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Social - economic and political development of Kazakhstan in XIX – the beginning of XX century. Lecture 21. Brief contents:. 1. Reforms of 1822, 1824 yy . 2. Reforms of 60-80 th yy.of XIX c. 1. Reforms of 1822, 1824 yy .
Social -economic and political development of Kazakhstan in XIX – the beginning of XX century Lecture 21
Brief contents: • 1. Reforms of 1822, 1824 yy. • 2. Reforms of 60-80thyy.of XIX c.
1. Reforms of 1822, 1824 yy. • Striving of the central authorities to strengthen the position of Russia in the Junior and Middle zhuzes and use these territories as the advanced post for further advancing to the east with the aim to subordinate the population of the Senior zhuze, induced them to penetrate into the inner social-political organization of the nomadic society by the way of the creating of the special administrative-political system in the Kazakh lands.
In the 20th and 40th of the XIX century according to the special legislative acts of the tsarist government: “Ustav o Sibirskikh Kirghizakh” 1822 y. “Law about Siberian kazakhs” “UstavobOrenburgskihKirghizakh” 1824 y. “Law about Orenburg kazakhs”
The highest section in the system of political and military administration of the Kazak population belonged to the Russian State departments are presented:
According to “Law about Siberian kazakhs” Khan's powerwas abolished in Middle zhuze. Instead of Khan’s power Russian government establishes power of elder (aga) sultans. Territory of Middle zhuze divided on administrative empties (okrugor provinvce) of Omsk Generals-Governor
Administrative-territorial division according to “Law about Siberian kazakhs”
In 1842 y. according to “Law about Orenburg kazakhs” Khan’s power was abolished in Juniorzhuze. • Territory of Junior zhuze was divided on 3 parts:
Russian Empire on the natural habitats of the nomad territories of the Kazaks was accompanied with taxing of the 'dependent population by the systems of taxing obligations: (kibitochnayapodat (tax from every momadic tent) in the Junior zhuz, Yassakpovinnost (tax in type of cattle) - in the Middle zhuz).
In the 20th—30th of the XIX century the jurisdiction and rights of the supreme land ownership was really realized only in the northern, central and eastern regions of Kazakhstan by the Russian State, but with the strengthening of their social-economic and military-administrative positions it distributed this right on new territories. This process was substantiated in the establishment of the fiscal system on the most parts of the territory of Kazakhstan.
2. Reforms of 60-80thyy. of XIX c. • The penetration of the state structure of Russia into the inner political organization of the Kazak society and introduction in the region of the fiscal-taxes system of the Empire provoked the negative reaction in Kazakhstan, as on the side of the most dependent population as on the side of the neighboring Central Asian States, which considered that the southern regions of Kazakhstan were the sphere of its immediate economic and political influence.
In 1859 y. on the base of the special Emperor's ukaz the Kazak population of the Junior and Middle zhuzes was passed from authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs. • By this legislative act the tsarist government juridical fixed the factual status of the large part of the territory of Kazakhstan as the southern-eastern province of the Russian Empire.
In July 1867 y. Ukaz (Law) about establishment of the Turkestan Generals-Governorwas published by the Emperor. Senior zhuze :
The spreading of the Russian legislation and tax system over the southern lands of Kazakhstan was the final step on the way of including them into the administrative-territorial and state-political structure of the Empire. The joining of Kazakhstan to Russia was finished.