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Welcome to the Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Lab. SPRING 2014. Agenda. Introductions Course Information Student Responsibilities Lab SAPs. Instructor Information. Instructor: Liena Murdoch Phone: 786-1222 E-mail: omurdoch@uaa.alaska.edu Office: CPSB 302N Office Hours:
Welcome to the Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Lab SPRING 2014
Agenda Introductions Course Information Student Responsibilities Lab SAPs
Instructor Information • Instructor: Liena Murdoch • Phone: 786-1222 • E-mail: omurdoch@uaa.alaska.edu • Office: CPSB 302N • Office Hours: • Mondays: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm • Tuesdays: 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm • Thursdays: 2:30 pm – 4:30 am • Fridays: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Instructor Information • Instructor: Debora Summers • Phone: 786-1257 • E-mail: dmsummers@uaa.alaska.edu • Office: CPSB 302P • Office Hours: • TBA
Course Description In this course you will become familiar with introductory organic and biochemical laboratory techniques as well as reinforce lecture concepts through hands-on activities and experiments.
Prerequisites Chem 103 or Chem 105 with a grade of C or better. Chem 104 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment. Chem 103L or Chem 105L with a grade of C or better.
Course Requirements • Blackboard Access • UAA E-mail Account • Chemistry Department Website • Indirectly vented, splash-proof goggles (ANSI standard Z87.1-2003 or Z87+) • Laboratory coat • Textbooks • Required: Custom edition Bettelheim lab manual, available from the campus bookstore • Optional: Any General, Organic, & Biochemistry text as required by your lecture instructor.
Blackboard Access http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/classes/
UAA E-mail Account http://www.alaska.edu/google/
Chemistry Department Website http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/chemistry/labs/index.cfm
Student Responsibilities • Preparation • Tardy Policy • Attendance Policy • Excused labs • Unexcused labs • Assignments and Due Dates • Homework • Pre-labs • Reports • Post-labs • Research Paper / Presentation • Late Work • Equipment • Safety • Classroom • Campus • Online
Attendance Policy Attend all labs for full credit. Miss no more than 2 excused labs OR 2 unexcused labs OR 1 excused lab and 1 unexcused lab. Miss more and you will be dropped from the lab roster. You will see an “F” on your transcript if...
Excused Labs May be made up if time and space allows the SAME week. Fill out a Missed Lab form. Talk to your instructor. A written excuse from your employer, doctor, etc… is required. If the lab cannot be made up, your missed grade will be averaged or exempted.
Examples of Excused Labs You bring a note to your instructor from your physician stating that you were an inpatient during the time you should have been in lab. You produce a note from your employer AND a copy of your itinerary to prove that you are traveling out of town / state on business.
Unexcused Labs May NOT be made up. Will earn you a grade of “0”. Fill out a Missed Lab form.
Examples of Unexcused Labs • You slept through your alarm and missed lab. • You decide to go on an early vacation. • You decide to go watch a movie instead of attending lab.
Assignments and Deadlines • Grade breakdown: • Assignments are worth 50% of your overall grade (equally weighted) • 1 research paper is worth 10% of your overall grade • 1 midterm is worth 20% of your overall grade • 1 final is worth 20% of your overall grade • Assignments: • Homework • Pre-lab questions • Reports • Post-lab questions • Research Paper / Presentation • The class is curved as a whole at the end of the semester if the class average falls below 70%. • All assignments will count toward your overall grade. • None of your lab grades will be dropped. • There will be no extra-credit work in this course. • Academic dishonesty will earn you an F.
Class Procedure Don your lab coat before entering the lab. Sign in on the class roster. Place backpacks and winter coats in cubbies. Your lab manual, goggles, and writing utensils should be taken to your station. Don’t place anything on the fume hood surface! Participate in the pre-lab lecture. Clean your fume hood surface if necessary. Perform your experiment, clean glassware, return equipment to the proper locations. Complete your report and turn it in by the stated deadline.
Homework Download Nomenclature 1 & 2 from Blackboard after class today. Nomenclature 1 – Online Component is due ________ Nomenclature 1 – Drawing Component is due _______
Research Paper / Presentation Worth 10 % of your grade Includes discussion board or wiki Topic is due ________ Paper / discussion board or wiki is due _______
Next Week Martin Luther King Jr. Day – no classes! Work on the Nomenclature Assignments!
