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The Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) is a national network in the Philippines focused on promoting air quality management as a multi-stakeholder effort. With over 140 organization members and 50 individual volunteers, PCA coordinates and supports air quality activities, facilitates information exchange, and strengthens stakeholder participation in addressing air quality issues.
Fr. Daniel J. McNamara, S.J. Ph.DDevelopment Partners’ Meeting for Clean Air18 September 2006Office of the DENR Secretary Conference Room Partnership for Clean AirBusiness Plan 2006
What is the Partnership for Clean Air? • The Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) evolved from the Lead-Free Coalition, then the Coalition for Cleaner Fuels. The core members started out as the group of concerned citizens who lobbied for the phase-out of lead in gasoline, as mandated in the Philippine Clean Air Act. Building on the success of a multisectoral co-opting strategy, the idea of a Partnership for Clean Air was born. It was formally launched in June 8, 2001. • PCA is now a legal entity registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and incorporated as a non-stock, non-profit corporation on November 23, 2003 as Partnership for Clean Air, Inc. • PCA built its membership since its launch in 2001 to 140 organization members and more than 50 individual volunteers. Membership drive has been initiated to make these organizations and individuals official members to the PCA network.
What is the Partnership for Clean Air? • The PCA secretariat operations was initially funded by a US-AEP grant in the first 6 months. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded the consultants that made up the secretariat and all operations, overheads and projects for 2.5 years. The core operations of the PCA secretariat is currently being supported by Pilipinas Shell and Manila Observatory. • The Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) is the national network of the Clean Air Initiatives for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) in the Philippines
What is the Partnership for Clean Air? MISSION • To promote air quality management as a multi-stakeholder effort in the Philippines • To facilitate air quality activities of members and stakeholders OBJECTIVES • To strengthen stakeholders’ participation in addressing air quality management issues • To facilitate information exchange among network members
What is the Partnership for Clean Air? The functions of the Partnership for Clean Air : • Coordinative. Coordinates air quality activities of members and stakeholders. • Supportive. Supports members and stakeholders in air quality activities. • Innovative. Undertakes activities in “new” areas of air quality management • Participative. Continues to promote air quality management as a multi-stakeholder effort. • Responsive. Runs an efficient organization in order to be more responsive to the needs of its members and stakeholders. • Transparent. Conducts activities and operations in a transparent manner.
Board of Trustees Fr. Daniel McNamara, Manila Observatory (Chairperson) Sally Monteiro, Philippine Institute of Petroleum (Vice-Chairperson) Alberto Suansing, Transport Organization for Clean Air (Treasurer) Jocelyn Manalaysay (Secretary) Elisea “Bebet” Gozun (Adviser and Past Chairperson of PCA) Secretariat Ritchie Anne Guzman (Coordinator) Representation from Government The PCA By-laws state that government will be represented by DENR and DOTC in the Board as ex-officio members. Nominees from DENR and DOTC will be appointed by the Department Secretary. Representation from Development Agencies A member from the international donor community or development agencies that is a current grantor/donor is also invited as an ex-officio member of the Board. Who’s who in the Partnership for Clean Air?
Key Achievements PROGRAMMATIC • Developed and implemented “Road Map to Clean Air” a comprehensive integrated 3-year awareness raising strategy towards cleaner air; CAPACITY-BUILDING • Developed and implemented capacity building programs such as Social Marketing Course, Leadership and Organization Program for Transport Groups, and Basic Air Quality Management Program; SOCIAL MOBILIZATION • Encouraged citizen’s involvement and recognition on clean air efforts: Text Usok (report a smoke belcher through SMS), Oscar Escobar AQM awards • Promote sustainable transport by co-organizing the dialogue and forum with Enrique Penalosa, former mayor of Bogota who engineered the transformation of a once chaotic city to one that promotes safe, efficient, modern Bus Rapid Transit System (the Transmilenio), pedestrianization, and nonmotorized transport.
Key Achievements KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT • Organized workshops : Tricycle Usok I and II workshops, Alternative fuels workshop, CNG/LPG fuels workshop; • Organized stakeholder’s forums: Transport convention, Students forum, Stationary sources of emission, industry forum; • Organized policy discussions/forums/public consultations: formulation of guidelines for accreditation and authorization of private emission testing centers, alternative fuels, vehicle emission standards; Technical working group for tricycles which formulated guidelines for emission standards for tricycles, Policy discussions on PETC monitoring, USECs meetings. • Organized technical forums: Cleaning the Air Forum on AQ monitoring data, Transport and environment indicators forum, Automobile Fuel Quality Workshop. EVENTS • Participated as resource person to the National Conference on Tricycle Transportation Development in Iloilo City (2006) • Conceptualized, developed and led the implementation of a trade exhibition and forum: Partnership for Clean Air Exhibition and Forum (PCAEF) in 2002 and 2003; • Participated in the Better Air Quality Conference in Hong Kong (2002), Manila (2003) and India (2004).
