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Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors

Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors. FP420 MANCHESTER - DECEMBER 2006. Benoît Florins , Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors. FP420 Connection cryostat  OK Cryogenic aspects  OK Pocket, Motorisation  This afternoon.

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Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors FP420 MANCHESTER - DECEMBER 2006 Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  2. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors FP420 Connection cryostat  OK Cryogenic aspects  OK Pocket, Motorisation  This afternoon NOW  Some preliminary pictures to show you how it could be using available cryostat pre-design (phase 2) Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  3. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors ATM BPM Line X Bus Bar Cryostat Vacuum Space BPM QRL Fixed Beampipe ? ATM Pockets Transport side Vacuum Space Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  4. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors Implantation dans cryostat: ATM Fixed BPM Pocket Vacuum Space Fixed Beampipe Motors Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  5. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors Pocket Bellow Fixed Beampipe Motor Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  6. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors Silicium Cerenkov Silicium Pocket Bellow Fixed Beampipe Motor Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  7. Integration of the moving beampipe and detectors Summary & Outlook: • Details of installation need to be discussed: • Installation of moving pipe into cryostat before transport to LHC, with full tests and pre-alignments • Final alignement at LHC with detectors inside Radiation Dose Rate: Choice of equipment (motors, encoders, …) Radiation Schielding  DETLEF SWOBODA Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  8. Mimmo’s Presentation: • Detectors in Cryostat • Silicium Detector Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

  9. Rough draft of Detectors Boxes on Monobloc NCC • If structural stability will be compatible with general detectors positioning requirement, connecting beams can act as well as detector interface. • Otherwise an independent detector support structure can be integrated on this NCC layout.

  10. Draft proposal of Si detectors mounting on box cap and reference system

  11. Transverse and longitudinal view Carbon bearing and synthetics balls fixed on detector frame. Components act both as reference system and thermal insulator. Cooling feedthroughs Electrical feedthroughs Carbon bearing system Synthetics ruby balls • Conical seat • Flat seat • V groove seat

  12. THANKS Benoît Florins, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Guido Ryckewaert

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