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IMAGINE Intuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative Environments LJK & INRIA. Group meeting September 13, 2012. New Comers. Kim Matthieu Armelle Laura Antoine Laurence.
IMAGINEIntuitive Modeling and Animation for Interactive Graphics & Narrative EnvironmentsLJK & INRIA Group meeting September 13, 2012
New Comers • Kim • Matthieu • Armelle • Laura • Antoine • Laurence
1 team, 2 assistants !Laurence GUDYKA :Office n° : H107Phone n° : 54 60Laurence works for 2 teams : Morpheo et Imagine (INRIA funds). Laurence worksat part time (70%)Laurence usuallyworksfrom 10 am to 15:40 pm, everydaysYou have to deal with Laurence for all the tasksrelated to INRIA funds(trips, purchaseorders, recruitments, budget….)Florence POLGE :Office n° : H212Phone n° : 55 68Florence usuallyworksfrom 8 am to 16:30 pm, everydays You have to deal with Florence for all the tasksrelated to :- ERC Expressive funds(trips, purchaseorders, recruitments, budget….) - CNRS, INP, UJF, INP SA requests (onlyas an intermediary with the lab)
Life of the group: collective tasks Engineers • CUMI: Olivier C. • 2 “in charge”, one day a month PhD students • Website: Vineet & Ahmad • Group meetings & seminars: Seou-Ling & Ali • Proof-read of research submissions in English: Kim All • First author of a publication: HAL INRIA + pin-board • Your web-page in the new format September: Olivier + Laura October: Laura + Maxime November: Maxime + Armelle
Agenda Our external seminar (ERC Expressive / Imagine) • 25 October, 15:00: NiloyMitra(University college, London) Others • 29 October, 16:00, MJK: Médailled’argentCNRS, MP Cani