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Discovering the Next Generation of Library Search. Paul Pival Public Services Systems Librarian ppival@ucalgary.ca David Brown Head of Systems dkbrown@ucalgary.ca Aaron Wood Metadata Librarian Assistant Head, Technical Services aawood@ucalgary.ca. Alberta Library Conference 2010
Discovering the Next Generation of Library Search Paul Pival Public Services Systems Librarian ppival@ucalgary.ca David Brown Head of Systems dkbrown@ucalgary.ca Aaron Wood Metadata Librarian Assistant Head, Technical Services aawood@ucalgary.ca Alberta Library Conference 2010 Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper, AB April 30, 2010
A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Academic Digital Libraries of the Future: an Environment ScanLaw, Derek (2009) New Review of Academic Librarianship, 15:1, 53-67.
What do our librarians think? • Really depends on the discipline • Most don’t teach it • They see improvement since launch • They think it’s better than Federated Search
I was able to find relevant information on my research topic
I would recommend this search service to a friend or colleague
If it was available in the future, I would start my research with Summon
Getting local records into Summon • Things to think about.
Kinds of loading • MARC records • Harvesting via OAI-PMH • XML files
MARC Records • Unique record key • Linking back to Catalogue • Updating or deleting records • Local data not in Bibliographic record • Call number • Branch • Holdings
OAI-PMH • Better handling of additions and deletions • Is the meaning of the metatdata clear outside of its context? • How complete is harvested metadata?
Web-Scale Discovery Problematic Yet Enticing
University of Calgary’s metadata record counts in Summon: • Over 2,270,000 MARC records • Just under 16,000 simple Dublin Core records from its institutional repository (DSpace) • Over 79,000 simple Dublin Core records from its local digitized collections (CONTENTdm and an in-house developed system) • 3,931 records describing cultural objects from its museum collection • 268 RAD-compliant xml records representing archival holdings
The Problem: An Unbalanced Scale Full text vendor xml records Local collection metadata records: MARC, DC, EAD, etc.
Solution? Through considering what the user-oriented goals of unified discovery services are: • Facets met through leveraging available metadata? • Increased access points with more detailed information on individual search results met through merging metadata records for the same resource, i.e., normalization?
The Importance of Facets? • ‘...facets help end users refine searches, navigate, browse and manage large results sets’ (Calhoun, Online Catalogs, v) • ‘More Intuitive Searching: less complicated initial searches, less pre-limiting, more post-limits via faceting...’ (Harper, 11) • ‘Improved search of catalog and local resources: keyword, facets, visualization’ (Burke, 28)
Increased Access Points and Clarity MORE: • hypertext links to resources and supplementary information, • subject information, • tables of contents, • abstracts and summaries, • and any other details available
Current Examples Primo OCLC (Harper, 20) (Calhoun , RDA and OCLC,10)
Web-Scale Discovery Exert Pressure Collaborate Respect Standards Look both Within and Outside Libraries
Works Cited Burke, Jane. “Discovery versus Disintermediation.” XXIX Annual Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisitions: Necessity Is the Mother of Invention. 6 Nov. 2009. Online 30 Nov. 2009. <http://www.katina.info/ conference/2009presentations/Fri815_Burke.ppt> Calhoun, Karen, et al. “Online Catalogs: What Users and Librarians Want: An OCLC Report.” OCLC Online Computer Library Center. 3 Mar. 2009. Online. 15 Dec. 2009. <http://www.oclc.org/reports/onlinecatalogs/fullreport.pdf>. Calhoun, Karen, et al. “RDA and OCLC.” OCLC Online Computer Library Center. 30 Oct. 2009. Online. 15 Dec. 2009. < http://www5.oclc.org/downloads/webinars/RDA_09Oct30_slides.ppt>. De Groat, Great. “Future Directions in Metadata Remediation for Metadata Aggregators.” Digital Library Federation. Feb. 2009. Online. 5 Jul. 2009. <http://www.diglib.org/aquifer/ dlf110.pdf >. Harper, Corey. “Metadata Normalization: A Case Study in Primo and Linked Open Data in Libraries.” Metadata Working Group Forum, Cornell. 16 May 2008. Online 12 Dec. 2009. < http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/ 1813/10920/1/harper_cornell20080516.ppt> “MARC Mapping to MODS: Version 3.3.” Library of Congress. May 2008. Online. 27 Jun. 2008. <http://loc.gov/standards/mods/mods-mapping.html>
Further Reading Bollier, David. “The Promise and Peril of Big Data.” Aspen Institute. 2010. Online. 3 Jan. 2010. <http://www.aspeninstitute.org/sites/default/files/content/docs/pubs/ InfoTech09.pdf> Boock, Michael, FaryChadwell, and Terry Reese. “WorldCat Local Task Force: Report to LAMP.” Oregon State University Libraries. 2 Apr. 2009. Online. 12 Dec. 2009. <http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/bitstream/1957/11167/1/Worldcat% 20local%20task%20force%20report_cost%20redacted.pdf>. Coyle, Karen. “The Library Catalog: Some Possible Futures.” Journal of Academic Librarianship, 33.3 (May 2007): 414-416. ScienceDirect. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 4 Nov. 2009. <http://sciencedirect.com>. Debenham, John, and Carles Sierra. “Merging Intelligent Agency and the Semantic Web.” Knowledge-Based Systems, 21.3 (Apr. 2008): 184-191. ScienceDirect. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 12 Dec. 2009. <http:sciencedirect.com>.
“The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery.” Microsoft Research. 2009. Online. 3 Jan. 2010. < http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/UM/redmond/about/ collaboration/fourthparadigm/4th_PARADIGM_BOOK_complete_HR.pdf>. Gavrilis, Dimitris, Constantia Kakali, and Christos Papatheodorou. “Enhancing Library Services with Web 2.0 Functionalities.” Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. SpringerLink, 2008. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 23 Jul. 2009. <http://springerlink.com>. Lauridsen, Helle, and Graham Stone. “The 21st-Century Library: A Whole New Ball Game?” Serials, 22.2 (Jul. 2009): 141-145. MetaPress. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 3 Jan. 2010. <http:metapress.com>. Mayfield, Ian, and Linda Humphreys. “Next-Generaton Library Catalogues: Reviews of ELIN, WorldCat Local and Aquabrowser.” Serials, 21.3 (Nov. 2008): 224-230. MetaPress. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 13 Dec. 2009. <http:metapress.com>.
Patel, Chintan O, and James J. Cimino. “Using Semantic and Structural Properties of the Unified Medical Language System to Discover Potential Terminological Relationships.” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 16.3 (May/Jun. 2009): 346-353. BMJ Journals. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 13 Dec. 2009. <http://jamia.bmj.com>. Schaffner, Jennifer. “The Metadata Is the Interface: Better Description for Better Discovery of Archives and Special Collections.” OCLC Online Computer Library Center. 2009. Online. 5 Jul. 2009. <http://oclc.org/research/publications/ library/2009/2009-06.pdf>. Simpson, Betsy. “Collections Define Cataloging’s Future.” Journal of Academic Librarianship, 33.4 (Jul. 2007): 507-511. ScienceDirect. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 4 Nov. 2009. <http://sciencedirect.com>. Stevenson, Karen. “Next-Generaton Library Catalogues: Reviews of Encore, Primo, Summon and Summa.” Serials, 22.1 (Mar. 2009): 68-82. MetaPress. University of Calgary Libraries, Calgary, AB. 13 Dec. 2009. <http:metapress.com>.