Priority Projects 2006 • Promote Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for the Philippines What is BRT? • Segregated, median busways with median stations • Pre-board fare collection and fare verification • Restricted operator access (closed system) • Free transfers between corridors • Competitively bid concessions • High frequency service and low station dwell times • Clean bus technologies • Modal integration; pedestrian spaces and bike paths to complement BRT systems Quito, Equador
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Updates Priority Projects 2006 • BRT Training Course for Metro Manila held in November 2005 at Antipolo City • Metro Manila Council resolution for a feasibility study on BRT granted in 2005 • Pre-feasibility study on BRT currently being done by National Center for Transportation Studies, with funding assistance from U.S. Agency for International Development – Energy and Clean Air Project • Coordinate Taguig-Makati-Ayala Land Inc. BRT plans with the pre-feasibility study for greater Metro Manila • The Partnership for Clean Air is a member of the BRT Technical Working Group officially created last July 2006 by the Department of Transportation and Communication • Upcoming Activity : Metro Cebu Mayor’s Forum on Sustainable Transport (BRT) • initiated through coordination efforts of Mandaue City
Priority Projects 2006 Priority Projects • Promote Non-Motorized Transport • Encourage biking and walking including the provision of needed infrastructure • Forum on improving pedestrian facilities and bikeways in Metro Manila conducted in 2005 • Assist JICA in the Bike Donation Program (shipping of 1,000 units of donated bicycles from Tokyo to Manila) and award bikes to LGU recipients
Priority Projects 2006 • Support efforts for cleaner, more efficient tricycles • Vigan Tricycle Retrofit Project (VTRP) aims to mitigate pollution by retrofitting Vigan’s entire fleet of approximately 3,000 two-stroke engine powered tricycle taxis with Envirofit’s direct injection retrofit technology. • The VTRP will significantly reduce carbon monoxide (by 75%) and hydrocarbon (by 88%) pollution in Vigan, while realizing an increase in fuel and oil efficiency of 30% and 50%, respectively. • The PCA is also actively involved in drafting a national tricycle framework with the Vice Mayor’s League of the Philippines
Priority Projects 2006 • Support cleaner fuels – CME, CNG, ethanol, etc. • Participate in review of air quality standards, vehicle emission standards and fuel quality standards • Organized roundtable discussion on fuel and vehicle emission standards and biofuels in the Philippines • Co-organized a workshop on Automobile Fuel Quality Workshop with the Department of Energy and the Asian Clean Fuels Association (ACFA)
Priority Projects 2006 • Implement capacity-building programs on AQM • Identify capacity building needs and facilitate air quality trainings for PCA network members : Clean Air for Asia Training Course to be conducted in October at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (thru the Clean Air Training Network of CAI-Asia) • Upcoming Activity : Basic Air Quality Management Training for LGUsto be conducted among local government personnel of all 117 Philippine cities, in coordination with the League of Cities of the Philippines – • Approximately Php 1,862,500.00 funding support givenby World Bank through its Logofind Project to cover training cost and travel expenses of resource persons for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao • Co-financing from other donor agencies are sought to cover cost of module development, layout and printing cost, CD production
Clean Air Activities Clean Air Activities TAKE-A-PIC-4-Clean-Air • The Integrated Bar of the Philippines through its National Committee on Legal Aid (NCLA) and its National Environmental Action Team (NEAT) in cooperation with the Association of Metro Manila Anti-Smoke Belching Units (AMMA) and the Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) launched the “Take-a-Pic-4-Clean-Air” Program last 21 April 2006 at the People Power Monument along EDSA. Representatives from different public and private organizations attended the launch, signifying support to the program which aims to encourage ordinary citizens to take action against smoke-belchers pursuant to the citizen suit provision of the Clean Air Act. • Under the Program, ordinary citizens can take pictures of smoke-belching vehicles and send the pictures to IBP for legal action. The IBP will inquire from the LTO the names and addresses of the owners of the vehicles caught on camera. The IBP, in behalf of those who took the pictures of the vehicles, will send Notices to Sue to the vehicle owners.