Chemistry Department Teaching Laboratory Safety Agreement and Procedures (SAPs)
The chemistry department SAPs are in place to minimize health and safety risks. Any person in violation of these protocols shall face administrative action.
General Procedures • Anybody who wishes to perform any course work in a chemistry lab shall first receive the proper safety training (CHP and SAPs overviewed). • Pets are not allowed in the CPSB. • Chemicals, equipment, cultures, specimens and other university property may not be removed from the premises without the expressed written consent of the laboratory manager. http://www.layoutcodez.net/facebook/pets/
Laboratory Safety • Keep labs clean and orderly. • The number of students permitted to each lab shall never exceed the number of stations available in the laboratory. • Children, friends, and visitors are not allowed in laboratories without the expressed written permission of the laboratory coordinator and notification of the laboratory manager and Department Chair. • Horseplay and unauthorized experiments are strictly forbidden. http://cheezburger.com/TemplateView.aspx?ciid=4902675
Laboratory Safety • If an experiment has special safety considerations not covered in these SAPs, the instructor of the class and the lab manual shall instruct students explicitly on how to safely perform the experiment and appropriately discard waste. • Wipe spills immediately. • If the spill involves hazardous materials notify your instructor immediately. • Inform classmates of the spill and make sure that they avoid the area.
Laboratory Safety Deposit waste in the appropriate receptacles. • Glass should be disposed of in glass disposal boxes only. • Hazardous chemicals should be disposed of in special, labeled waste containers in the fume hood(s). • Non-toxic, non-hazardous aqueous solutions with a pH between 6 and 8 should be disposed of down the drain only if permitted under all current applicable EPA, CDC, NIH, DEC, and MOA regulations and policies. Solutions with a pH below 6 and above 8 should go in a waste container. • Regular paper waste should be disposed of in a regular garbage bin only. • Where available, recyclable paper only should be discarded in recycling bins.
Laboratory Safety Injuries or incidents should be reported to the lab instructor immediately. Incident report forms shall be filled out by the injured party and lab instructor and filed with the chemical hygiene officer for any and all incidents and injuries.
Student Health Center • Health care is free for students taking 6 or more credits. • If you are involved in an incident in lab, your instructor may suggest that you visit the student health center before continuing with lab. http://www.eyesafety.4ursafety.com/eye-safety-articles.html
Laboratory Safety Know where all safety equipment is located and how they function. These are to remain clear of obstructions at all times. Your instructor will point each of these out to you. • Gloves • Safety shower • Eyewash basin • Fire extinguisher • Fire blanket • Fume hoods • First aid kit • Glass disposal boxes • MSDS binder • Phone
Laboratory Safety • All exits are clearly marked and should be unobstructed at all times. • Your instructor will go over the emergency escape route for this lab. • In the advent of a visible fire or the sound of a building fire alarm, everybody should remain calm. • Follow your instructor’s directions for evacuating the building. http://www.securityworldnews.com/2011/02/17/the-importance-of-having-a-proper-exit-plan-in-your-workplace/ http://www.itsoftmedia.com/category/economy/page/2
Laboratory Safety • In the event of an earthquake, everybody should remain calm, get under a bench or stand against an inside wall. • Do not stand in a doorway or against windows. • Follow the instructor’s verbal directions regarding any building evacuation once the shaking stops. http://www.in.gov/dhs/3729.htm
Laboratory Safety During a building evacuation if time and safety permits: • Shut off all electrical devices • Stop any chemical procedures • Gather personal belongings • Calmly proceed to exit the building via the nearest and safest exit • Do not use the elevators • Once outside, stay at least 50 to 100 feet from any buildings • Do not leave your class evacuation assembly point until your instructor has personally accounted for every one in your class. http://www.cfdsolution.com/firesafetymanagement.htm
Personal Safety • Never enter any teaching laboratory without the presence and / or permission of your lab instructor. • Consult with your healthcare provider if you have any special medical conditions or any other medical concerns while participating in lab exercises. • Voluntarily inform your instructor of any relevant medical conditions that could pose a safety hazard to yourself or others. http://www.herc.org/news/ehp/miller.html
Personal Safety • Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly forbidden in laboratories. • Any visible food / drink container shall be discarded in a garbage bin. Gum and mints are considered food items. • Food and beverage containers may not be left outside laboratory doors as they pose a trip and slip hazard. http://chemistry.about.com/od/healthsafety/ig/Laboratory-Safety-Signs/Do-Not-Eat-or-Drink-Sign.htm
Personal Safety • Appropriate attire is required in all laboratories at all times. Your instructor will elaborate. • Long hair must be tied back. Keep it out of your eyes and out of your chemicals! • OSHA recommends strongly against wearing contact lenses in lab. Notify your instructor at the beginning of each lab if you are wearing contact lenses. Research chemical incompatibility! • Remove dangling jewelry and watches / bracelets from your person before entering the lab. Protect rings from chemical contact. • The application of any and all make-up, including lip balm and ChapStick®, is strictly prohibited in laboratories. http://cooksafe.dumgal.gov.uk/GetReadyForCookSafe/getready_34.htm http://blog.asiantown.net/-/2707/mr-t--treat-your-mother-right.aspx http://uncrate.com/stuff/gap-original-shorts/
Personal Safety • Specific procedures must be fully read and understood prior to coming to lab. • Know the properties of your chemicals. • All hazardous characteristics of chemicals should be known prior to lab. • These may be found in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each chemical and / or the lab manual.
