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RCMS for XDaq based small DAQ Systems M. Gulmini, M. Gaetano, N. Toniolo, S. Ventura, L. Zangrando INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. UI. Internet Intranet. RCMS. UI. UI. RCMS: definition. The R un C ontrol M onitor S ystem is defined as the software required to:
RCMS for XDaq based small DAQ Systems M. Gulmini, M. Gaetano, N. Toniolo, S. Ventura, L. Zangrando INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
UI Internet Intranet RCMS UI UI RCMS: definition • The Run Control Monitor System is defined as the software required to: • configure and set the CMS apparatus ( partitions or whole system) • control and synchronize operation of the separate components • monitor the separate components • handle errors and information messages • log continuously the current state of the experiment • provide a user interface for both control and monitor • The RCMS architecture enables the users to access and control the experiment from any part of the world
UI UI UI Session Manager Services RCMS Services Services Connection EVB Ctrl TRG Ctrl CS Ctrl DCS Ctrl EVF Ctrl EVM BUs RUs Mu Cal Glbl EVF Sub-System TRG Sub-System EVB Sub-System DCS Sub - System CS Sub - System RCMS context
GUI Security service db db db Resource service Session Manager Info & Mon s. Job Control Problem Solver Sub-System Controllers Sub-System Controllers services resources resources resources RCMS: block diagram RCMS Services Connection
GUI RCMS Security service db db db Resource service Session Manager Info & Mon s. Job Control Sub-SystemControllers Problem Solver services resources RCMS status Services Connection
Services Servlet container APACHE TOMCAT Session Manager Sub-System Controllers Tools: APACHE TOMCAT Java client C++ client HTML client
Services Servlet container APACHE TOMCAT Session Manager XML / HTTP XML / HTTP Sub-System Controllers XML / HTTP Tools: XML as communication protocol Java client XML / HTTP C++ client XML / HTTP HTML client
Services Session Manager Sub-System Controllers Sub-System Controllers Sub-System Controllers Sub-System Controllers Scalability: multiple containers allocated in different server machines Internet - Intranet Session Manager Servlet container
Tools: XML Database XML databases represent a new technology that surpass the traditional data storage mechanism in convenience, ease of development. The benefit of a XML DB solution is that: • we don't have to worry about mapping our XML to some other data structure. We just insert the data as XML and retrieve it as XML. • we gain a lot of flexibility through the semi-structured nature of XML. This is especially valuable when we have very complex XML structures that would be difficult or impossible to map to a more structured database. Disadvantage: the performances are not good Characteristics: • XML data is either stored in the internal native XML-DB or an external RDBMS • The server is accessible through easy to use HTTP and XML-RPC interfaces and supports the XML:DB API for Java programming. • the search engine supports XPath queries. Links: http://www.xmldb.org – http://exist.sourceforge.net – http://www.ozone-db.org - http://xml.apache.org/xindice/
GUI GUI Session Manager services Sub-System Controllers Sub-System Controller resources resources RCMS: logical view Def. run session: hardware and software needed to operate a physic or test run with the whole or a partition of CMS apparatus run session A run session is composed by all or some sub-systems and, inside a given sub-system, by a selected partition of its resources
GUI GUI Session Manager Session Manager services Sub-System Controller A Sub-System Controller A resources resources Run session concurrency and services shared The are shared Partition 1 Partition 2 run session 1 run session 2 Multiple run session may coexist and run concurrently. Every activated run session has the own Session Manager that is in charge to coordinate the specific run session.