Clean Air Activities Metro Manila Air Shed Governing Board • The Partnership for Clean Air is actively involved in the establishment of a Governing Board for the Metro Manila Air Shed. The organization is officially included in the Technical Working Group for Public Awareness and Capacity-Building as Co-Chair. • PCA assists in the preparatory activities for the conduct of Clean Air Summit to celebrate the Philippine Clean Air Month this November 2006. Country Synthesis Report on Urban Air Quality : Philippines • The Partnership for Clean Air facilitated the finalization of Country Synthesis Report on Urban Air Quality, which will be presented during the First Governmental Meeting on Urban Air Quality on December 11-12 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
How can you be involved? • Sponsorship Be part of the team that funds the promotion of better air quality management in the Philippines! The Partnership for Clean Air is seeking sponsors that can help support the core operations of the Secretariat for 2007. Sponsorship packages for business partners are as follows -- Platinum (Php 500,000) Diamond (Php 300,000) Gold (Php 100,000) Pilipinas Shell
How can you be involved? • Membership The official partners to the Partnership for Clean Air is the heart of the organization! Membership annual fees are used to fund PCA activities such as roundtable discussions and coordination meetings, as follows -- Business & Private Sector (Php 5,000) Non-Government Organizations (Php 1,000) Individual : Professionals (Php 500) & Students (Php50) Local Government Units (membership fee waived) National Government Agencies (membership fee waived) Members are entitled to the following privileges: 1.) voting power during election of PCA Officers; 2.) free or subsidized participation in trainings, workshops and other professional enhancements related to Air Quality Management; and 3.) free access to library resources and publication available at the PCA Secretariat office
National Government Agencies: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Transportation and Communication Department of Energy Department of Health Land Transportation Office Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory Board Local Government Units: Baguio City Iloilo City Makati City Marikina City San Fernando, La Union San Jose City, Nueva Ecija Santiago City Sorsogon City Company / Organization: Batarasa Resources, Inc. EON The Stakeholder Firm Halifax Davao Hotel, Inc. Linden Suites, Inc. MAN Automotive Concessionaires, Inc. Q Clean Living Phils. Corp Individuals (Professionals & Students): Arman Capili (Student) Carlos Antonio P. Palad (Chemrez) Charlotte Kendra Castillo (Manila Observatory) Conchita M. Ragragio (Consultant) Conrad Allan Jay R. Pantua (DLSU-Manila) Eden T. Sorupia (Student) Edna C. Tabanda (PhilHealth) Ella S. Antonio (Consultant) Emmi Capili (Manila Observatory) Julius Labrador Ma. Rosario G. Wood (Miriam College) Maila Angela T. Ong (Petron Corp.) May Antoniette Y. Ajero (CAI-Asia) Ramon Ventura Jr. (Toyota Foundation) Rene Molina (Radyo Kalikasan) Rogelio T. Mina Susan M. Gallardo (De La Salle University) Theresa Shane E. Male (Student) Voltaire L. Acosta (League of Cities) Official PCA Member’s List (as of August 2006) Renewal of membership is ongoing in preparation for the PCA Member’s Meeting and General Assembly on November 2006
How can you be involved? • Event Sponsorship The 5th Better Air Quality (BAQ) workshop, considered as the leading conference on air quality management in Asia, will be held in 13-15 December in the historic city of Yogyakarta in Central Java, Indonesia. Through a ‘Best Practices Exhibit’, country-specific air quality management programs and technologies can be showcased. You may be involved in the promotion of better air quality in the region by providing financial support to our very own Philippine pavilion as our sponsor! • Country Sponsor (Php 300,000) • Company or organization logo in the country pavilion and in the dedicated country page of printed BAQ 2006 program. • Two (2) admission tickets to the 3-day conference • An exhibition booth (3 x 2 m) in the country pavilion • Private Sector Participation in Best Practices Exhibition Package A (Php 250,000) • Two (2) admission tickets to the 3-day conference • An exhibition booth (3 x 2 m) in the Best Practices Exhibit area Package B (Php 125,000) • One (1) admission ticket to the 3-day conference • An exhibition booth (2 x 2 m) in the Best Practices Exhibit area
For inquiries, please get in touch with : Ms. Chee-Anne Guzman Partnership for Clean Air Secretariat Manila Observatory, Ateneo de Manila CampusLoyola Heights, Quezon CityTel: +632 426-5921 to 23 E-mail: pca@observatory.ph