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9. Specify Product. specification :. what the product has to do. not how this should be done. in measurable terms. Toothpaste. just for fun. Customer Needs. Specifications. Why?. specifications. set precise targets for development. allow comparison with competition.
9 Specify Product specification: what the product has to do not how this should be done in measurable terms
Toothpaste just for fun
Specifications. Why? specifications set precise targets for development allow comparison with competition allow evaluation of success / failure give confidence for market success help resolve trade-offs in design
Metric and Value each specification consists of a metric and a value yield stress 200 Pa product specifications: the collection of specifications other names: product requirements, engineering characteristics...
How to Specify list of needs list of metrics benchmark revise ideal / marginal metrics specifications initially: the hopes of the team
List of Metrics (1) to show how well a product satisfies customer needs consider each need in turn which properties to describe it? these give the metrics preferably one metric per need often not possible preferably a measure that the designer can influence metrics must be practical metrics must cover market requirements
List of Metrics (2) unit metric number importance need numbers need(s) metric name 1 1 pleasant smell aroma subj 1 stays on brush 3 7 yield stress Pa 1 leaves tube slowly 6 4 viscosity Pa∙s 2 11 15 removes tartar tartar rem RDA 2 sales price 20 12 price € 1 no abrasion 23 14 abrasion RDA 1 no gas evolution 24 24 no gas y/n 1 storage temperature store temp 25 25 oC 1 Radioactive Dental Abrasion: a toothpaste standard
Matrix of Needs and Metrics metrics needs gives an impression whether the metrics are adequate
Benchmark where you stand compared to the competition satisfaction of needs by competitors requires customer testing: expensive! listing metrics of competing products from product catalogues or own measurements - fairly simple - much work
Competition F B C D E F E D C B A A
Benchmark Needs need description im-portance need number scores own competitors 1 pleasant smell 1 stays on brush 7 1 leaves tube slowly 4 2 15 removes tartar 2 sales price 12 1 no abrasion 14 1
Benchmark Metrics metric number importance need numbers unit metrics own competitors metric name 1 1 aroma 1 subj 34 27 3 7 yield stress 1 Pa 9.1 7.0 6 4 viscosity 2 Pa∙s 1900 600 11 15 tartar removal 2 RDA 20 12 price 1 € 1.98 1.20 23 14 abrasion 1 RDA 1900 600
Ideal and Marginal Metrics using: experience and technical knowledge of own team benchmarking - needs benchmarking - metrics give each metric of your product an ideal value the best you could hope for a marginal value what is just acceptable these set your 'design space' still only guesses and hopes
List of Specifications metric number importance marginal value unit need numbers ideal value metric name 1 1 aroma 1 subj 10..40 20..30 3 7 yield stress 1 Pa 5..10 6..8 6 4 viscosity 2 Pa∙s 11 15 tartar removal 2 RDA 800 2000 < 1.40 < 1.20 20 12 price 1 € 500 800 23 14 abrasion 1 RDA
Revise Specifications find customer needs set target specs technical using models revise create concepts cost select concept protect concept phase 2
Technical Models values of metrics (simulated) viscosity composition model of paste water content (numerical) maximum water content for different solid fillers yield stress water content particle content mass density yield stress cleaning model of paste wear on teeth enamel (physical) pigment volume scrub to 1 mm depth mass density particle content begin with simple models
Cost Models these contain: list of components materials cost with high and low estimates processing cost assembly cost investment overhead they yield effects on cost of : first model needs refining and updating design changes manufacturing changes
Competitive Map estimated manufacturing cost, € 3 competitor 1 2 marginal values 1 2 competitor 4 ideal values competitor 3 0 40 80 120 an important metric
Reflect is our product a winner? if not, either improve or stop is the concept best for the chosen market? if it is very good, aim for a more profitable market should we start developing better models? useful for later in this project further projects
Summary list of needs list of metrics benchmark your product must be better revise ideal / marginal metrics specification concepts