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MV & LV PROTECTION COORDINATION. for electrical installation designers. Overview of Merlin Gerin products: Guiding System. I. NEW. Summaries of discrimination, cascading and types of motor coordination. H. Optimize the performance and costs of your installation
MV & LV PROTECTION COORDINATION for electrical installation designers Overview of Merlin Gerin products: Guiding System I NEW Summaries of discrimination, cascading and types of motor coordination H • Optimize the performance and costs of your installation • Use design assistance tools Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airports E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital ? NEW Coordination Discrimination Cascading NEW B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices Expert: J.Schonek / C.Collombet Pedagogy: F.Bécheret / C.Cayla Production: AMEG Duration: 52 mn MV LV protection coordination – October 2005 1
? coordination, discrimination, cascading Protection coordination: combining devices • Discrimination: only the circuit breaker directly upstream of the fault trips To find out more: slides 3 to 5 otherwise, slide 6 • Cascading: reinforces the breaking capacity of the downstream breaker LV only • Motor coordination: protection, control and isolation Safety of people and equipment Continuity of service Optimizationof installation costs
Discrimination No discrimination - discrimination: definition CB1 CB1 CB1 and CB2 trip Only CB2 trips CB2 CB2 The other feeders are still powered The other feeders are not powered
- cascading: choosing a circuit breaker with less breaking capacity • Without cascading • With cascading CB1 CB2 Icu < Isc Icu < Isc Downstream breaker with lower rating
CB1 and CB2 trip CB1: current-limiting effect - 2 cases of cascading Contributes to breaking without tripping CB1 CB1 CB2 CB2 The other feeders are not powered The other feeders are still powered Cascading to the detriment of discrimination Cascading reinforces discrimination More details chapter H
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading A/ COST REDUCTION: offices on industrial site Product overview:Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices Cost reduction: offices
source 2880A … … - offices on an industrial site: cascading • Primary substation: 2x1600kVA=3.2 MVA • 400V • System earthing arrangement: TNS MLVS Isc 81kA 250A 30m of cable Specify the devices required: • Manual approach: 1) Standard specification of circuit breakers and ratings panelboard 2) Implementation of cascading Isc 27kA 3) Checking of discrimination 30A • Software approach 10 office feeders
Compact NS100 to 630 Isc 81kA Breaking capacity Icu at 415V 250A COMPACT NS250L … … - standard choice of the main LV switchboard circuit breaker source MERLIN GERIN catalogue MLVS Isc 81kA Isc 81kA 250A 250A
number rating type curve magnetic breaking capacity at 415V of poles threshold (kA) In 16 25 36 50 NG 125 H 10..32..80 Isc 27kA Isc27kA Isc27kA Isc27kA … … 30A 30A 30A 30A - standard choice of feeder circuit breakers Panelboard MERLIN GERIN catalogue 10 office feeders
C60N 30 - implementation of cascading upstream • Required Isc = 27kA downstream Breaking capacity 36 kA if used alone LV complementary technical information The NG 125 H is replaced by a smaller device: the C60 N
LV complementary technical information upstream Is downstream -checking of discrimination MLVS NS250L NS250L C60N breaking capacity reinforced Isc 27kA Isc 27kA … C60N 10 office feeders discrimination guaranteed
MLVS mains ISC 81kA 250A discrimination guaranteed panelboard Then replaced by C60N 10kA 30kA 32A ISC 27kA 30A 1) Standard specification of types of breakers and ratings • Manual appraoch: 2) Cascading approach 3) Checking of discrimination - let's recap Compact NS250L 150kA 250A Standard NG125H 36kA 32A
Global software approach 250 A 32 A - and with Ecodial 81 kA • Design installations 27.10 kA • Diagram plotting • Current and voltage calculation • Cable cross-section calculation • Choice of products • Discrimination and cascading • Protection of people • Printing of results
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading B/ COST REDUCTION: manufacturing workshop Product overview:Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
- high load density & need for flexibility Isc 35kA • 400V Compact NS160N • Distribution by busbar trunking 160A • 16 workshop stations Busbar trunking Isc30kA 1) Specify the busbar trunking model using the catalogue approach panelboard 10A 2) Verification of savings made by cascading
KSA-16 source MLVS Canalis KS catalogue 16 work station feeders 36 KSA-16 - choice of the busbar trunking Compact NS160N 160 Isc 30kA Busbar trunking NS160 = 160A
