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MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. Department Meeting December 2, 2011 9:15AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114. Mathematical Sciences Building. Regent Schofield met with us on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving see email from me for details c onsiders the Building urgent with this possibly being his last term
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Department Meeting December 2, 2011 9:15AM – 10:50 AM CBC C114
Mathematical Sciences Building • Regent Schofield met with us on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving • see email from me for details • considers the Building urgent with this possibly being his last term • Next formal meeting is scheduled around Dec. 28 • Three items to be prepared (again see email) • He is working to line up support and build team • Taking advantage of sporting events to bring up to various people, including the President • He had lunch with the Dean on Tuesday • contacts this past week beyond those listed above • stopped by DMS on Wednesday and Thursday, • I received “update” from him on Wednesday/called on Tuesday • He has started to create a possible donor list, beyond those discussed at the Tuesday meeting. • Goal: To “break ground” in or before one year.
Three Reminders • Please email Eva addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me, as discussed in the last meeting. • Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program, as discussed in the last meeting. • Input to Advisory Committee members concerning the “Listening to Departments” document
Reminder: Faculty help very badly needed!!!! • COMPLETE addresses of Math/Statistics departments • Especially outside the United States, since we have over 1,000 addresses of such departments within the US. • Such US addresses are also welcomed, in case we have missed any. • Faculty work addresses also desired for mailing advertisements of our graduate programs. • Please email Eva any such addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me. • I will be checking up on Eva’s work, as I consider our recruitment process of great importance. • The Graduate Committee cannot accept excellent applicants if I cannot put together a sizable pool that include such applicants. • Thanks to those who have already sent addresses to Eva.
Reminder: Please send input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program--discussed in the last meeting Old Slide • I have asked the Graduate Committee to gather faculty input in reviewing our MS Program, etc. • In particular: • Should MS Exams be required of all MS students in pure/applied math and statistics? • If so, should thesis be available to for instance exceptional students, not as a substitute for MS exams, but instead as part of the number of 700-level credits required? • Should the process for the MS Exams be similar to that for the PhD Qualifying Exams? In particular, the students not selecting faculty on the Exam Committee? • Etc. Etc. Etc. • Easy to get ahead of myself on this. I believe Step 1 is the Graduate Committee gathering faculty input.
Reminder/Odds and Ends • AdvisoryCommitteeworking hard on several items including the « Listening to Departments » document • Opportunity to include in that document the current push and need for a new building and list possible facilities • Reminder to provide the committeewith input. White board project • 66 – 8’x4’ boards (ordered); 9 – 6’x4’ boards (ordered); 4 - 4’x3’ foot boards • Changed our previous files into an “installation guide” for the Carpenter Shop • Kevin Raschko (Assistant Director, UNLV Facilities Management) indicatedtheywillstartinstallingthese 6-8am (instead of waiting). • Fall 2011 SemesterInstitutionalAnalysisFacultyWorkload Report • Was due Wednesday • Learned a few new things • Credits are weighted on that report for variable credit classes • Importance of cross listed courses beingbuilt as such • More with cross-listed courses
Urgent: Department Finals Auditorium Assignments • Department Finals auditorium assignmentsmust converge today • Usualproblem of shortage of auditorium space • Try to have at least 25% extra seating (obviouslyprefer 50%) with care in matchinginstructors • Definitelydon’twantstudentssitting on floor, etc. • Erin has producedseveraldrafts (Math 127 biggestproblem) • I amscheduled to meetwith Erin at 11:05am todayfor the final decisions. • Erin has been working on the other room problems for Finals withourinstructors and Scheduling • I suspect classroomsdisappearing has made thisproblemworse • New Mathematical Sciences Building should help • Department Finals on Saturday Dec.10 and Friday Dec. 16 • Wewill go straight fromsuchaud. assignments to preparing the Department Final packets, etc. for the correspondinginstructors.
Three Reminders • Please email Eva addresses (COMPLETE if possible) and cc: me. • Input to the Graduate Committee concerning our MS Program. • Input to Advisory Committee members concerning the “Listening to Departments” document
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Approval of the November 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes Committee Reports: Merit, Graduate, Undergraduate, Personnel, Advisory Hiring Committee Selection Vacancy Announcement The Math 330/365 prerequisite for Math 351 Procedure with respect to: Annual Evaluation/Evaluation of progress toward tenure (see attachment) “Listening to Departments” Memo New Business Adjournment
Department Bylaws 2.3.3 Elections. Elections of officers and members of standing committees, hiring committees, or elected ad hoc committees will always be by secret ballot. Write ins are always allowed. a. Elections of officers and committee members. To be elected, a person must receive a majority of the votes. The phrase “a majority of the votes” means “a majority of the votes cast.” By not specifying the procedure, we are deferring to Robert’s Rules, which includes a couple of procedures. The most common (?) is to run the election, and if nobody receives a majority, the balloting is repeated (several times, if necessary). The hope is that some members will change their votes. Another option is Preferential voting [RONR (10th ed.), p. 411, l. 30 – p. 413, l. 16], which is essentially choice voting with m = 1. Ties. In the event that an election procedure reaches an impasse, the department will decide on an appropriate procedure to break the impasse. For example, the toss of a coin. [Rev. 03/11] 3.1 Officers. The officers of the Department are the chairperson, associate chairperson, the undergraduate coordinator, and the graduate coordinator. A person cannot concurrently hold more than one office. 5.1 Composition. All committees will consist of at least three regular members of the department. Officers are not eligible to serve on committees, except where otherwise noted. 3.3 Associate chairperson.
Department Bylaws 5.5. Hiring committees. Hiring committees are composed of three elected members and two members appointed by the chair, one of which may be a faculty member from outside the department. The hiring committee will be formed no later than when the final vacancy ad is endorsed by the department.They will: Evaluate the completed files of qualified applicants and select finalists for interviews. Submit their recommendation to the Department for their approval. (This could be a ranked list, or to not hire, etc. As with all motions, the recommendation can be amended – see 5.10.) 5.5.1 When a candidate is invited for an interview, their complete file (including unredacted letters of recommendation) will promptly be made available for inspection by the regular members. The chairperson’s report on each search to the Dean of the College of Sciences shall contain the recommendation of the Search Committee and the result of the faculty vote. 5.5.2 During an academic year, a person cannot be appointed to more than one hiring committee and a person cannot serve (appointed and elected) on more than two hiring committees. This last provision may be suspended, as outlined in Section 1.7.
Department Bylaws 1.6 Modification of the Bylaws. Motions to amend the bylaws must appear on the agenda of a meeting of the faculty [RONR (10th ed.), p 573, l. 33 – 36]. Proposed amendments may be submitted to the Advisory Committee to make a recommendation to the department. The smaller of a two-thirds vote in a departmental meeting or a majority of the entire regular membership is required to adopt the amendment. [See RONR (10th ed.), Section 57, for more information.] 1.7 Suspension of Bylaws. A section of the bylaws may be suspended by a two thirds vote of the regular members, provided that the section is not designed to protect the rights of the individual, the rights of absentee members, or the rights of a minority. A successful motion to suspend the bylaws will last the duration of the meeting, unless another time limit is included in the motion. A section of the bylaws that is designed to protect the rights of the individual (e.g. Sections 2.3.2, 2.3.3 (preamble), 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.5, 6.3.6a, and 6.3.8a), to protect the rights of absentee members (e.g. Sections 1.6 and 4.7), or the rights of a minority (e.g. Section 2.3.2b) cannot be suspended. 2.2Regular members.