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Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant Illustrations by: Sucie Stevenson. What can we discover by exploring nature?. Day 1 Warm-Up. We can learn about animals everywhere in the world. We can learn how stars move in the sky. What else can we discover exploring nature?.
Henry and Mudge and the Starry Nightby Cynthia RylantIllustrations by: Sucie Stevenson What can we discover by exploring nature?
Day 1 Warm-Up We can learn about animals everywhere in the world. We can learn how stars move in the sky. What else can we discover exploring nature?
Day 1 Warm-Up • Did Iris and Walter explore nature? • What do you think Iris and Walter discovered? • What have astronauts discovered by exploring nature?
Day 1 Amazing Words Galaxy A galaxy is a huge group of stars. Earth and the sun are part of a big galaxy. On a clear night you can see a galaxy of stars. Scientist say there are lots of galaxies besides the one we are in.
Day 1 Amazing Words Tranquil Tranquil is how you feel when you are very calm and peaceful. Looking at the stars makes me feel tranquil. A warm summer night seems tranquil. What is something that makes you feel tranquil.
Day 1 Amazing Words Wildlife Animals and plants that live wild outdoors are called wildlife. There are many kinds of wildlife in the forest. We saw many kinds of wildlife when we went camping. The word wildlife is a compound word, a word made up of 2 smaller words- wild and life.
Tranquil Night • What type of wildlife would you find in your neighborhood? • How would you travel to a galaxy, and what would you see? • What time of day do you feel the most tranquil?
Phonics: Consonant Blends back wing • Both of these words end with two consonants that stand for one sound. • Today we’ll learn about consonant letter whose sounds are blended together in words. • When we read these words, we don’t say the individual sounds, we blend the sounds together to make new sounds.
Let’s make some words Begin with the word raft. Add a c to the beginning. What is the new word? Craft Change ft to mp. What is the new word? Cramp Change cr to st. What is the new word? stamp
Let’s make some words Change mp to nd. What is the new word? stand Change st to br. What is the new word? brand Change r to l and the a to o. What is the new word? blond
Can you read these word? • Dwell • Jump • Mask • Plug • Smile • Strong • Scrub • spring • Scrape • Split • Stink • track • Stung • Flex • drank
Building Background • Let’s look at pages 68 and 69. Tell me what you see here. • Do you see a nighttime sky and several different animals? • What do you think these animals have in common? • What about all the stars in the background? Have you ever see so many stars where you live?
Build Background • Describe the background photograph using the word galaxy. • How would you spend a tranquil evening? • Which pictures show wildlife that live where you live? • What can we discover by exploring nature? • What other things do you think we can discover by exploring nature?
Character and Setting • Characters are the people or animals in stories • Authors describe their characters. They tell what the characters look like, how they act, and how they think. • They also tell about the setting or where the story takes place. • Knowing about characters and setting can help a reader better understand a story.
Just a Little Patience • Angie is a character in this story. • As I read, I look for clues that tell me what she is like. She is excited about seeing animals and impatient when she and her father don’t see any right away. • I also look for clues about the setting. The characters are hiking in a forest and by the sea, so those places are the setting.
Just a Little Patience • What is Angie’s father like? • How are Angie and her father alike and different? • What are some things that tell you what the setting is?
Iris and Walter • Who are the main characters in this story? • What is Iris like? • What is Walter like? • What is the setting of the story? • When you read ANY story, you should identify the characters and setting in the story and pay attention to what the characters are like.
Day 1 Wrap-Up • Band, street, fist, and clean are all words that contain consonant blends. • All of your spelling words this week contain consonant blends. • Who did we say were the characters in Iris and Walter? • When and where did the story take place? • Tomorrow we will read about a family that explores nature by going camping.
Day 2 Warm-Up Today we will read about a boy and his dog who explore nature on a camping trip. What do people do when they camp?
Day 2 Amazing Words Underneath If you put a book under you chair, you can say the book is underneath your chair. My socks are underneath my pajamas in the top drawer. In my lunchbox I have an apple underneath my sandwich.
In the Forest • What time of year do you think the antlers of the bull moose fall off? • What makes you think so? • How do some new ferns grow? • Why do you think the ermie changes its coat from dark in the summer to white in the winter? • What is one thing the bark of a birch tree has been used for?
Consonant Blends Mask This word contains the consonant blend sk. Let’s practice reading some words with consonant blends!
