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Mobility and Recognition: A perspective from Scotland

Mobility and Recognition: A perspective from Scotland. Outline of presentation. The Scottish policy context Mobility - the LEOplus project Recognition and ECVET Future priorities. Scottish Skills Strategy.

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Mobility and Recognition: A perspective from Scotland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobility and Recognition: A perspective from Scotland

  2. Outline of presentation The Scottish policy context Mobility - the LEOplus project Recognition and ECVET Future priorities

  3. Scottish Skills Strategy “Scotland’s greatest asset is our people. We want to build a self-confident, outward looking Scotland. Investing in our people’s skills, ensuring that skills contribute as much as possible to sustainable economic growth, is central to unlocking our potential.”

  4. Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework All major awards from Scottish schools, colleges and universities Includes both academic and vocational awards All learning is credit-rated and linked to learning outcomes 12 levels from beginner to Doctorate

  5. Articulation and progression - aims Support multiple pathways to learning Learners progress smoothly between programmes and institutions Prior learning is recognised and credit is awarded Minimise time/effort needed to gain advanced qualifications

  6. Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework:Articulation and progression routes 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 School Awards University Awards Vocational Awards Doctorate Masters Honours Degree OrdinaryDegree Higher National Diploma Year 2Degree Higher NationalCertificate Advanced Higher Year 1 Degree Higher National Certificate National Certificate Intermediate 2 National Certificate Intermediate 1 National Certificate Access 3 Access 2 Access 1

  7. International mobility Mobility is established in principle for HE education (Erasmus, ECTS) Key challenge – extending these principles to international mobility in VET The Leoplus project

  8. Project Aims To encourage SMEs to engage with mobility To explore the best way to support mobility participants To simplify the logistical processes involved in implementing mobility To consider how to ensure recognition of learning undertaken is formally certificated

  9. Activities and Outputs Active consultation with both internal and external stakeholders, study visits, seminars and desk research A step-by-step toolkit providing examples of best practice and presenting options for formal recognition and certification A final report presenting key recommendations to policy and decision makers

  10. Key findings: themes Funding Strategy Awareness raising Languages (Recognition)

  11. Funding – recommendations Mobility participants should have access to financial recompense while on placement or exchange Part-funding of mobility programmes might encourage SMEs to allow trainees or apprentices to take part in mobility Implementation of a a European mobility charter

  12. Strategy – recommendations National strategies for Lifelong Learning across Europe need to include clear references and targets for transnational mobility Core funding conditions for local, regional and national VET providers could include reference to mobility targets

  13. Awareness raising – recommendations Potential mobility participants and SMEs are still unaware of the benefits of mobility and how to access funding for mobility National funding bodies need to promote the message that application procedures are simpler

  14. Languages – recommendations For Scotland (and UK) there is a need to promote greater facility with other European languages

  15. Conclusions Difficult to engage SMEs Good practice needs to be disseminated at a European level Individual mobility might be the way forward Common European mechanism required for formal recognition of European mobility

  16. Toolkit: Guide to Formal Recognition What are the options? WWHA [1]Apply for Europass mobility [2] Agree relevant unit (for placement) with provider [3] Offer additional unit (module) [4] Provide In-house Certificate [5] Implement Credit Transfer via ECVET

  17. Options for Formal Recognition Define key learning aims of placement [1] Apply for Europass mobility (http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu) Is Europass sufficient (no further action?) Is there a need to provide further recognition through certification? Do learning aims correspond with aims of current study programme? Not Specifically YES Can trainee undertake unit from host country study programme? [2] Agree unit with provider [3] Offer Additional Unit NO Provider input [4] Provide In-house Certificate YES Trainee collectsevidence [5] Implement Credit Transfer via ECVET Evidence quality- assured Certificate Learning

  18. Europass Mobility • Added-Value of European dimension • Known to learners and some employers in certain EU countries (e.g. Finland & Sweden) and used for Recognition purposes • Opportunity to list the skills and competences acquired • Part of portfolio of recognition documents • Not well-known or fully used by UK learners or employers • Further awareness-raising needed (EU-wide) • Not formally embedded in qualification and validation systems • Further refinements needed to align to ECVET and EQF • Not yet fully electronic

  19. Other Recognition Options - Pros & Cons

  20. Recognition via Credit Transfer - ECVET • Certain pre-requisites: learning outcomes, national qualification frameworks, credit-based qualifications… not all EU countries in position • Requirement for bilateral agreements (not automatic) –bureaucratic • Not yet aligned to ECTS • Respects principle of “avoiding duplication” • European added-value should be apparent (certificate) • Makes qualification portable, transferable and recognisable (ECVET credit, EQF levels) Scotland could implement ECVET immediately…

  21. 1 Learning Agreement 7 3 2 Credit is awarded to the individual for the learning outcomes achieved Learner’s credit in an individual transcript or record Credit is validated 6 5 4 Adapted from ECVET draft recommendation Bjornavold, J / Le Mouillour I. (2008). La validation des acquis de l’apprentissage en Europe : un sujet d’actualité.In : Actualité de la formation permanente Nr. 212. Centre Info, pp. 79-87. HOST PROVIDER SENDING PROVIDER Individual acquires KSC Learning outcomes are recognised and accumulated as part of the target qualification; corresponding ECVET points are included Learning outcomes are assessed

  22. Scottish Employer / SQA / Local Training Provider French College of Technology - in partnership with a Local Employer 1 Learning Agreement for SVQ Units (Apprenticeship Programme) – SQA confirms broad match of learning aims On-the-job Learning is assessed Trainee undertakes Placement SQA produces Certificateshowing number of Points gained through Credit Transfer 7 3 2 Partner College/TP in Scotland submits evidence of achievement and results for remaining units in SVQ framework to SQA French College provides Trainee with Evidence ofAchievement Achievement is confirmed by French College / Partner Employer 5 6 4 SQA APPLYING ECVET – HOW IT WORKS IN PRACTICE

  23. Recognition: Conclusions and Considerations • Recognition, if well integrated, is key support tool – raises profile of mobility and formally demonstrates the benefits • Current options for Recognition all have limitations • Further work required: - to promote and endorse Europass within existing validation systems - to simplify and operationalise ECVET But, especially, to work towards building ONE European credit-based system for Lifelong Learning

  24. Next steps Employer engagement Embed mobility into curricula Build international partnerships Work with sector skills agencies and professional bodies Consider funding implications Alignment of HE and VET processes

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