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WP1 Requirements and State of the Art. Requirements Update Wolfgang Herzner, AIT. WP1 Requirements and State of the Art – Objectives. General Identification of requirements of the industrial demonstrators to be covered during testing, including demonstrator background → D1.1a / Month 6
WP1Requirements and State of the Art Requirements Update Wolfgang Herzner, AIT
WP1 Requirements and State of the Art – Objectives • General • Identification of requirements of the industrial demonstrators to be covered during testing, including demonstrator background→ D1.1a / Month 6 • State of the art survey • MBTCG (Model-Based Test-Case Generation) • Tool integration framework • Partner know-how about modelling, framework development, testing and TCG techniques • D1.2 / Month 6 • 2nd Reporting Period • Update ofD1.1to consider issues identified during its use and interpretation
WP1 Requirements and State of the Art – Progress D1.1b completed at M18 5 parts (as D1.1a) – Introduction and 1 part per demonstratorpartner (TRSS, Prolan, FFA, Re:Lab) withspecialfocus on Clarification: to reduce ambiguities and unclear statements Requirements identification: unique identifier for traceability Testability: phrasing requirements such that they can be tested Completeness: including all requirements which should be tested Demonstrator outline: all relevant information about the targeted demonstrators, including background hints for TCG and test application.
WP1 Requirements and State of the Art – Deviations FFA-demonstrator(s) In additionto SAC (Steering-Anti Catchup), a furtherdemonstrationapplicationhasbeenadded: CAS (Car Alarm System) Reason: The technology SAC was based upon a future project that now plays a minor part in the current company strategy, while CAS is in the actual vehicle serial production. Consequences: FFA-partof D1.1b hasbeenupdated after M18 somewhatmoredemonstrationeffort (mostlyby FFA) with CAS a basic, fairly simple demonstrator model isavailable, whichisusedforfirsttests nooveralldelayofprojectwork
WP1 Requirements and State of the Art – Planning WP1 terminatedwith M18 → nofurtherplanning