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COLONIAL TIMES. The Colonization of America. 5 th Grade Social Studies The 13 English Colonies Amanda Earle Kelley Hager. Colonial Times. Table of Contents. History Slides 4-8 People in Societies Slides 9-13 Geography Slides 14-18 Economics Slides 19-23 Government Slides 24-28
COLONIALTIMES The Colonization of America
5th Grade Social Studies The 13 English Colonies Amanda Earle Kelley Hager Colonial Times
Table of Contents • History • Slides 4-8 • People in Societies • Slides 9-13 • Geography • Slides 14-18 • Economics • Slides 19-23 • Government • Slides 24-28 • Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities • Slides 29-33 • Social Studies Skills and Methods • Slides 34-38
HISTORY • Activity #1 • Students will begin a K-W-L Chart as we begin the unit on the original 13 English Colonies • Write what they know about the 13 colonies • Write what they would like to know about the 13 colonies • Write what they have learned as we work through the unit • Website: http://www.somers.k12.ny.us/intranet/skills/gathering/kwl.gif
HISTORY • Activity #2 • Students will choose one of the 13 colonies, research from the text and the internet, and present an oral report to the class. • The report should include facts about why the colony started, who were the key people, where the colony is located, what made the colony successful • Website: http://www.timepage.org/spl/13colony.html
HISTORY • Activity #3 • Students will make a map showing where all the colonies are located • The map key should identify who settled the colonies • Website: http://www.standards.ed.state.vt.us/lt/hp/whp.nsf/Files/dwright/$File/13+colonies+labels.gif
HISTORY • Activity #4 • Create a time line of the settlement of the thirteen original colonies using the text and website • Website: http://www.scarborough.k12.me.us/wis/teachers/dtewhey/webquest/colonial/13_original_colonies.htm
HISTORY • Activity #5 • Students will play a Jeopardy game to review the unit on colonies • http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/download/soc.st.4-1.ppt
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES • Activity #1 • Students will choose a partner, then choose one of the 13 English Colonies. Students will pretend to be a colonist and write a letter back to England describing life as a colonist. The partner, living in England, will write back asking any additional questions he or she may have about colonial life. All correspondence should be based on information from the text and internet sources. Include information about religion, government, home life, work. • Website: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/13coloniesdef.htm
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES • Activity #2 • After learning about Roger Williams from the colony of Rhode Island, have a class debate with one side arguing to expel Williams from the colony and the other side arguing to allow him to stay. • Website: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/jb/colonial/williams_1
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES • Activity #3 • Triangular Trade Route • Students will draw a map of the triangular trade route that connected England, the English colonies in North America, and the west coast of Africa. Students will tell what was traded on each route. • Website: http://www.watertown.k12.ma.us/cunniff/americanhistorycentral/06lifeinbcolonies/Cities.html
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES • Activity #4 • Journal Entry • After reading from the text about slavery in the Southern Colonies, students will pretend to be a slave, a plantation owner, or an overseer and write about, in their journal, their day on the plantation. • Website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part1/1narr5_txt.html
PEOPLE IN SOCIETIES • Activity #5 • Students will take an online quiz about people in colonial history • Website: http://americanhistory.about.com/library/quizzes/blcolwhowants.htm
GEOGRAPHY • Activity #1 • Students will make a map of the 13 Colonies including a key to identify the following: • New England Colonies in orange • Middle Atlantic Colonies in blue • Southern Colonies in green • Crops, natural resources and products found in each colony • Major cities in the colonies • Website: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/graphics/13mapnew.htm
GEOGRAPHY • Activity #2 • Students will use website to locate latitude and longitude coordinates and determine the absolute location of Jamestown, VA; Providence, RI; Portsmouth, NH; Philadelphia, PA; Boston, MA; Williamsburg, VA; New York City, NY; Savannah, GA • Website: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/activity/latlong2/map.GIF
GEOGRAPHY • Activity #3 • Students will use website and text to explore the different landforms and climates of the New England, Middle Atlantic, and Southern colonies to better understand how the landforms and climate affected settlement and the economy of the regions. Students will then make a graphic organizer of their choice to categorize characteristics of the regions. • Website: http://www.brtprojects.org/cyberschool/history/ch04/regions.html
GEOGRAPHY • Activity #4 • Students will choose a colony and make a poster to present to the class. Poster will include: • Location of the colony on a map • Who settled the colony • Resources found in the colony • Landforms • Climate • Website: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/13coloniesdef.htm