Consonant Blends Twin Strict Pest Crept Brisk Plant Plump Crust Space Soling Stress Close
Nature’s Creatures Can you find words with consonant blends in our song today? Creatures flock crows Black Bluebird screeching Gray croaking Frogs snakes stretched
Consonant Blends • Let’s sort some words with consonant blends.
Character and Setting • Reminder: Characters are the people or animals in a story. • Authors describe the characters and tell how they look, how they act, and what kind of people they are. • Setting is when and where the story takes place • As you read, ask yourself who the characters are in the story and where the story takes place.
Monitor and Fix-Up • Sometimes when you are reading, you may have questions. • When that happens, you should keep reading to see if you can discover the answers. • Do you keep reading when you come to a word or phrase you don’t know? • When you can’t figure out what is happening in the story, do you read on to understand?
Building Background What do all of these things have in common with one another? What are some other things you might need if you were to go camping?
Build Background • In the story we are about to read, a boy named Henry and his dog, Mudge, go camping with Henry’s parents. • We’ll find out what they take when they go camping on a tranquil night underneath the stars.
High Frequency Words • Let’s look at page 70 and 71. • These are not words that you can blend easily so they are words you just have to know how to read. • Let’s see if you can read some other high frequency words
High Frequency Words • About • Bear • Beautiful • Build • Couldn’t • Father • good • Green • Home • Love • Mother • Pulling • Saw • straight
Selection Words • Shivered- shook with fear • Drooled- let saliva run from the mouth • Lanterns- lights inside containers that can be carried • Snuggled- cuddled together
Let’s Talk about Henry and Mudge • How is sleeping in a tent different from sleeping when you’re at home? How is it the same? • Why do you think the author put those three little dots in the last sentence? • Would you like to go camping like Henry, Mudge, and Henry’s parent’s did? Why or why not? • If Henry and Mudge camped in the desert, how would the story change?
Day 2 Wrap-Up My mother and father took me camping. I was afraid we would see a bear. I couldn’t believe that my mom could build a fire. We went straight home after we camped. Remember that when you have a problem understanding a word or what’s happening in the story, sometimes you can figure it out by reading on. Tomorrow we’ll hear about forest animals.
Day 3 Warm-Up There are many things to learn about the forest. Some animals and plants look different close-up and far away. What else can we discover by exploring nature in the forest?
In the Forest • Remember that in many non-fiction books, you will find a glossary- a dictionary of words that are in the book, listed in alphabetical order.
Day 3 Amazing Words Identify When you identify something, you tell what it is. The tags on a dogs collar identify the dog’s owner. I put my name on my lunchbox to identify it.
In the Forest • How could you identify a bull moose? • How can a male moth identify a female moth? • What else do you think you might learn by exploring nature in the forest?
Long Vowel Review Begin with the word mine Change the i to a. What is the new word? Mane Change the m to l. What is the new word? Lane Change the a to o. What is the new word? lone
Long Vowel Review Change the l to t. What is the new word? tone Change the o to u. What is the new word? tune Change the tu to fi. What is the new word? fine
High Frequency Word Practice One day a baby ____ cub wanted to climb a tree. “I’d ___ to climb up, but I’m afraid I’ll slip and fall,” said the cub. His ___ said she had a great idea. “Why don’t you ask your ____ to make a ladder?” she said. “You can even help him ___ it. Then you can climb ____ up the tree in no time!” “No, I ____, “ cried the cub. “I will get hurt.” “You will never know what you can do until you try” mother bear said gently. • Bear • Build • Couldn’t • Father • Mother • love • straight
Vocabulary: Synonyms • Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning. • Little and small are example of synonyms. • Let’s look at the words loud and giggled on page 79. • What would be a synonym for loud? • What would be a synonym for giggled? • What about for shivered, lanterns, and snuggled?
Day 3 Wrap-Up • Who are the characters in the story? • What is the setting of the story? • Tomorrow we will read about some people who think stars make pictures in the night sky.
Day 4 Warm-Up How do stars make pictures in the sky? You can see some star pictures during autumn and some others before the fall season.
Insects Are My Life • How did Henry and Mudge explore nature? • Let’s read about a girl who explores nature, specifically she likes to explore bugs.
Day 4 Amazing Words Detective A detective is a person who tries to solve a mystery or figure out a problem You are a word detective when you figure out what a word means. A police detective figures out who is responsible for a crime The word detect means to discover or find out.
Day 4 Amazing Words Fascinating Something that is fascinating is very interesting We read about a girl who found insects fascinating. I read a fascinating book about elephants.