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Mochamad Untung Kurnia Agung, S.Kel. moch_untung@yahoo.co.id. LC 50 (Lethal Concentration) : SEBUAH PENDEKATAN DALAM UJI TOKSISITAS KUANTITATIF. Departement of Fisheries Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Padjadjaran 2008. What does LC50 mean?
Mochamad Untung Kurnia Agung, S.Kel. moch_untung@yahoo.co.id LC50 (Lethal Concentration) :SEBUAH PENDEKATAN DALAM UJI TOKSISITAS KUANTITATIF Departement of Fisheries Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Padjadjaran 2008
What does LC50 mean? LC stands for "Lethal Concentration". LC values usually refer to the concentration of a chemical in air but in environmental studies it can also mean the concentration of a chemical in water (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety/ CCOHS 2005) Suatu bahan kimia dinyatakan berkemampuan toksik akut bila aksi langsungnya mampu membunuh 50% atau lebih populasi uji dalam selang waktu yang pendek, misal 24 jam, 48 jam s/d 14 hari (Meyer et.al. 1982)
How does Probit Equation correlate with LC50? NilaiProbitdaripersentasemortalitashewanujimerupakanfungsi linear : Y = a + bx Nilai LC50-24 diperolehdari anti log m (mmerupakanlogaritmakonsentrasiklorinpadaY = 5/ nilaiProbit 50% hewanuji) m = 5 – a b b = ∑ XY – 1/ n (∑ X ∑Y) ∑ X2 – 1/ n (∑ X)2 a = 1/ n (∑Y – b ∑ X)
What should we prepare to run LC50? • OrganismeUji (Artemia, Dhapnia) • KonsentrasiUji (I,ii,ii µg/mL) Berseri • Format Tabulasi Data - Tabel Data Kelompok - Tabel Data Kelas - TabelRekapProbit
How to run a series of Dilution? Please take attention carefully!!!
V1.N1 = V2.N2 x.1000 = 100.100 PA H PS 1000 µg/mL Diambil 10 mL + 99 mL medium Larutan Stock @ 100 µg/mL sebanyak 100 mL
V1.N1 = V2.N2 x.100 = 10.10 100 µg/mL Diambil 1 mL + 9 mL medium Larutan Stock V1.N1 = V2.N2 x.10 = 10.1 10 µg/mL Diambil 1 mL + 9 mL medium 10 -1 1 µg/mL V1.N1 = V2.N2 x.1 10. (0,1) Diambil 1 mL+ 9 mL medium 10 -2 0,1 µgL 10 -3