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Time-Out Project Annual Evaluation Academic Year September 2011 -July 2012. Collated by Abay’ Bogle Time-Out Head Coach. Introduction.
Time-Out Project Annual EvaluationAcademic YearSeptember 2011 -July 2012 Collated by Abay’ Bogle Time-Out Head Coach
Introduction • The Time – Out Project aims to give young people from Year 7 to Year 9* (Inclusive) the opportunity to have ‘time-out’ from their mainstream schools. Often at risk of exclusion or in need of an alternative learning environment, young people are referred by their schools or Local Authority, and attend on a bespoke basis to compliment/offer alternative provision young people currently benefit from Time-Out aims to: • Provide a flexible provision in response to individual young people’s needs. • Focus on positive changes in behaviour and attitude while preparing young people to return to mainstream education. *Subject to assessment of each individual Learner’s educational history.
Schools and Agencies Supported This year, we have supported pupils from the following schools: • St. Michael’s CE High School, Sandwell LA • Oldbury Academy, Sandwell LA • Westminster Special School, Sandwell LA • Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council’s Local Authority Virtual School • Sandwell Academy, Sandwell LA • Alexandra College of Enterprise, Sandwell LA • Holly Lodge 11- 16 Science College, Sandwell LA • Ruskin House (PRU), Sandwell LA • PedmoreTechnology College, Sandwell LA • OrmistonAcademy, Sandwell LA • Wodensborough Community Technology College, Sandwell LA
Schools and Agencies Supported • Sycamore Short Stay Secondary School, Dudley LA • Hill Crest School and Community College, Dudley LA • Oakham(PRU), Sandwell LA • Holly Hall Maths and Computing College , Dudley LA • The Earls High School, Dudley LA • EllowesHall Sports College, Dudley LA • WodensRise (PRU), Sandwell LA • Thorns Community College, Dudley LA • RSA Academy, Sandwell LA
Reasons Pupils are Referred • Pupils are referred to the Time Out Project, by their schools, for various reasons. Some have multiple issues for potential or actual mainstream exclusion. These include: • Academic underachievement 19 pupils • Poor attitude to in-school work 15 • Poor attitude to Homework 9 • Poor school attendance 6 • Poor punctuality 7 • Behavioural indiscipline 42 • Lacking motivation/aspirations 13 • Persistent defiance 27 • Poor self-confidence/esteem 14
Reasons Pupils are Referred • Anger management issues 19 • Relationships with staff 14 • Social issues with peers 6 • Aggressive towards other pupils24 • Bullying 14 • Family Concerns 16 • Issues around criminal activity 11 • Issues around substance misuse 7
SEN (Special Educational Needs) In Time – Out various educational needs are represented in the cohort: • Some with diagnosed SEN • Some with behavioural difficulties • Some without diagnosis with SEN • Some without diagnosis or SEN The Goal?-Self Control Whatever learner’s diagnosis -or lack of, we encourage and coach Learners to become self-disciplined; the key issues relating to difficulty in school which leads to the learner being unsuccessful in a mainstream setting.
Educational Intervention Having being identified as having a SEN, Local Authority support is made available to Learners. This year, we had 29 pupils who had been formally assessed and deemed in need of such support prior to attendance here. • School Action 1 pupil • School Action Plus 15 pupils • SEN Statemented13 pupils
Curriculum Whilst social skillsand self discipline are the over-arching syllabus (reintegration skills); • Learners participate, typically, in three lessons per day including Mathematics, English, Science, PHSE, Urban Music, Drama, Art and Physical Education. • Learners participate in complimentary Vocational subjects including Life-Skills, PHSE, Anger Management, Cookery, Healthy Life-styles and Audio-Visual Media via KRUNCH (partner provider) • Specific Learners participate in intensive GSCE programs culminating in GCSE controlled assessments
Demographics of Learners 7 Female Learners 47 Male Learners 17 Looked After Children (LAC) 3 Black British 2 Bangladeshi 1 Black Caribbean 40 White British 5 Dual Heritage 1 Indian 2 Pakistani
Attendance Some of our learners have historically had issues with school punctuality and attendance. We consider time-keeping and attendance to be an important part of the Time – Out programme. Therefore encourage all Time-Out learners regardless of previous success-rates to be self- disciplined in these areas. Full cohort attendance consistently at above 86% 2 learners had 100% attendance between April and July 2012
Time Out KS3 Impact • 54 Learners supported during Academic year (September 2011 – July 2012) • 42 Learners reintegrated into mainstream school provision • 35 Learners achieving various qualifications • 2 Learners reintegrated into alternative educational provision • 9 Learners receiving on-going support from Time-Out • 1 Learner entered on and sat GCSE examinations in English and Mathematics • 1 Learner Concluding School Career (at age 16)
