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*YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES*. Objective: I can prepare for the Unit 3 test Vocab /Ideas: Ir + a - ar verbs Weather Querer Gusta Saber Writing using all topics (review) Listening comprehension (review) Vámonos : My mother is short Her cousin is interesting I have 5 people in my family

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Presentation Transcript

  1. *YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES* • Objective: • I can prepare for the Unit 3 test • Vocab/Ideas: • Ir + a • -ar verbs • Weather • Querer • Gusta • Saber • Writing using all topics (review) • Listening comprehension (review) • Vámonos: • My mother is short • Her cousin is interesting • I have 5 people in my family • Our sister has long, blonde hair

  2. 8th Grade Unit 3 Review Day 3

  3. Grammar Constructions • [Expression of frequency] + Present tense verb • Cuando [Weather expression] + Present tense verb • [Ir] + a + [infinitive] • [Querer] + [infinitive] • [Me, Te, Le, Nos, Les] + [gusta/gustan] + [infinitive] • [Saber] + [infinitive]

  4. Writing • I will be passing out a handout with review information and a writing task. • On the front of the page you will fill in the chart with the appropriate forms of the verbs. • On the back you will be writing sentences using the grammar constructions. • You will have 15 minutes to complete the handout. • We will then share our best sentences with the class.

  5. Listening Comprehension • We will be listening to a set of questions from the CD. • Record your answers to each question. • You will hear each selection twice.

  6. Listening Comprehension • CD 2, TR 7, P 62 • Listen to Mari and Josué as they talk about the festival. Decide if the following statements are cierto or falso. • A Mari y a Josué les gusta la fiesta. • A Juan no le gusta la fiesta porque no le gusta la comida. • A Ana y a Silvia no les gusta la música. • A los amigos de Mari les gusta la música. • CD 3, TR 1, P 84 • Choose the most logical description based on the sentences you hear. • Es (extrovertido/ tímido) • Es (muyactivo/perezoso) • Es (trabajador/ perezoso) • Son (atléticos/ intelectuales) • Es (activa/ seria) • Son (divertidas/ serias)

  7. Listening Comprehension • CD 3, TR 6, P 97 • Complete the sentences based on what you hear. • La estudiante se llama (Susana Parra/ Alicia Hernández) • Los jueves le gusta (ir a la casa de amigas/ trabajar) • Susana va al cine (los sábados y domingos/ los lunes) • Los sábados, Susana va a (nadar/ patinar) • Los domingos, a Susana le gusta (leer, tocar el piano) • A susana (le gusta/ no le gusta) bailar • CD 3, TR 10, P 109 • Marta is interviewing students for an article for her journalism class. Listen to her interview with Paco. List the days of the week and write what Paco does during the week.

  8. Tarea • Write a reflection about the writing you did today. • Make sure to include: • What was good about your writing • What you need to improve with your writing • One thing someone else used in their writing that you liked • The most important thing you need to remember when writing for the test.

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