Security Service Resource Service Sub-System Controller Sub-System Controller Sub-System Controller Resources Run Session: example 1 • The user makes login and receives own profile • The user requires to RS the session list • Session activation or session join • The user send commands ( start, stop, etc ) loginprofile 2 session list? GUI session list 3 start active session Session Manager 4 start start start partition
GUI Every SSC receives commands from the SM and dispatches them to its own DAQ resources XML Session Manager XML XML XML Sub-System Controller Sub-System Controller Function Manager XDAQ adapter The FM is a function engine receiving requests from a SM and transforming them in the proper requests of actions to be sent to the sub-system resource XML XDAQ rs. Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Function Manager and XDAQ adapter
xdaq RS Protocol XML XDaq Protocol xdaq adapter cmd+ RS object SOAP message command-engine cmd + xdaq DOM node XDAQ Adapter: block diagram • A XML protocol adapter has been developed to be included in the Function Manager to convert on the flight the Resource Service Protocol into XDAQ Protocol xdaq adapter commands: clear, configure, enable, halt, reset, resume, suspend
Function Manager xdaq xdaq xdaq Resource Service xdaq adapter command-engine XDAQ Adapter - Function Manager Session’s list GUI Session Session manager Partition
FSM XML definition Java implementation Resource Service Function Manager FSM FSM FSM FSM download def. + impl. XML definition XML definition XML definition XML definition Java implementation Java implementation Java implementation Java implementation Finite State Machine (FSM) • Function Managers have a built in FSM to track the status of the related controlled components. The FSM is composed of a XML definition and a Java class implementation reppresenting the actions to be performed. • Both definition and implementation are managed by the Resource Service
Security Service Resource Service FSM XML definition Java implementation XDAQ adapter XDAQ rs. SM-FM implementation Java XML XML Java XML GUI XML Java Session Manager XML The XDAQ adapter implements every command defined in the State Machine Java State Machine XDAQ adapter
SM IMS status change msg FM FM error msg Information and Monitor Service (IMS) • The IMS collects all the information comming from any DAQ resources or RCMS internal components and stores them in the logDB database. • The informations are cataloged in: • Messages (error, generic, resource status change) • Monitor
msg id source id info type time stamp specific fields IMS: information structure • time stamp (T):when the message/monitor information has been generated • information type (IType):error, generic, status change, monitor • msg id (MId):Message/Monitor Identification (Id) • source id (SId):the source of the information identified univocally by the session, sub-syste, partition, software application and hardware board • specific fields (SFields)whose definition is according to the information type • errors (severity level {none, severe, fatal, abort}, description) • generic (description) • resource status change (status definition) • monitor (these fields are defined according to theapplication to monitor and to the parameters to acquire. These fields could contain values, tables, histograms, event dumps)
msg msg IMS prototype: Messages (Error, Warning Generic) Message Logger (DB) Client Subscriber Message Filtering and Dispatcher State logger Resource Status Change Monitor - History DB Monitor Info Error Statistics Error Statistics System State Display Monitor Systems Error Statistics Alarm Display IMS subscriber 1 • Filter • Engine • XPath based subscriber n message queue DB
RCMS prototype status • done: • Resource Service with Security Service • Session Manager • Function Manager (with XDaq adapter) • To be done (before April 2002): • IMS with at least logger and book keeping functionality • GUI • Integration with small daq systems (test beam)
UI SM FM FM RCMS for small DAQ system demonstrators PC1 • A single java servlet container has been used, but all the RCMS components comunicate by XML documents over http also if they are in the same container PC2 Tomcat XDAQ resources PC4 PC3
Next Step: web services • We want to increase the system’s scalability using multiple containers (e.g. one container per service) allocated in different server machines. • We need a service locator (network DNS) , as the services will be dislocate over the network. Web Service tecnology can be used for that. Service 1 Tomcat 1 Service 1 UDDI client WSDL Service n Tomcat 2 • Clients looking for services, query first the UDDI server to discover the location of the service and then access to it • The single servlet container describes the services they offer by means of the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and then publish it to the Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registries
Web Services products suitable for our application • Java Web Service Developer Pack (WSDP) • UDDI • WSDL • TomCat • SilverStream • Oracle Java Developer Package • Etc.
Conclusions • A RCMS prototype to be integrated in small daq systems (test beams, validation chamber, etc.) will be soon ready (April 2002). • Most of the RCMS components have been developed and tested. • A first implementation of the IMS (Information and monitor service) will be delivered in the next few weeks. • A new RCMS prototype targeted to test the scalability of the system and based on the web service technology is expected for June.