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Summary of Day 1 . Image: http://ocsld.brookesblogs.net/2012/02/09/another-successful-bid-openline/. Zeynep Varoglu , ICT in Education Programme Specialist, CI Sector, UNESCO. Summary Day 1. HIGH LEVEL SESSION ON OER IN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA
Summary of Day 1 Image: http://ocsld.brookesblogs.net/2012/02/09/another-successful-bid-openline/ ZeynepVaroglu, ICT in Education Programme Specialist, CI Sector, UNESCO
Summary Day 1 HIGH LEVEL SESSION ON OER IN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA Moderated by: Mr. Indrajit BANERJEE, UNESCO • Mr Angelo VANHONI, Chamber of Deputies, Brazil • Ms Milena DAMYANOVA, Deputy Minister of Education, Bulgaria • Mr Igor OSTROWSKI, Vice-Minister of Administration and Digital Affairs, Poland • Mr David PORTER, Executive Director, BC Campus, Canada • Mr Hal PLOTKIN, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Under Secretary of Education, USA
Europe and Latin America • OER part of a largermovementlinked to access to knowledge • Knowledgeis a collective social good. • Introduction of legislation • Discussion of importance of content and teaching in relation to infrastructure • Links/differencesbetween practice and policy. • Transforming the opportunities of OER to realitiesat the policylevel
HIGH LEVEL SESSION ON OER IN THE ARAB STATES AND ASIA AND THE PACIFIC • Moderated by: Mr Dendev BADARCH, UNESCO Moscow Office • H.E. Dr. Samira AL MOOSA, Permanent Delegate of Oman to UNESCO will provide a contribution of H.E. Dr. Madiha AL SHAIBANI, Minister of Education, Sultanate of Oman • Letuimanu’asinaDr Emma KRUSE VA'AI, Deputy Vice Chancellor, National University of Samoa, Samoa • DrChul-kyun KIM, President, Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS), Korea
Asia and the Pacific & The Arab States • Challenges of smallisland states and theirsimilarities to challenges of larger countries - VUSSC experience • Korea’s Smart Education and Digital Textbook initiative • Importance of rational use of resources for the creation of commonlyused courses.
SUMMARY OF THE 6 REGIONAL OER POLICY FORUMS Moderated by: Sir John DANIEL, Project Director and MsStamenka UVALIĆ-TRUMBIĆ, Senior Consultant 1. 24-26 January 2012 - Anglophone Caribbean - Barbados 2. 21-22 February 2012 - Africa - Pretoria, South Africa 3. 28-29 March 2012 - Latin America - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 4. 17 April 2012 - Europe and North America - Cambridge, UK 5. 23-24 April 2012 - Asia and the Pacific - Bangkok, Thailand 6. 7-8 May 2012 - Arab States - Muscat, Oman
PANEL DISCUSSION 1: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR OERModerator: Mr Joshua MALLET, Ministry of Education, Ghana
-Mr Dirk Van Damme, CERI, OECD- Dr Sounaglo OUEDRAOGO, OIF- Mr Magnus MALNES, European Students Union, Belgium - MsEdith MORAES, Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay - Dr. Mansoor AL AWAR, HamdanBin Mohammed e-University, United Arab Emirates - Prof. Guido Langouche, International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, Netherlands
Debate: Issues and Challenges • Policy making, need for evidencebasedresearch in OER • Importance of the role of Students in OER discussions • Need to ensure local content (beforeitstoolate!!) • Innovativeprojects – CEIBAL • Quality assurance issues
Discussion • Reforming regulatoryframework to accomodate OER • Going back to business models – no suchthing as a free lunch, but someauthors live off meansotherthantheirpublishedworks… • OER changingknowledge structure/way of sharing knowledge • Redefining the role of the learner and the teacher
PANEL DISCUSSION 2: GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES ON THE PARIS DECLARATION ON OERModerator: Mr Janis KARKLINS, Assistant Director General, Sector for Communication and Information, UNESCO - Hon. MsMariama ALI, Minister of Education, Niger - Mr Xavier Prats MONNE, Deputy Director-General, DG EAC, Belgium - MsMojca ŠKRINJAR, State Secretary Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Slovenia
The question thatechoedthrough the room……... Are OERs fixing a problem or a new way to learn??
Panel 2 • IGOsshouldbuild on eachother’sstrengths • EU Commission making a hugeinvestment in ED in future workplans • Development of E- materials – discussion of the E –Ecosystem.. • Importance of Private/Public partnerships for meeting the challenges of the digital divide
Thank you Image: http://anulik.edublogs.org/2010/11/22/skype-conferance-based-on-oer/