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Grids in CYFRONET. CYFRONET Academic Computer Centre of the AGH University of Science and Technology. Marian Bubak Zofia Mosurska Michał Turała. Very Short History. Established in 1973 as an i ndependent, non-profit organization .
Grids in CYFRONET CYFRONET Academic Computer Centre of the AGH Universityof Science and Technology Marian Bubak Zofia Mosurska Michał Turała Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Very Short History • Established in 1973 as an independent, non-profitorganization. • In 1999 it became a separateunit of the University of Science and Technology in Krakow. • Main goal is to provide the universities and research institutions with: • computing power combined with a wide range of scientific software • communication infrastructure and network services • CYFRONET is also engaged in numerous important projects, both domestic and international. • Strong collaboration with • Institute of Computer Science AGH • Institute of Nuclear Physics Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005 *
ftp server news server WWW server klaster sieciowy user server mail server WWW server HP N4000 Sun Store ATL 2640 HP Superdome 6*IBM X345 HP RP7410 SunFire 6800 SGI Onyx300 Claster PC SGI 2800 Computer Resources MAN 10 Gb/s GEANT 10 Gb/s PIONIER Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
WORLD EUROPE ACC CYFRONET Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Metropolitan Area Network of the City of Krakow CYFRONET serves as the operator of the Cracow academic MAN, providing connectivity and services to academic institutions dispersed throughout the city via a fiber-optic network several dozen kilometers in length. The Centre functions as the main network node in southern Poland. • 70 km of fiber-optic links • Spans the entire metropolitan area of Cracow • Links universities, research centers, government institutions, • 155Mbps ATM backbone (expandable to 622Mbps) • Linked to POL-34 (622 Mbps) Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Conferences organized by Cyfronet The 8th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing (17-21 IX 1996) The 6th Annual European Convex Users Conference (18-21 X 1994) Infofestival ’96 „Informatyka dla Nauki” (12-15 XI 1996) High Performace Computing on Hewlett-Packard Systems (5-8 XI 1997) High Performance Computing in Europe on IBM Platforms (8-11 IX 1996) SGI Users’ Conference (11-14 X 2000) Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Conferences organized by Cyfronet(contd.) 3rd IFIP Conference on Distributed Applicatios and Interoperable Systems (17-19 X 2001) The 2nd Cracow Grid Workshop 11-14 XII 2002 The 1st Cracow Grid Workshop 5-6 XI 2001 Seminar: Sun Application Tuning 18-20 II 2003 The 1st EU CrossGrid Conference (18-20 III 2002) Perimeter, Server and Desktop Security Solutions of WatchGuard Technologies(2 IV 2003) Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Conferences organized by Cyfronet(contd.) The 4th Cracow Grid Workshp 13-15 XII 2004 E-health in Common Europe 5-6 VI 2003 E-health in Common Europe 17-18 XII 2004 The 3nd Cracow Grid Workshop 27 – 29 XI 2003 The 7th Conference on Software Engineering (KKIO)18-21 X 2005 International Conferenceon Computational Science7 – 9 VI 2004 The 5th Cracow Grid Workshp 20-23 XI 2005 Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
SEMINARS • They are held weekly or bi-weekly, • mainly for CYFRONET’s Users • Supercomputing and Networking (for many years) • CracowGrid Seminar (since 2002) Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
National Projects The Cracow Telemedicine Centre (where CYFRONET is one of the principal partners) has performed research in different telemedicine fields for years, helping many hospitals and health centres secure better medical services. The Centre has had many achievements in the development and implementation of IT solutions for different projects sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Science, as well as by EU 5FP. MAN PIONIER:Polish Optical Internet -Advanced Applications, Services and Technologies for Information Society. PIONIER program has triggered many supporting activities, (such as e-Polska, Wrota Polski, etc.) aiming at building the base mechanisms of information society and providing Poland for equal partnership opportunities with other countries. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
National Projects (contd.) High Performance Computing and Visualization with the SGI Grid for Virtual Laboratory Applications - the SGI Grid project aims to design and implement: MAN • state-of-the-art, broadband services for remote access to expensive laboratory equipment • backup computational center • remote data-visualization serviceThese services will be based on the national HPC infrastructure and advanced visualization. PROGRESS stands for Polish Research On GRid Environment for Sun Servers. It started as a grant co-financed by the Polish State Committee for Scientifc Research and Sun Microsystems Poland. The grant involved three research institutions: Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH and Technical University of Lodz, and lasted since December 2001 until December 2003. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
