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European School Network. ESN Schools. Austria BHAK Deutschlandsberg Deutschlandsberg Finland Kangasalan lukio Kangasala Lempäälän lukio Lempäälä Pirkkalan yhteislukio Pirkkala Pälkäneen lukio Pälkäne Nokian lukio Nokia Ylöjärven lukio Ylöjärvi
ESN Schools Austria BHAK DeutschlandsbergDeutschlandsberg Finland Kangasalan lukio Kangasala Lempäälän lukio Lempäälä Pirkkalan yhteislukio Pirkkala Pälkäneen lukio Pälkäne Nokian lukio Nokia Ylöjärven lukio Ylöjärvi Valkeakosken lukio Valkeakoski France LyceeMontgrand Marseille, France GermanHelene-Lange-SchuleWiesbaden Fritz ElderSchulePforzheimPforzheim Carl-Bantzer-SchuleSchwalmstadt-Ziegenhain Franken Gymnasium Zülpich HungaryBabitsMihalygimnazium Budapest
ESN Schools Italy Istituto Primo Levi Bollate Istituto Superiore Statale "Serrafino Riva" Sarnico Istituto Tecnico Nautico “Marcantonio Colonna” Roma Netherlands Corderius College Amersfoort Het Vlietland College Leiden Poland Oficjalna Strona II LO im. C.K.Norwida w Tychych Tychy Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych Jelenia Gora Portugal Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore / Escola das Virtudes – Cooperativa de Ensino Polivalente e artístico, C. R.L. Porto Escola Secundária D.JOÃO II Setúbal Russia Shkola # 204 St Petersburg
Possible mobilities • One-to-one exchange, or in groups of two or five persons. • Seminar for one or two students of the same school with students of the partner schools. • Group exchange, under the guidance of teachers with a maximum of 12 to 15 students in a group.
One-to-one exchange, or in groups of two or five persons. • Students are well-behaved and succeed well in their studies. • Students must fill in a special application form. • Students are free to choose any school or country they like among the network contacts. • The stays last from seven days to two months. • Students stay with host families abroad and in doing so they also commit themselves to receiving a student in their own home in return (one-to-one exchange). • Host families provide meals for the student. • Students pay for travel expenses themselves (expenses might be supported by the school).
Seminar for one or two students of the same school with students of the partner schools. Possible subjects: • Didactics of possible subjects • Comparing the educational systems • Training-styles • Student representation Duration of the seminars • Three to four days Accommodation • Host families, youth hostels or in one of the participating schools
Group exchange • Your school might provide a possibility to group exchange, under the guidance of teachers with a maximum of 12 to 15 students in a group. • Group exchange is usually accomplished between two schools