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Bicycle Powered Cell Phone Charger ECE 491 / ME 492 – Fall 2008

Bicycle Powered Cell Phone Charger ECE 491 / ME 492 – Fall 2008. Michael Megiveron (ME). Jim Karl (ME). Brilleasha Moore (EE). Ryan Sredzinski (ME). Frank Walega (ME). Purpose: Develop a device to charge a cell phone using free energy within 8 hours.

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Bicycle Powered Cell Phone Charger ECE 491 / ME 492 – Fall 2008

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bicycle Powered Cell Phone Charger ECE 491 / ME 492 – Fall 2008 Michael Megiveron (ME) Jim Karl (ME) Brilleasha Moore (EE) Ryan Sredzinski (ME) Frank Walega (ME) Purpose: Develop a device to charge a cell phone using free energy within 8 hours. Product: A bicycle powered generator. Description: • A gear box rigidly mounted to a bicycle frame rotates a DC motor used as a generator. • A rubber wheel contacts the bicycle tire to rotate the gears of the drive train. • The power generated by the motor powers a smart charging chip. • A intermediate storage battery is either fast, trickle, or not charged based on the battery’s voltage. • When the battery is done charging it is transferred to the charging station where the cell phone can be charged with a cigarette lighter charger. Electronics Charging Station Smart Charging Circuit Schematic Generator Charges Storage Battery Utilizes Cigarette Lighter to Charge Cell Phone Contacts Bicycle Tire Transfer Storage Battery

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