Personal Safety • Persons should wash their hands with soap and water upon entering and before leaving the laboratory. • Never start an experiment before your instructor gives you permission to do so. http://foodcourtlunch.com/?p=2757
Personal Safety The appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn by all persons in the laboratory. This includes indirectly vented, splash proof goggles, lab coats / aprons and non-permeable gloves. Your instructor will discuss proper lab coat handling with you. The fume hood should be used anytime hazardous chemicals are present. Wear goggles whenever glassware and / or chemicals are out.
Personal Safety • Plan the use of appropriate glassware. • Always use the smallest container feasible. • Always use the smallest amount of a given chemical. • Never pour directly from a very large container into a very small container. • Always add acid to water, never the reverse. http://www.dermaamin.com/site/atlas-of-dermatology/3-c/256-chemical-cauterization-.html http://caretheskin.com/what-is-chemical-burn
Personal Safety • Never intentionally inhale or ingest any chemicals • If you get any chemicals on your skin, rinse the exposed areas with copious amounts of water unless otherwise indicated by your instructor / MSDS / SDS. • A major spill on your person will require use of a safety shower. You should get into the shower as soon as possible, and as soon as possible begin to remove all clothing. Do not let modesty prevent you from taking the appropriate safety measures. • If you get a chemical in your eye, you should flush it out for a minimum of 15 minutes at the eyewash basin. If you are wearing contacts, you should remove them as soon as possible after an initial rinsing. • Follow your instructor’s directions. http://www.medicine.uottawa.ca/ehss-spe/eng/accidents.html http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/lungphotos.htm
Personal Safety • All powered equipment in the chemistry laboratory pose a risk of electrical shock. • Hotplates pose a burn hazard. http://www.wktv.com/news/crime-reports/otsego/911-conspiracy-film-producer-in-NY-drug-arrest-114931424.html • Individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others by being under the influence of any drug, inhibiting medication or who become violent or threatening will be removed from any laboratory by UAA University Police.
Personal Safety • The use of cell phones, i-pods, blue tooth devices etc. while in attendance of any laboratory class is prohibited, except when calling in an emergency. When making an emergency call the call takers will need to know: a. Your name and location (building, room number, building address) b. The nature of your emergency c. Type and severity of injuries d. The suspect description and direction of travel (if applicable) • All cell phones should be placed in the silent or vibration mode and be kept in a pocket, purse or backpack. • If you receive a call notifying you of a family or medical emergency, calmly tell your instructor and leave the room to continue the call.
Laboratory Etiquette • Sign the attendance sheet as soon as possible after entering the lab. • Bench tops and isles should be kept free of clutter. • Place personal items, coats, and non-relevant books in a cubby. • Work areas / lab benches should be cleaned before and after bench work.
Laboratory Etiquette • Faulty or inoperative equipment should be reported to your instructor immediately. • Never contaminate equipment or solutions unnecessarily. • Keep all cabinets and drawers closed when not in use to avoid catching and bumping hazards. http://www.notesintoimages.com/2011/12/five-things-you-need-to-do-to-become.html