National Projects (contd.) MAN CLUSTERIX - this project contains the concept of building the National Cluster of Linux Systems, a distributed PC-cluster (or metacluster) of a new generation. Its implementation makes it possible to deploy a production-class Grid environment, which consists of local PC-clusters with 64- and 32-bit architectures, located in geographically distant independent centers. The management software (middleware) being developed will allow dynamic changes in the hardware configuration. This project is being implemented by 12 Polish supercomputing centers and metropolitan area networks (MANs), with the Technical University of Czestochowa as the project coordinator. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
International Projects with the financial support of the European Commission • 5th Framework Program • CYFRONET involved into various 5 projects • Already finished • 6th Framework Program • Cyfronet participates in 3 Grid projects • About 10 new proposals have been submitted in September 2005 to the EC Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Research Projects in the 5th Framework Program Successful CrossGrid Final Review. The EU IST CrossGrid Project IST-2001-3224 had its Final Review on February 16-17, 2005 in Amsterdam. The results of the Project were demonstrated at the European Grid Conference in a series of technical talks and live demonstrations of applications, software services and tools, deployed on the CrossGrid testbeds. More the results were appreciated by the audience, by the EU Project Officer and by the Reviewers; all internal deliverables and presentations concerning technical, managerial and exploitation issues were approved. The Final CrossGrid Review concluded successfuly. About 200 persons from 21 institutions, representing 11 countries, contributed to the Project.CYFRONET was a Coordinator of the project. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Flood Simulation Meteo/ Pollution Particle Physics Medical Support Applications Links Plugin Plugin Performance Analysis Migrating API Desktop Performance Prediction Tools Links Protocol Plugin Portal (OMIS) SOAP MPI Verification Benchmarks SOAP SOAP Application Monitoring Roaming Infrastructure Monitoring SOAP OCM-G API Services Access Server API SOAP API API API API (JMX) Post- processing Scheduler MPI Library SOAP API API Visualization Kernel Network Monitoring DataGrid SOAP Data Access Globus Toolkit API Research Projects CrossGrid Architecture T e s t b e d • 17 sites • 9 countries • over 200 CPUs • 4 TB of storage Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
CrossGrid www.eu-crossgrid.org • 21 partners • 2002-2005 • Research areas • CrossGrid Applications • Grid Tool Environment • New Grid Services • International Testbed • Architecture Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
5th Framework Program(cont.) 6-WINIT - an IPv6 wireless Internet initiative.The project will validate the introduction of the new Mobile Wireless Internet in Europe. GRIDSTART - this project clusters all of the 5FP IST-funded Grid research projects with the intention to stimulate wide deployment of appropriate technologies and to support early adoption of best practices. PELLUCID- A Platform for Organizationally Mobile Public Employees. The project is coordinated by the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils, RAL, UK, with two academic partners: CYFRONET and the Institute of Computer Science AGH. PRO_ACCESS - The ImPROving ACCESS of Associated States To Advanced Concepts In Medical Informatics (PRO-ACCESS) project focuses on creating a platform for promotion, dissemination and transfer of advanced health telematics concepts and experiences from development and deployment of telemedicine solutions to NAS. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Research projects in the 6th Framework Program CoreGRID - the CoreGRID Network of Excellence (NoE) aims at strengthening and advancing scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies. K-Wf Grid - Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications - addresses the need for a better infrastructure for the future Grid environment. The Grid as a vast space of partially-cooperating, partially-competing Grid services will be a very dynamic and complex environment. In order to address the complexity in using and controlling the next generation Grid, the consortium will adopt the approaches envisioned by semantic Web and Grid communities in a novel, generic infrastructure. The K-Wf Grid system will assist its users in composing powerful Grid workflows by means of a rule-based expert system. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Execute workflow Construct workflow Monitor environment K-WfGrid Reuse knowledge Analyze information Capture knowledge K-WfGridWorkflow Applications and Knowledge • Integrating services into coherent application scenarios • Enabling automatic construction and reuse of workflows with knowledge gathered during operation • Involving monitoring and knowledge acquisition services in order to provide added value for end users Technologies: service-oriented Grid architecture, software agents, ontologies, dynamicinstrumentation. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