Qualifications Gained • GCSE (A*- C) 0 Learners • GCSE (D - F) 1 Learner x 2 subjects • AQA Introduction to Computer-based Music Production 6 Learners • AQA in Anger Management 6 Learners • Junior Football Organiser’s Award 8 Learners
Time Out KS3 Impact • As a result of participation on the Time-Out Project: • 47 earners said that they noticed a definite improvement in their ability to be self-disciplined and/or control anger • 53 learners said that their personal educational attendance was better • 49 learners said that they believed that they would have been excluded from school/out of education if they had not participated on the Project • 13 learners said they felt that they behaved better in class after graduating from the Project • 32 parents said that they noticed positive change in their child’s behaviour • 22 parents/carers said that they believed that their child would have been excluded/out of education had they not participated in the Project • *results taken from a Time - Out questionnaire
Authentic Voices • ‘I enjoyed visiting the [children’s] hospital to give out presents at Christmas. It made me grateful.’ • ‘Abay’ has helped me to change positively because he talks to me.’ • ‘…at school I’d smoke about 6 fags a day. Since being on Time Out I only smoke 1-2 because we’re not allowed to smoke here…’ • ‘when you are down you can talk to the staff about it…I’m more calm now from what I used to be like’ • ‘I have been on the Time Out Project for six weeks…Since I’ve been here I’ve had a couple of arguments…since I’ve been here I’ve got 12 stamps. When I get 15 I’ll get a £10 voucher as a reward…’
Authentic Voices • ‘I don’t like school, but Time Out is alright because of the way staff speak to ya. All the staff are safe because they make the lessons better…’ • ‘I have had 100% attendance since I have come and I have had certificates when we have had our celebrations’ • ‘Time-Out is way different to school. In school everyone is treated the same and expected to act the same , whereas in Time-Out everyone is treated differently, which is good…’ • ‘when you be good you get rewarded and [they] take you on trips to reward your good behaviour…Time Out has helped me at school. I have settled down since and I’ve been better at school. • ‘I have changed a lot because I am a lot calmer now and I can control myself…’
Authentic Voices • ‘I think my behaviour towards staff has changed because I used to get really angry and swear towards them’ • ‘The staff are proper sound and really easy to get along with…they’ve helped me achieve so much and I’m very grateful…I wish we could have a fag though.’ • ‘I really like the staff because they don’t get me angry like school does. I have always thought that Abay’ and Erin have helped me most because they are mostly with me’ • ‘I have really enjoyed being in Time-Out because it has stopped me getting in trouble with my school, Holly Lodge.’
Stake-Holders • ‘Thank you for 6 hours of peace and quiet!’ – Foster Carer, in child’s diary. • ‘[name of child] is always positive about coming [to Time-Out]; He is not about school or [name of another alternative (vocational) educational facilitator]…its because you lot at the Albion show you care… -Parent, quoted from telephone conversation 8/3/12. • “[Time-Out staff] have really given me a chance.” -Child, excluded from school and out of education for over two years, quoted from a conversation 19/3/12
Stake-Holders • ‘[name of child] has been better at Time-Out, Seems better in smaller groups, pleased with progress’ • – Foster Carer, in child’s diary. • ‘[name of child] is having a fantastic time with you and comes home in such a good mood!’ • -Parent, in child’s diary. • ‘[name of child] comes home in such a good mood each time he has been to the Albion foundation. It is so nice to read positive comments, and to have received calls.’ • -Parent, in child’s diary. • ‘Many Thanks Again Abay’. The work you do with young people is truly amazing’ • -KS3 Manager of a Sandwell High School.
Future Actions2012 and Beyond • Short term – In September 2012, the Albion Foundation’s Education and Inclusion Projects (including Time-Out) moved to a new, exacting, exciting facility. We are now Located at the (former) Canal Museum, Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick, West Midlands B66 1BA • Medium term – Here at the Time-Out project, we have tried hard to Increase quality of learning and experience young people and our stakeholder/partners have. We are continuing to use better and more robust evaluation processes and are excited about the future of our provision. • Long term – We are excited to announce that we are currently in the process of securing Free School status, with projection to open as The ‘Albion Foundation School’, in 2014.