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Informational Forum September 23, 2013. Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis. Nominations Process For Board and Lay Delegates Kathy Wallace, Nominations Panel Representative. 3 Board of Directors and 3 Lay Delegate positions are up for election.
Informational ForumSeptember 23, 2013 Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis
Nominations Process ForBoard and Lay Delegates Kathy Wallace, Nominations Panel Representative • 3 Board of Directors and 3 Lay Delegate positions are up for election. • Applications are available online and at the informational tables. • Deadline for applications is November 30, 2013. • Nominations Panel Representatives: Jerry Smith-Staff Lara Glauber-Ministry Collaboratives Kathy Wallace-Member at Large Daniel Pattengill-Board of Directors Please ask those gifted leaders within our congregation to serve.
Staff Positions UpdateReverend Pressley Sutherland, interim Pastor • An oral report will be shared by Reverend Pressley Sutherland.
New Tiers of Expenditure AuthorizationLinda Mudd, Treasurer SOPP 9.5 Expenditure Approval • As a result of the changes in structure and process, it has become necessary to revise our policy on reimbursable expenses related to our ministry efforts. Therefore a tiered structure of approvals is created by this policy to empower leadership and maintain responsible cash flow oversight. • This Policy is directed to expenses related to previously approved annual budget line items. Schedule of expenditures 1. Team leaders are empowered to spend up to $100 per month of reimbursable expenses of the previously approved annual budget items with reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 2. Expenditures over $ 100 - $ 300 of previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Director of Administration subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 3. Expenditures over $ 301 - $ 1000 of previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Treasurer and Director of Administration subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 4. Expenditures over $ 1000 of the previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Board of Directors subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 90 days. Limitations: • Non-Budget expenditures are not covered by this policy at this time. • All receipts shall be turned in within 30 days of expense to the church or it may not be reimbursed. No reimbursement shall be made without a receipt for expenses incurred. Implementation of Policy • This policy will be effective upon approval Review & Sunset: • This policy will be reviewed annually per Board policy and as needed • This policy will have no current expiration date.
New Tiers of Expenditure AuthorizationLinda Mudd, Treasurer Schedule of expenditures 1. Team leaders are empowered to spend up to $100 per month of reimbursable expenses of the previously approved annual budget items with reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 2. Expenditures over $ 100 - $ 300 of previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Director of Administration subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 3. Expenditures over $ 301 - $ 1000 of previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Treasurer and Director of Administration subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 60 days. 4. Expenditures over $ 1000 of the previously approved annual budget items would need to be approved by the Board of Directors subject to fund availability and reimbursement within 30 days, or a mutually agreed schedule of reimbursement within 90 days. Limitations: • Non-Budget expenditures are not covered by this policy at this time. • All receipts shall be turned in within 30 days of expense to the church or it may not be reimbursed. No reimbursement shall be made without a receipt for expenses incurred.
Building Use Report(B.L.T.)Patrick Connaughton, Board of Directors • What are we doing and why • Current efforts & results • Where we’re going & how we plan to get there Please refer to the handout and working documents of the BLT available at the informational table.
Finance ReportLinda Mudd, Treasurer As of August 31, 2013: • Tithes and Offerings are at 106% of budget thanks to God’s French Fries, $249,388.37 • Total Income is at 108.36% of budget (includes Trivia & Golf), $382,650.32 • Building Usage is at 202% of budget, $16,163.83—which is very optimistic • Building Fund—As of August we have paid $114,889.28 to the mortgage companies and have only received $59,981.90 in Building Fund donations for the year. This is 52% of what is needed to cover our mortgage. • Total Expenses for the year are currently at 105.36% of budget, $336,268.88
Pastoral Search Report Daniel Pattengill, Clerk Rev. Wes Mullin’s Candidate Visit on the weekend of Friday, October 4, 2013. Tentative Schedule Friday, October 4 —Question and Answer Session with the Congregation in the evening Saturday, October 5 ---Breakfast with the Board of Directors —Meet and Greet with the Board of Directors and Congregational Leaders in the afternoon —Question and Answer Session with the Congregation in the evening Sunday, October 6 --Rev. Wes Mullins will preach at our Sunday Celebration Service --Fellowship time with the Candidate and Congregation --Special Congregational Meeting at 12:30—Vote on Candidate Updated Membership Count of 284 members, quorum will be established with 57 members present Candidate will not be present for the Election. Election of Senior Pastor – To be elected, the candidate presented by the Pastoral Search Team must receive at least eighty percent (80%) of the votes cast—per Bylaws Article VII: D