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Chapter 4 Notes. Section 1. Settlement in Jamestown. London co. advertised Virginia giving it praise to attract settlers This attracted poor English people & adventurers Founded in 1607 along the James River Settlers were not skilled to start a new settlement.
Chapter 4 Notes Section 1
Settlement in Jamestown • London co. advertised Virginia giving it praise to attract settlers • This attracted poor English people & adventurers • Founded in 1607 along the James River • Settlers were not skilled to start a new settlement. • John Smith provided great leadership, and improved living conditions, this saved lives
The Powhatan Confederacy • Was an alliance of Algonquian Indians • Indians would bring food & teach settlers how to grow corn • Some settlers would steal from Indians however • John Rolfe began planting Tobacco in Virginia for export to England ($) • People could own their own land attracted settlers
War in Virginia • Rolfe married Algonquian princess, Pocahontas • This helped peacefulness between the two groups • Pocahontas died in 1617, then her father year later • English settlers wanted to grow tobacco on Indians land, this led to 20 years of fighting • End result was the colony would be controlled by the English government
Daily Life in Virginia • Most settlers were wealthy enough to pay their own way to the Americas • This allowed them to receive 50 acres of land • This is known as the headright system • Owners could get 50 acres for each additional person brought over • This lead to plantations
Labor in Virginia • Due to a high # of deaths labor workers were in demand for plantations • So Indentured servants were hired • These people would work off their payment for a plantation owner paying their way to America • A typical indentured contract was 4-7 yrs
Some Africans that came to Virginia were slaves or indentured servants • They worked along side white servants • Some black servants became wealthy farmers • More servants then slaves at first • Demand for labor grew, people did not want to work in terrible conditions so slavery became more popular then indentured servants
Bacon’s Rebellion • Settlers did not like the conditions In Virginia. Taxes were to high & there was not enough land to farm • Settlers began farming Indians land • Broke governments treaty with Indians • Nathaniel Bacon led revolt against governor • Indians no longer trusted colonist
Pilgrim’s Experience Section 2
Puritans and Pilgrims • Pilgrims were a religious group who wanted out of England for having different religious beliefs • If they stayed in England they would be punished
The Founding of Plymouth • In 1620 Pilgrims came to America on the Mayflower • The Mayflower Compact was written agreement among the first pilgrims on the Mayflower • It was meant to protect the “general good” • This was the first attempt for a self government system
Pilgrims & American Indians • Pilgrims met an Indian named Squanto • He taught them how to plant corn, where to catch fish, how to fertilize fields, gather other goods • After the pilgrims were settled they invited a nearby tribe, Wampanoag, for a feast • This feast was the 1st Thanksgiving to thank god • The Pilgrims brought wild turkeys • The feast lasted for 3 days
The Pilgrim Community • Pilgrims settlement still struggled and traded with the Indians to get by • Men • Built shelters, worked in fields, chopped wood, repaired tools • Women • Cooked, spun wool, sewed clothing, made soap, butter, & cared for livestock • Had more rights ten in England, they could own land & sign contracts
The New England Colonies Section 3
The Massachusetts Bay Colony • Economic problems and religious issues in England led to the Great Migration to New England • Many of these people were Puritans • Puritans had many supplies and few problems with climate & diseases in Mass.
Church & State in New England • A general court was used to govern the new puritan colony • It had 2 groups, needing majority votes to pass laws • Government leaders were church members • Only male church members could vote, • New citizens had to prove their faith in god
Daily Life and Customs • Puritans lives revolved around religion, family, and public work • Most farms were substance farming • Women had 3 duties; obey husband, have kids, run the house • School was very important to all puritans…so kids could read the bible
Dissent in Massachusetts • Minister Roger Williams led the dissenters, & started Rhode Island because Indians were treated unfairly • Some Puritans thought God talked directly to them
The Salem Witch Trials • Worst problem in New England were the Salem Witch Trials • Occurred in 1692 • Young girls falsely accused other women of talking w/the devil • These “witches” were put to death • A year later many people of the convicting court regretted this
An example of a death warrant: (Death Warrant for Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe, and Sarah Wilds) To Goerge: Corwine Gent'n High Sheriff of the county of Essex Whereas Sarah Good Wife of William Good of Salem Village Rebecka Nurse wife of Francis Nurse of Salem Village Susanna Martin of Amesbury Widow Elizabeth How wife of James How of Ipswich Sarah Wild wife of John Wild of Topsfield all of the County of Essex in thier Maj'ts Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Att A Court of Oyer & Terminer held by Adjournment for Our Severaign Lord & Lady Kind Wiliam & Queen Mary for the said County of Essex at Salem in the s'd County onf the 29th day of June [torn] were Severaly arrigned on Several Indictments for the horrible Crime of Witchcraft by them practised & Committed On Severall persons and pleading not guilty did for thier Tryall put themselves on God & Thier Countrey whereupon they were Each of them found & brought in Guilty by the Jury that passed On them according to their respective Indictments and Sentence of death did then pass upon them as the Law directs Execution whereof yet remains to be done: Those are Therefore in thier Maj'ties name William & Mary now King & Queen over England &ca: to will & Command you that upon Tuesday next being the 19th day for [torn] Instant July between the houres of Eight & [torn] in [torn] forenoon the same day you Safely conduct the s'd Sarah Good Rebecka Nurse Susann Martin Elizabeth Howe & Sarah Wild From thier Maj'ties goal in Salem afores'd to the place of Execution & there Cause them & Every of them to be hanged by the Neck untill they be dead and of the doings herein make return to the Clerke of the said Court & this precept and hereof you are not to fail at your perill and this Shall be your sufficient Warrant given under my hand & seale at Boston th 12't day of July in the fourth year of Reign of our Soveraigne Lord & Layd Wm & Mary King and Queen &ca: *Wm Stoughton Annoq Dom. 1692 (Reverse) Salem July 19th 1692 I caused the within mentioned persons to be Executed according to the Tenour of the with[in] warrant *George Corwin Sherif
The Southern & Middle Colonies Section 4
Tolerant Maryland • Many Catholics came to Americas for religious freedom • They formed Maryland colony • Settlers learned from Jamestown's mistakes • Passed Toleration act of 1649 • Law protecting freedom of religion
The Carolinas • Carolina was given to 8 of King Charles II supporters • In 1712 Carolina was split in two for better governmental control • Many Caribbean settlers moved to South Carolina (SC) • Bringing thousands of slaves • Rice was the cash crop in SC • The British government bought SC in 1719 & NC in 1729
Diversity in NY & NJ • The New Netherlands were controlled by the Dutch until 1647 when England defeated the Dutch with out a shot • The new name was New York & New Jersey • Population was made of many religious groups and many ethnic groups; Dutch, Swede, Scots, Fins, English • These areas had fur trade & grew wheat
The Pennsylvania Experiment • William Penn started Pennsylvania for Quakers • Quakers have simple items, don’t believe in violence • PA also accepted other Christians • Penn named the capital of PA Philadelphia “The City of Brotherly Love”
The Ideal of Georgia • Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe for poor English citizens & other European settlers • He wanted a colony with no plantations controlled by a few wealthy people • To stop this he outlawed slavery and owning large pieces of land • 20 years later people complained enough and Georgia became a royal colony with large rice plantations