GEOGRAPHY • Activity #5 • Trivial Pursuit Review • Students will play a game of Trivial Pursuit answering geography questions related to the 13 colonies as a review of the information covered in the unit. Students will make up the questions to be used in the game. Information for the questions can be found in the text and from websites. • Website: http://www.brtprojects.org/cyberschool/history/ch04/regions.html
ECONOMICS • Activity #1 • Students will complete the English in the Americas cause and effect sort. • In this activity, students match up the cause and effects of the English coming to the Americas for farming and economic prosperity. An example of a cause an effect would be : • Cause – English colonies at Roanoke Island arrived too late in the year to plant crops. • Effect- John White returned to England to gather food and supplies . (Scarcity of goods) • Website: http://www.coastalguide.com/packet/lostcolony-croatan.shtml
ECONOMICS New England • Activity #2 • Students will fill out this graphic organizer • The students will write the items based on the economy of the New England Colonies. • Website: http://www.harlingen.isd.tenet.edu/coakhist/coloniz.html
ECONOMICS • Activity #3 • Students will write a journal response to a key question regarding the economic factors that made the colonies successful when dealing with the term “production”. • Journal question: Europeans settled in the Americas in stages. First, they sent explorers; then, traders, soldiers, fishers, and missionaries came; and finally, colonists settled the land. What economic factors aided in the success of the colonies? • Responses should include: the ability to produce their own food, good relations with the Native Americans, and ability to buy or barter for the things they needed. • Website: http://www.brtprojects.org/cyberschool/history/ch04/economy.html
ECONOMICS • Activity #4 • When discussing the Jamestown Colony, students will learn about a “cash crop” and how for this particular colony, their cash crop was tobacco. • Students will perform research on John Rolfe and write about his role in tobacco production and how it made Jamestown economically stable. • Website: http://www.apva.org/ngex/rolfe.html
ECONOMICS • Activity #5 • Students will read the story Stranded at Plimoth Plantation 1626 by Gary Bowen. • When the students read this story, they are to write down examples of how the Pilgrims conserved items and reused goods. • Students will also answer the question: How did people at Plimoth Plantation get goods that they needed? • Website: http://amazon.com/gp/reader/0064407195?ie=UTF8&keywords=Goody%20Billington&ie=UTF8&v=search-inside
GOVERNMENT • Activity #1 • Students will complete the activity called “New Ideas, New Colonies: • In this activity students will examine the New England Colonies (Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, and Connecticut) • Students will receive a map of these colonies in which they will label • Students will be broken up into three groups and will be assigned a colony that they will research their colonies’ : • Founder • Form of government • For example: Rhode Island (founder: Roger Williams, form of government: Consent) • After they have this information they will be placed in a group of three one student from each colony and they will teach each other about their colony (Jigsaw Learning) • Website: http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Colonization_NE_Colonies.html
GOVERNMENT • Activity #2 • Students will engage in a class discussion and then answer questions in their journals • Discuss with students how the meetinghouse was the beginning of democracy in America. Emphasize that laws were not made unless people voted on them. • In their journals, have the students compare this to how laws are made today. • Ask students to think about their elected officials. What kinds of jobs do they do? How are those jobs similar to the jobs of Puritan officials? • Website: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/13colonieschurch.htm
GOVERNMENT • Activity #3 • Students will perform an online research project on Roger Williams • Inform students that over the course of nearly 50 years, Roger Williams held various positions in Rhode Island’s government. • Students will be given access to computers and internet and will be asked to answer a list of questions on Roger Williams • Example question: What were the accomplishments of Roger Williams? • Response may be : He was Rhode Island’s first governor • Website: http://www.rogerwilliams.org/biography.htm
GOVERNMENT • Activity #4 • Students will receive a version of the Mayflower Compact written in present-day language. • Students will read the Mayflower Compact as a class in choral reading • Students will then answer questions in their social studies notebooks about the document • Example question: How did the writers of the Mayflower Compact say laws would be decided? • Response : They would be decided by majority rule. • Website: http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/democrac/2.htm
GOVERNMENT • Activity #5 • Students will examine the government of the Virginia colonies • Explain to the class that along with the House of Burgesses, another branch of government in the Virginia Colony was the governor and his council. • In groups, students will answer t he following question: • Why do you think Virginia had both appointed and elected officials? • Response should be: The king’s appointees represented the king’s interests in the colonies; the elected officials represented the colonists’ interests. • Website: http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/timeline/colonial/virginia/virginia.html
