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KOMPETENSI DASAR 5. Mengungkapkan berbagai macam maksud hati. INVITATIONS Understanding expressions dealing with invitations. Read the following conversation Mia : Let’s go to the cinema. Lia : I’m afraid I can’t. I’m busy. How about having lunch ? I’m hungry now.
KOMPETENSI DASAR 5 Mengungkapkanberbagaimacammaksudhati
INVITATIONSUnderstanding expressions dealing with invitations Read the following conversation Mia : Let’s go to the cinema. Lia : I’m afraid I can’t. I’m busy. How about having lunch ? I’m hungry now. Mia : With a pleasure. Anyway, do you have a plan this weekend ? Lia : No. What’s your plan ? Mia : I would like to have a birthday party. Would you like to come ? Lia : I’d love to. Will you invite all of your friends ? Mia : No, it’s just family party. I just invite you and Emily
Expressions dealing with invitation If you want to invite someone, you can use some expressions below • Let’s go • Let’s pray • Would you like to come to my house ? • Would you like to come to my party ? • Would you like to have lunch with me ? • Would you like to go with me ? • Do you fancy going out for a meal on the weekend ?
Expressions dealing with invitation Use the following expressions below to respond the invitation Positive responses : • With a pleasure • Of course • Sure • Certainly • I’d love to, thanks • That’s very kind of you, thanks • That’s sounds lovely, thanks • What’s a great idea, thanks
Next…. Negative responses • I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m busy today • I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t • I’m really sorry I have an appointment • That’s very kind of you, but I’m doing something else on Saturday • Well, I’d love to, but I’ve already gone to the music concert • I really don’t think I can. I’m supposed to be doing something else
Contohsoal Dewi : Hello, would you like to come to my house tonight ? We will have a birthday party for my youngest sister. Dewa : Yes, sure………… • I’d love to • I don’t think so • I have a lot of work to do • Would you like to have dinner with me ?
Language Focus Used to There are two construction of “used to” which have different meaning • Used to + V1 This construction is used to tell about something happen regularly in the past but no longer happens Example : - We used to play football a lot, but now we don’t play very often - He used to have a fat body when he was a child - Rina used to live in Solo, but now she lives in Medan
Next…. To form the negative sentence, we use’ didn’t use to’ or ‘used not to’ Example : • I didn’t use to like him • I used not to like him The pattern of question is did (you) use to ….? Example : • Did you use to eat a lot of candies when you were a child ? • Did you use to be a guitar player in a music band ?
Next…. 2.Be/get used to + V-ing This construction is used to tell that something is not new or strange for somebody. Example : • Bagus is used to living far from his parents. • Dodi isn’t used to getting up early. • Hadi is used to riding bicycle to go to school
Note When we say “ I’m used to something “, to is a preposition, not part of infinitive. That’s why we should say “ Bagus is used to living far from his parents “ instead of “ Bagus is used to live far from his parents “.
Next….. “Be used to”, It means be accustomed to Example : - She is used to have long flight - I am used to read my newspaper in the morning - We are used to spend our vacation in Bali
BARGAINING • Have you ever bargained on something you want to buy ? • What kind of expressions do you use to bargain ?
Read the following conversation ! Ana : Do you have a T-shirt ? Shopkeeper : Sure. Look these are, please ! Ana : How much is it ? Shopkeeper : It’s seventy nine thousand rupiahs ? Ana : How expensive ! Can you make it fifty thousand rupiahs ? Shopkeeper : Sorry. It is a soft T-shirt. Ana : How about sixty thousand rupiahs ? Shopkeeper : Not yet, if you agree, I’ll give you sixty five thousand rupiahs. Ana : Well, I take it. Here is the money. Shopkeeper : Here is your T-shirt, and thanks Ana : You’re welcome
Expressions dealing with bargaining something • Asking about something we want to buy - Do you have a sweater ? - is there any sugar ? • Asking about the price - How much is it ? - What’s the price of …….? - How much does it cost ?
Next… • Asking about the size - Do you have the big one ? - Can I get the smaller one ? • Asking about the material - what is the material of this bag ? - what is it made from ?
Next…. • Asking about the method of payment - Can I pay for it by a credit card ? - Do you receive a credit card ? - Can I pay for it in cash ? • Bargaining - What about fifty thousand rupiahs? - Can you make it twenty-five thousand rupiahs? - Can you make it fifty percent off - Can I have it 25 thousand rupiahs?
Use these expressions below to respond those kind of expressions • Yes, here these are • It’s seventy-nine thousand rupiahs • Here is the smaller one • It’s made of leather • We receive a credit card • Sorry, we can’t give it for you. It’s a cotton one
Grammar in focus Concessive Conjunction Concessive conjunctions are conjunction which introduce concessive clauses to create a relationship between two or more information. Concessive conjunctions are usually used in academic writing to give a clear information or evidence to the readers. It makes the readers see that the information is carrying more weight, being more relevant to arguments or topic, and being worth further development
Next… The most common concessive conjunctions are although, even though, while, whereas, in spite of (the fact that), despite (the fact that) Example : • I didn’t get a job in spite of the fact that I had the necessary qualifications. • Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. • Even though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep. • We went out in spite of the rain
CERTAINTY AND UNCERTAINTY Read the following dialogue! Mira : Look ! The sky is cloudy now. I’m sure, it will be raining soon. Bela : I don’t think so. Yesterday, the sky was dark but it didn’t rain. Mira : But today it will be rainy. Look over there ! Bela : Certainly ! Today is rainy. Mira : Anyway, will you join the English club ? Bela : I don’t know. I’m not sure Mira : Why ? Bela : Actually, I have enough money. But my sister was sick. My mother borrowed it. You know, my mother has been a single parents since a year ago.
Expressing certainty Below are some expressions to ask about certainty • Are you sure that uncle John will come soon ? • Do you believe that she has married ? • Is it right that his father has passed away ? • Do you think that she will be the winner ?
Some of the responses are : • Response of certainty - Yes, I’m quite sure - Yes, I’m certain - Yes, I’m absolutely sure - Yes, of course - Yes, without doubt - Yes, I really believe that…
Next…. • Response of uncertainty - It’s doubtful - I doubt it - I’m not really sure - I have my doubt - Perhaps - Probably - Possibly
Language Focus To express certainty or uncertainty, we can use : • Simple Future Tense + certainly probably possibly Study the following examples: Certainty - Lukman will certainly fail the exam if he (100%) + doesn’t study hard. - It will probably rain tomorrow. (75%) - Hafidh will possibly fail the exam. (40%) - His parents probably won’t arrive before Friday. (20%) - Nora certainly won’t pass the exam. (100%) -
Next…. 2. Modals (must, maybe, might, could), verbs Study the following example: • He must be in school by now. • There is likely to be a storm tomorrow. • Ahmad maybe wait for you at the cinema. • She might get the first prize in the essay competition. • Vivi could be a great swimmer if she practised more often. • I don’t suppose he could lend my new car. • I doubt is she will come now • Ayu can’t have failed the exam, she is the best student in our school
Expressions of making compliment • To express compliment, you can use some expressions below - You look wonderful tonight - Good job ! - That’s very kind of you - How beautiful you are - What a nice gown it is - What a beautiful bride
Next……. • To respond compliment, use expressions below - Thank you - Thanks - Not at all
Contohsoal Yuni : Mom, look ! I can make my own cake. Mother : ………. That looks delicious. a. That’s awful. b. You still need more practice. c. Where’s the cake ? d. Good job !