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Golden Rules Our ‘Golden Rules’ are:. BEHAVIOUR
Golden Rules Our ‘Golden Rules’ are:
BEHAVIOUR The school’s approach to behaviour recognises how important it is to praise those children who keep the ‘Golden Rules’ and who work hard to produce their best. Rewards, privileges and opportunities are given to these children. In class, we also reward children who demonstrate: - Good sitting - Good listening - Good looking - Good thinking
The Merit System We reward children who follow the ‘Golden Rules’ using the merit system. Each child has started this year with a bronze merit card which has spaces for forty merit stickers. When any adult notices a child following the ‘Golden Rules’, they will issue a merit sticker which is then stuck onto their merit card. When a child completes their bronze merit card they: Are presented with a ‘Bronze Merit Star’ wrist band which allows them two days access to the ‘Reward Zone’. The ‘Reward Zone’ is a special area for children to play in at break time. Are given a silver merit card to begin to complete.
The children work towards the silver card and then move onto their gold card. The rewards for these are: Silver 60 merits 5 days access to the ‘Reward Zone’ Gold 80 merits An invitation to our end-of-term day out.
Special Mentions We reward children who learn well and produce good quality work by awarding them with a ‘Special Mention’ certificate in an assembly each Monday. These are the rewards for earning ‘Special Mention’ certificates: 3 certificates = Token to spend in the school shop. The shop will be open each Friday and run by the School Council. 9 certificates = Special t-shirt awarded in the ‘Special Mention’ assembly. The t-shirt can be worn as school uniform after being awarded. 18 certificates = ‘Golden Shield’ to be presented in a ‘Special Mention’ assembly by the Head Teacher. Parents to be invited to attend.
The Tick System There is also a clear system of sanctions that are applied when behaviour falls below that which is expected. We use the tick system to remind the children of the importance of following our ‘Golden Rules’. STEP 1 Verbal warning. ‘Golden Rules’ reminder. Name on the board. STEP 2 One tick. Send to year group partner for five minutes. STEP 3 Two ticks. Send to year group partner for the rest of the session. STEP 4 Three ticks. Refer to LMT member. FRESH START AFTER STEP 4
Detentions Unfortunately children’s behaviour can fall well below what is expected and detentions can be issued as a result. In detentions, children will be given the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and to set targets for improvement.
By the end of the year we are aiming for children to be able to: • Punctuate their writing using full stops, capital letters, exclamation, question and speech marks. • Use commas in a list and to separate clauses in sentences. • Read and write a range of different texts in a variety of genres e.g. stories, poetry, reports, myths & legends, instructions and letters. • Identify verbs and adjectives. • Spell words HFL from appendix in NLS and word families e.g. -le endings, -ing endings. • Practise new spellings using ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ strategy.
Bythe end of the year we are aiming for children to: • Know by heart the 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x tables and their division facts. • Know a written method for all number operations. • Know and use relevant mathematical vocabulary
English Science ICT
SEAL Social and Emotional, Aspects of Learning TERM 1 New beginnings TERM 2 Getting on and falling out Say no to bullying (to be done during anti-bullying week) TERM 3 Going for goals TERM 4 Good to be me TERM 5 Relationships TERM 6 Changes
REGULAR EVENTS PE: Tuesday and Wednesday please note: these days may be subject to change so children should have their PE kits in school every day. Please bring appropriate kit (named). Jewellery should not be worn on these days – ear rings should be studs only please and need to be taped for PE activities. Reading In Year 3 children will take part in guided reading sessions which develop reading strategies and inference and deduction skills. This session will be led by the Teacher or Teaching Assistant. Individual reading will be for those children who need extra practise and support. All children will be encouraged to read on a daily basis at school or at home, but may not be heard by an adult.
Spellings From Term 2 the children will be given differentiated spellings to learn as part of their weekly homework. Homework In Year 3 we encourage children to become independent by doing some learning at home. This will always consolidate previous class work. Reading with an adult for all ages each day at home is important, we encourage this as frequently as is manageable. Children will receive one or two pieces of homework each week. They will vary between the following: English , mathematics, occasional topic work, occasional un-finished work, research. These are sent home on a Friday and are expected to be returned by Wednesday.
For each school day we expect our children to come ready to learn by: • Bringing book bag. • Homework books. • Reading records (daily). • . • Reading books (daily). • Water bottles (named). • Bring fruit/vegetable for break times or money for the healthy tuck shop. • Being on time – school starts at 9.00 a.m. • (register closes at 9.10 a.m.) • Appropriate dress for weather conditions.
Thank you very much for coming this evening we hope that all the information was useful and we look forward to seeing you again! Mrs Delaney and Mrs Wood