enterovirus contamination in vegetable samples in Morocco by reverse transcription Nested-PCR
11 vues
Yield quality response (YQR) of pepper under variable water application using micro-sprinkler system
7 vues
The nutritional and mycoflora changes during storage of groundnut (Arachis hypogea)
13 vues
Fresh leaf yield and flowering responses of Brassica juncea varieties to varying nitrogen levels
19 vues
Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) allelopathy responses to soil moisture and phosphorus stresses
26 vues
Evaluation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) cultivars for dry season production in the Southern Guinea Savanna
14 vues
Production systems, land cover change and soil factors affecting pasture production in semi-arid Nakasongola
6 vues
Evaluation of symbiotic effectiveness and size of resident Rhizobium leguminosarum var. viciae nodulating lentil (Lens c
23 vues
Field evaluation of compost extracts for suppression of Fusarium wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. Lyco
23 vues
Effect of blending speed on efficiency and consistency of a grains drink processing machine
17 vues
Productivity of wheat/faba bean intercropping systems in response to sulphur fertilization and seed rate under contrasti
19 vues
Effects of different sowing date and the combined effects of sowing date and seed rates on the performance of wheat (Tri
21 vues
Microbiological and toxicological qualities of the water of watering used in urban agriculture at Cotonou (Republic of B
26 vues
Inheritance of phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity of dehulled seeds in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.)
16 vues
Evaluation of cotton waste, paper waste and jatropha cake for culture of Pleurotus sajor-caju under different pasteuriza
22 vues
Determination of yield and yield components of gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) grown in dry conditions
16 vues
Diallel crosses of genetic enhancement for seed yield components and resistance to leaf miner and aphid infestations of
14 vues
Nutritive value and mycoflora of sun dried cocoyam chips during storage
26 vues