source MLVS 16 work stations feeders - highlighting cascading Without Compact NS would have to be used KSA-16 KSA-80 Compact NS160N 78.7 Permissible rated peak current 22 Canalis KS catalogue Isc30kA Isc30kA x 2.5 = 75 kA peak Busbar trunking The Compact NS160N limits the short-circuit current on the busbar trunking
source MLVS - choice of the switch-disconnector: catalogue 160A Isc25kA panelboard Merlin Gerin catalgoue Interpact INS 250
source downstream switch-disconnector: initial choice MLVS upstream circuit breaker - highlighting of cascading Compact NS160N 160A LV complementary technical information Final choice: INS 160-250 Initial choice: INS 250-160 Isc25kA panelboards Interpact INS 160: final choice
NS e.g. «office» C60 NG125 NS NS e.g. «workshop» - a system approach to reduce costs • Ecodial • LV complementary technical information • Product catalogues INS 250 INS 160 KSA-16 KSA-80
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading C/ SOURCE REDUNDANCY AND DISCRIMINATION: a hospital Product overview:Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
- hospital: source redundancy calls for special attention to discrimination • Hospital center for women and children • Operating room and instrument sterilization • 11000m² • 80 beds / 6 floors • Underground parking mains or • 1260 kVA generators
- total source redundancy 2 x QM 630A 2 x 630kVA transformers 2 x 630kVA Discrimination study: 100 m of cable 1800A 1800A • circuit breakers A and S A B Source transfer • circuit breakers B and S • circuit breakers S and F Isc 23kA Isc 6kA S F total discrimination required 400kVA UPS 400A Refrigerating set Non-priority main MLVS feeders Priority main MLVS feeders 900A 900A
- choice of circuit breakers A and S Transformers Generators NW20 H1 In = 2000A 65kA 1800A A Isc 6kA S 900A NS1000N In = 1000 A 50 kA LV complementary technical information Total discrimination
A S - circuit breakers A and S: graphical verification Generators Transformers T (s) 1800A NW20 H1 In = 2000A 65kA Source transfer A Isc 6kA Micrologic5.0 Ir = 0.9x2000A Im = 2.5 x Ir 900A S NS1000N In = 1000 A 50 kA Micrologic2.0 Ir = 0.9x1000A Im = 2.5 Ir Total discrimination I (A) Ir Im Ir Im
- circuit breakers B and S: graphical verification Micrologic 5.0 Ir = 0.9x2000A Im = 10 x Ir 1800A NW20 H1 In = 2000A 65kA S B ATS B Isc 23kA 1000A S NS1000N In = 1000 A 50 kA Micrologic 2.0 Ir = 0.9x1000A Im = 2.5 Ir Total discrimination Ir=1800 Im=18000
- choice of circuit breaker F S Refrige- ration unit NS1000N In = 1000 A 50 kA F 400A Micrologic 2.0 Ir = 0,9x1000A seuil bas à 2,5 Ir Micrologic 2.0 Ir = 0.9x1000A Im = 2.5 x Ir F S Non-priority main MLVS feeders NS 400 N In = 400 A 45 kA UC STR 23SE Ir = 400 A Im = 3 x Ir = 1200 A Instantaneous setting = 4400 A Total discrimination
- «backup / mains supply» redundancy: be careful of discrimination • Selection assistance tools (for references, see chapter G) MERLIN GERINcatalogue Ecodial 3 LV complementary technical information • Discrimination studies Control units with wide ranges of settings
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading D/ LV ring distribution system: factory Product overview:Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
8MVA power 2000KVA MLVS Refrigerat-ing set Forming Cutting Sheetmetalwork 2000KVA Packaging 107.5m MLVS MLVS 2000KVA MLVS Painting 2000KVA Offices - 20000 m² industrial building Electrical installationguide • 400V • Ring distribution system 30 % • high power density • partial operation possible (without Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning ) • Problem 25 % • ensure safety • keep down time to a minimum Study of LV ring system protection plan 5 % • normal operation (4 or 3 transformers) circuit breakers 30 % discrimination • transient operation
NW H1 2000A NW H2 3200A Masterpact NW - choice of circuit breakers • Drawout circuit breakers MV/LV transformer Isc 81kA Isc 81kA Isc 81kA MERLIN GERINcatalogue General protection 2880A 2880A 2880A MLVS MLVS Feeder protection Isc 31kA Isc 31kA 1800A 1800A MLVS MLVS
t 0.3 s. 0.3 delay MLVS 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 i 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 - discrimination in normal operation • Settings NW H2 3200A 0.3 or 0.2 or 0.1 Iscph/n = 12kA 9kA > 2 x 3200A Idph/pe = 10kA time discrimination • discrimination for each type of fault: • in the LV ring system • upstream of the MV/LV transformer • in the main LV switchboard
no current no current normal current normal current courant short-circuit short-circuit - fault in the LV ring system • Fault: the entire ring is stressed • The 4 x 0.1 s protection devices trip • One 0.2 s protection device trips • Only the faulty portion of the ring remains de-energized
