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Patient Organizations and Medical Society in Russia To the UNO Political Declaration on NCDs. June 8-9, 2012 – MDA participated in the 3-rd International Congress “ Healthcare in Russian Federation, CIS and Europe”. Among other topics prevention of NCDs and living with DM were discussed.
Patient Organizations and Medical Society in Russia To the UNO Political Declaration on NCDs June 8-9, 2012 – MDA participated in the 3-rd International Congress “ Healthcare in Russian Federation, CIS and Europe”. Among other topics prevention of NCDs and living with DM were discussed. August 19-27, 2012 – MDA participated in the action “The Wave of Health” organized by Charity fund facilitateimplementationofthe "LeagueofNation'sHealth" bythegreatRussianriverVolgaroute "Samara -Astrakhan-Saratov-Volgograd-Samara“. Many events for patients and HCPs were organized during the cruise along the Volga river. Tasksshare:• diagnosis, counselingandtreatmentforchildrenwithcongenitalheartdisease, diabetes, impairedvision, speech, andotherchronicillnesses; • scientific, practicalandeducationalactivitiesaimedatpreventingdiseaseandavoidingharmfulhabits;• Conductmasshealtheducationactivities, expressdiagnosticsandcounselingforpreventionandtreatmentofdiseases.• Carryingoutactivitiesaimedatpromotingunpaidvoluntaryblooddonationandawarenessofrealparticipation • Organisationofeventsnationwideinformationandeducationalprogram "Diabetes: TimeforAction" (screeningaspartoftheexpeditionmobilediabetescenter, roundtables).