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Personnel Acquisition Demonstration Project (DEMO) Interventions/Initiatives Prepared By: Barry Breen Edwards AFB, CA. OPM authorized to conduct “demonstration projects” experimenting with new concepts Will changes result in improved personnel management OPM-Title VI, 5 U.S.C. 4703
Personnel Acquisition Demonstration Project (DEMO) Interventions/Initiatives Prepared By: Barry Breen Edwards AFB, CA
OPM authorized to conduct “demonstration projects” experimenting with new concepts Will changes result in improved personnel management OPM-Title VI, 5 U.S.C. 4703 DoD-National Defense Authorization Act (#4308, 1996 and #845, 1998) Employees within the acquisition workforce AND who support that workforce (max 95,000-this project) Federal Register, 8 Jan 1999 (Vol. 64, No. 5) Operating Procedures (DoD), 14 May 1999 Updated by AF on 2 Sep 1999 Both available at: https://apps.rdaisa.army.mil/acqdemo/new_site/library/default.html DEMO Background
Demonstrate that “effectiveness can be enhanced by allowing greater managerial control” over personnel processes and functions And to, “expand opportunities to employees through a more responsive and flexible personnel system” Initiatives-- simplified classification broadbanding streamlined hiring modified DoD priority placement contribution-based compensation & appraisal system expanded training opportunities sabbaticals voluntary emeritus program revised RIF procedures DEMO Purpose
First project to cross DoD component lines Army, Navy, Marines, AF…. 30% - Army 40% - AF 30% - Navy & Marines First implemented in 1999 AF entered in Feb 1999 (40% of Demo population) 16 pools at Edwards, AFFTC (~2000 employees) 1 pool at SAF/AQ (~100 employees) Two annual cycles completed in Jan 2001 DEMO History
Employees Enter Demo w/current Base Salary, plus-- Pro-rated WGI Pro-rated Target Increase (to next grade if in targeted position) Note: This establishes new BASE pay Add current locality rate for total pay under DEMO No Special Occupational Rates/Scales; employees on Special Rates Handled Uniquely-- WGI buy-in determined from employee’s special rate/scale New figure then divided IAW prevailing locality rate Total pay is increased (as a result of WGI buy-in) May or may not see “Base” pay as slightly less (as a result of getting “full” locality) DEMO Buy-In Process
Career Paths (CP) & Broadbanding (BB) NK (Administrative Support), NJ (Technical Management Support), and NH (Business and Technical Management Professional) Organized by occupational series (see FR & OP) Broadbands encompass several GS grades in each CP NK (3), NJ (4), NH (4) No “steps” - contiguous salary progression in each BB Benefits Fewer personnel actions Greater flexibility to reassign Seamless salary progression within BB DEMO Interventions/Initiatives
Classification Authority at functional organization Standardization shortens the process 3-4 broadbands versus 15 grades Position Requirements Document (PRD) 2-3 pages (AF/AFMC suggested length) Common, factors, discriminators, and descriptors Factors/discriminators same for all CP Descriptors unique for each CP and BB See OP or FR for factors, discriminators, and descriptors Serves as Appraisal Plan Notes: Training Issue, Transitionfrom PDs to PRDs, timeline DEMO Interventions/Initiatives(Cont’d)
Hiring and Appointment Authorities Delegated Examining Process - Basically Qualified, Highly Qualified, Superior (no rule of 3) Veterans preference applies Salary setting by selecting official/supervisor (new hires and promotions)--anywhere in BB Promo-at least 6% AND at least minimum for BB, up to 20% Scholastic Achievement Appointment (for positions with positive education requirement) Appointment Authority Permanent Temporary Limited Modified Term (new) Extend up to 5 years (may convert to permanent) Voluntary Emeritus Program Accept gratuitous service of retired or separated employees Extended Probationary Period Due to Training Requirement (NH) DEMO Interventions/Initiatives(Cont’d)
Sample Salary Setting Guideline Table - 08xx Engineers - Avionics (Edwards AFB)
Academic Degree & Certificate Training Authority to pay for whole degree/certificate versus individual courses Applies to acquisition support positions (not just acquisition coded positions) Sabbaticals Perform study or obtain work experience full time in academic or industrial environment Period of 3-12 months Employee must have been in Federal Service in an agency for 7 years Activity must contribute to organization’s mission and employee’s development Authority to approve is at local organization Funding is responsibility of local organization DEMO Interventions/Initiatives(Cont’d)
Revised RIF Procedures Demo employees not directly affected by RIF outside Demo Demo employees in different competitive area No bumping/retreating to positions outside of Demo Bump/retreat limited to next lower broadband Pay retention but not grade retention Retention Service Credit (RSC) as defined in Federal Register being revised to “12/0” (as in AF Pass/Fail) Other than those items specifically changed in FR DEMO Interventions/Initiatives(Cont’d)
Contribution-based Compensation & Appraisal System (CCAS) COMPLETE DISCUSSION FOLLOWS LATER TODAY DEMO Interventions/Initiatives(Cont’d)
Employee Grade Determination (for connection to programs/processes outside of DEMO)-- If pay equal or exceeds step-4 of the highest grade in the broadband, employee is deemed at that grade Employee will not leave DEMO at lower grade than when entered Employee’s personnel record reflects this determination as of end of January each year (after pay adjustments) The 9 “Promotion” Factors from the 860A Form MUST Still Be Completed ONLY the 9 factors with the point value NOT the overall performance rating (excellent, superior, pass/fail, etc.) NO narrative completed on back Closeout 30 Apr each year, due 1 Jun Used for certificates outside of Demo and career training, etc. Connection to Non-Demo Processes