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 no current normal current short-circuit - fault in MV section 0.3 0.3 • Fault: the entire ring is stressed • The 0.1 s protection devices trip • Only one main LV switchboard and a portion of the ring remain de-energized • Action is taken upstream to clear the fault • Power is restored 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3
no current normal current short-circuit - fault in the main LV switchboard • Fault: the entire ring is stressed • The 0.1 s protection devices trip • The main LV switchboard general protection device trips in 0.3 s • Only one switchboard + a portion of the ring are de-energized • The circuit breaker near the faulty switchboard is opened • Power is restored to part not affected
Micrologic 6.0 A, P or H 0.3 s 0.3 s • 7.8 - 10% = 7.02kA too close to 3200A x 2 • Micrologic 6.0 A, P or H with ground fault protection • Ground fault protection settings delay 0.3 s 0.3 s i 0.3 s - discrimination in transient operation • Current NW H2 3200A • 10kA - 10% = 9kA X Iscph/n = 10kA Id ph/pe = 7.8kA 1200A
- innovative architecture: maximum continuity • Discrimination guaranteed • Ingenious installation design • High-performing Micrologic control units • Selection assistance tools Electrical Installation Guide MD1 ELG 2E
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading E/ LOGIC DISCRIMINATION IN MV: airport Product overview Merlin Gerin: Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F E Logic discrimination in MV: airport Logic discrimination in MV: airport D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
hangar - airport extension: need for “uninterrupted” MV and LV power supply Distribution network 2nd source A 18kV distribution/coupling switchboard max. Isc 17,6 kA min. Isc9 kA Satellite 2 Satellite 1 D MV/LV 1000 kVA • Discrimination study: A... D Hotel Satellite 3 • Protection of busbars
Distribution network A B C D t A B SEPAM series 20 relays overcurrent ANSI code 50 51 logic discrimination 500ms 440 ms C 60ms D 400A 1000A i Sepam series 20 Sepam catalogue - logic discrimination between circuit breakers A-B-C-D Protection Ir = 1000A / 500 ms see also chapter H slide 54 logic discrimination VIP 30 relays Low setting 400A / 60 ms SFT 2841 software
no current normal current short-circuit - busbar protection: combining directional protection and logic discrimination Distribution network 2nd source B B2 B1 Automatic reconfiguration mechanism Easergy T200 I Sepam catalogue • Logic discrimination • Directional protection
- main points to remember • Logic discrimination: • MV & LV ring systems • all situations in which time discrimination is impossible • Selection assistance tools: MV Protection Guide CG0021EN Sepam series 20 Data sheet PCRED300065EN SFT 2841 software Sepam series 40 data sheet PCRED301002EN
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading F/ LV MOTOR PROTECTION COORDINATION: industrial building Product overview: Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination coordination moteur H Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
- utility motor control Continuity of service is vital Isc 42kA • Choice of motor protection and control devices • 15 kW motors: 3 options • 55 kW motors: 1 option 55 kW motors 1500 rpm Star-delta starting 15 kW motors 1500 rpm Direct on-line starting
Isc 42kA TeSys GV2-DP132 - 15kW in normal conditions: ISC < 50kA • IEC 60947-4-1 standard / type 2 coordination: continuity of service & low maintenance Telemecanique catalogue 24520 Factory-tested coordination of the circuit breaker-contactor assembly
complementary technical information Compact NS80-HMA circuit breaker In50A, Isc 70kA LC1-D40 contactor LRD-33 53 - 15kW, high short-circuit current • IEC 60947-4-1 standard / type 2: continuity of service & low maintenance Isc 42kA Coordination of 3 factory-tested functions Robustness
All-in-one device TeSys U 15KW - 15kW: the communicating solution • IEC 60947-6-2 standard: continuity of service • CPS (Control and Protection Switching devices) category Isc 42kA • All-in-one • Self-coordinated Telemecanique catalogue Fully optimized for motor control in building automation systems
complementary technical information Compact NS160 SX circuit breaker STR22ME In160A, Isc 50kA 3 x LC1-D115 contactors - 55kW: star-delta starting • IEC 60947-4-1 standard: type 2 Isc42kA Coordination of factory-tested functions
? Coordination Discrimination Cascading G/ OVERVIEW OF DESIGN ASSISTANCE TOOLS Product overview: Guiding System I Summaries of discrimination, cascading and motor coordination H Design assistance tools Design assistance tools G LV motor protection coordination: industrial building F Logic discrimination in MV: airport E D LV ring distribution system: factory C Source redundancy and discrimination: hospital B Cost reduction: workshop A Cost reduction: offices
- tools for each design phase Installation Call for tenders Electrical installation design Budget & choice of architecture