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Nisha Janitorial Services offers reliable, efficient commercial and residential cleaning in Toronto and its near by areas. We are award winner for our Services.
Nisha Janitorial Services www.nishajanitorialservices.com
Why Choose Nisha Janitorial Services? • We OfferCustomizedMethods toFit Your Requirements We willcome toyour residencewhen it isconvenientfor you, create aplanthat worksfor yourproperty, and provide you withexpertcleaningservices. • Professional, SecureCleaningServices We arelicensed and insuredfor addedpeace of mind. Nobodywillstepfooton yourpropertywithout getting abackground checkandtrainingbyourmanagerialstaff. • We ProvideEverything Youdon’t have tosupplyuswithanycleaningmaterialsortools. Ourmaidsbringeverythingrequired toget the job done - includingpowerwashingmaterials, cleansers, sponges, gloves, vacuums, etc. Also, all of ourcleanersare eco-friendly.
FlexibleSchedulingAvailable We knowthat you have abusy timetable, which is whywe offerflexibleschedulingfor ourresidential and commercialcleaningservices. • We Offera Variety ofCleaningServices Our team doesn’t justoffer asinglecleaningservice. We haveadditionalservicesthat includecarpet cleaning, windowwashingand even move-out cleaning. • If you havea specialcleaningconcern, let us knowand we willtake care ofit.
Services • Industrial and Commercial Cleaning
Contact Us Nisha Janitorial Services Add: 1701 – 3275 Sheppard Ave. E. Scarborough, ON M1T 3P1 Contact Person: T. SrivathsanTel #: 416.951.9504 (24hrs.)Email:nishajanitorialservices@live.ca