CITIZENSHIP • Activity #1 • Students will become a news reporter and will write a news story. • Ask the students to imagine that they are newspaper reporters who have accompanied the colonists on the Sparrowhawk. • Have the students write a news story about the colonists for their newspaper back in England. • The news story should explain what life is like in the colonies and how the colonists participate in their society and government. • Website: http://ocmayflower.org/pilgrim.htm
CITIZENSHIP • Activity #2 • Students will complete the “Solve a Problem” activity. • Students are given a problem and have to solve it following seven steps • Prompt: One problem in colonial times was that of getting settlers to stay for long periods of time. Imagine that you are a leader who wants to settle a colony. Use the steps to help you solve the problem. • For example: • Step 1 : Identify the problem (People are not permanently settling in the colonies) • Step 2 : Gather information about the problem (Poor farming, not enough supplies) • Step 3 : Think of and list possible options (Relocate) • Step 4 : Consider advantages and disadvantages of possible options (Better farming but occupied by Native Americans) • Step 5 : Choose best solution • Step 6: Try solution (How applied to the problem) • Step 7 : Think about how well the solution helps to solve the problem (How it would work and how it would not work) • Website: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/13colonies2.htm
CITIZENSHIP • Activity #3 • Students will further examine the Meetinghouse and the roles of the community in this building. • Explain to students that people had assigned seats in the meetinghouse and were fined if they did not sit in them. The richest and most important people sat in the front of the meetinghouse. • Have students get into groups of four and answer and discuss the question: • Why do you think this was so? • Responses should include: That it was a sign of status within the community. • Tell students that people often fell asleep during the all-day sermons. It was one person’s job to wake up people by tickling them with a feather. • Website: http://www.oldcolonyhistoricalsociety.org/OC%20History%20at%20the%20OCHS%202002.htm
CITIZENSHIP • Activity #4 • Students will discover about Anne Hutchinson and her role in the Puritan society in Massachusetts Bay. • Put this quote on the board: “a woman not fit for our society”. • Inform the students that at the time, Puritan women did not hold positions of authority within a community. • Have the students write in their journals about how this put Anne Hutchinson at a disadvantage at her trial. • Have the students research Anne Hutchinson and find out where she went after her departure from the Massachusetts Bay colony and what her life was like there. • Website: http://www.annehutchinson.com/
CITIZENSHIP • Activity #5 • Students will design and perform skits about the tension of the Powhatan Confederacy and the Jamestown Colonists. • Explain to the students that the relationship between the colony and the Powhatan Confederacy was tense. Colonists may have hoped the marriage of Pocahontas, the chief’s daughter, to John Rolfe, a colonist, would ease the tensions between the groups. However, the marriage did not stop the fighting. • Students will design and perform a skit based on the relationships between the Native Americans and the colonists. • They will be evaluated by their peers based on a rubric that the class comes up with as a whole and it will be written on the board for reference. • Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocahontas
Social Studies Skills and Methods • Activity #1 • Primary Sources • Students will go to website and review the charters of the 13 colonies • Website: http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/states/statech.htm
Social Studies Skills and Methods • Activity #2 • Primary vs. Secondary Sources • Students will investigate the differences between primary and secondary sources and will then search online for primary and secondary sources relating to the 13 colonies and list them for reference. • Website: http://library.csun.edu/mwoodley/primary.html
Social Studies Skills and Methods • Activity #3 • Students will complete a worksheet relating to primary and secondary documents. Worksheet will include matching, true/false and fill-in-the-blank questions. • Website: http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html
Social Studies Skills and Methods • Activity #4 • Students will read a version of the Fundamental Orders. • Discuss with students that Fundamental Orders was the first written form of government in North America. • Have students get in groups and read the orders carefully. They need to identify the: • Authors • Purpose or goal of the papers • Come together as a class and discuss the students’ findings. • Website: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/gopher/text/historical/fundamental-orders-1639
Social Studies Skills and Methods • Activity #5 • Students will read a list of facts about William Penn and Benjamin Franklin. • Students will make a “T” chart and place the facts under the person they feel they belong to. • Students may use their Social Studies books or other resources. • Come together as a class and discuss how students organized their facts in the chart. • Students will make a “T” chart and place the facts under the person they feel they belong to. • Website: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0149-6611(193906)54%3A6%3C466%3AFAWPNC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Y