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Passive Voice Formation in French

Learn how the passive voice is formed in French using être + Past Participle and avoir + Past Participle structures. Discover when to use the passive voice and how to differentiate active and passive sentences.

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Passive Voice Formation in French

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How is the passive voice formed? Être + Past Participle Être + Infinitive Avoir + Past Participle Avoir+ Infinitive

  2. The passive is used when the subject ... is doing something. has something done to it. is plural. is singular.

  3. Edward aime Bella. The passive is: Bella est aimé. Bella a aimé. Bella est aimée. Bella est aimer.

  4. Les jeunes achètent des DVD. Des DVD sont acheté. Des DVD sont achetées. Des DVD sont achetés. Des DVD sont achetée.

  5. To know if a sentence is active or not, we ask: Who? Where? What? When?

  6. To avoid using the passive voice, we use: a reflexive verb nothing another tense a linking word

  7. This lesson was: too easy too complicated useful confusing

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