K-WfGrid - Architecture and Flow of Actions User User interaction through the Portal Guidances for the user Knowledge Web Portal Grid Workflow User Interface User Assistant Agent Grid Organizational Memory Information on available resources and their description Workflow composition and execution visualization User’s decisions in crucial points of execution Ontological store of knowledge Workflow Orchestration and Execution Automatic Application Builder Workflow Composition Tool Analysed and extracted knowledge Information about workflow execution Scheduler PerformanceAnalysis KnowledgeAssimilation Agent Grid Workflow Execution Service Information about performance of particular resources Information about resources and environment Execution of chosen Grid services Low Level Grid Middleware (WS-RF) Grid Performance Monitoringand Instrumentation Service Grid Resources Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
K-WfGrid - Partnerswww.kwfgrid.net • Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, Germany • Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria • Institute of Informatics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia • ACC CYFRONET AGH, Kraków, Poland • LogicDIS S.A., Athens, Greece • Softeco Sismat SpA, Genova, Italy Berlin Kraków Innsbruck Bratislava Genova Athens Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
6th Framework Program (contd.) EGEE -Enabling Grids for e-Science in Europe - the most prestigious of all 6FP Projects, aims to integrate current national, regional and thematic Grid efforts in order to create a seamless European Grid infrastructure for the support of the European Research Area (ERA). The EGEE project is coordinated by CERN. CYFRONET, together with ICM (Warsaw) and PSNC (Poznan), form a Regional Operations Centrefor the Central European Grid Consortium, comprising Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. EGEE Regional Operations Center (ROC) for Central European (CE) Federation is one of the several centers which comprise the European Grid Support, Operation and Management activity of EGEE. This activity's role is to create, operate, support and manage a production quality European grid infrastructure which will provide computing, storage, instrumentation and informational resources at many resource centres (RCs) across Europe. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
ViroLab - Project Objectives The long term mission of ViroLab is to provide researchers and medical doctors in Europe with a virtual laboratory for infectious diseases. • To develop a VO that provides the “glue” for binding the various components of our virtual laboratory • To develop a virtual laboratory infrastructure for transparent workflow, data access, experimental execution and collaboration • To virtualize and enhance state-of-the-art in genotypic resistance interpretation tools and integrate them into the virtual laboratory • To establish epidemiological validation to correctly and quantitatively predict virological and immunological outcomes and disseminate the results to European stakeholders Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
ViroLab - Consortium • Universiteit van Amsterdam • University Medical Centre Utrecht • High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart • CYFRONET AGH • Gridwise Technologies • Institute de Recerca de la SIDA • Catholic University Leuven • University College London • Catholic University Rome • Eötvös Loránd University • Institute of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Brescia • Virology Education B.V. Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
Collaboration PFT DB CAs SIM VIZ Data Access (OGSA-DAI) Runtime System hospital CE, WN, SE Ind. Patient Data ViroLab - Component Perspective presentation Web Browser PDA Client Clinical Portal Driver PDA Driver application Rule-based System Scientific Tools Session Manager Stochastic Modeling Apps VO management, AAA, Data Access & Logging for Provenance Rule Engines Rule Derivers Rule Elucidators Biostat Apps grid middleware GLOBUS, EDG, CrossGrid, other grid resources Patient Cohort DB virtual organization Medical Knowledge Data Derived Rules DB Stanford Virology Lab DB Intermediate Experimental Data Measured Data Medical Apparatus Exp. Apparatus Immunology DB Scientific Literature Pharmacology DB computational resources data resources Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005
http://www.cyfronet.pl Cracow Grid Workshop, November 20-23, 2005