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Department of Surgery OSCE: Paediatric-, Plastic- and Vascular Surgery. Answer all questions in written on the answer sheets provided Remember your name and student nr on each page The OSCE consists of 16 stations, 5 marks each, 5 minutes per station
Department of SurgeryOSCE: Paediatric-, Plastic- and Vascular Surgery • Answer all questions in written on the answer sheets provided • Remember your name and student nr on each page • The OSCE consists of 16 stations, 5 marks each, 5 minutes per station • No cellphones,books or study material may be brouhgt into the examination venue.
Questions for slides 1a and 1b • What is the classical history and clinical findings on examination of this patient? Wat is die klassieke geskiedenis en kliniese bevindinge in die pasiënt. What are the treatment options available for this condition and name the life threatening complications of this condition. Noem die behandelings opsies beskikbaar vir hierdie toestand asook die lewensbedreigende komplikasies.
Questions – slide 2 • What is the clinical diagnosis?Wat is die kliniese diagnose? • What must you do before you transfer the patient for further care?Wat moet u doen voordat u die pasiënt oorplaas vir verdere behandeling?
Questions – slide 3 • What is the typical history of a child with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?Wat is die tipiese geskiedenis van ‘n kind met hipertrofiese piloriese stenose? • What are the physical signs?Wat is die fisiese tekens? • What are the metabolic disturbances found? What is the operation shown called?Wat is die metaboliese versteurings wat gevind word?Wat is die naam van die prosedure?
Questions – slide 4 • What is the classic clinical history of a child with Hirschsprung’s disease?Wat is die klassieke kliniese geskiedenis van ‘n kind met Hirschsprung se siekte? • What are the complications of Hirschsprung’s disease and what defect in the bowel wall is responsible for the disease?Wat is die komplikasies van Hirschprung se siekte en wat is die defek in die dermwand wat vir Hirschsprungs verantwoordelik is?
Questions – slide 5 • What is the diagnosis suggested by the X-Ray?Wat is die diagnose wat hierdie X-Straal voorstel? • How do these babies classically present?Wat is die klassieke presentering van hierdie babas? • What are the referring doctor’s duties before transferring this baby?Wat is die verwysende dokter se pligte voordat hierdie baba na ‘n tersiere inrigting oorgeplaas word?
Plastic Surgery • STATIONS 6 - 10
STATION 6 STASIEPlastic surgery • 1. Name the diagnosis • Gee die diagnose? • 2. What other morphological • types of this condition may • be present. • Noem ander morfologiese • tipes van hierdie verskynsel • wat teenwoordig kan wees • 3. How would you treat it? • Hoe sal u dit behandel?
STATION 7 STASIEPlastic Surgery • What type of wound is this and name one possible cause?Watter tipe wond is dit en noem ‘n moontlike oorsaak (1) • Name the principles of management/Noem die beginsels van hantering (4)
STATION 8 STASIE • Name the diagnosis/Gee die diagnose • Discuss the treatment/Bespreek die behandeling • What additional workup will be required/Watter bykomende voorbereiding word vereis
STATION 9 STASIE • Grade the depth of the burn injury/Watter graad van brandwonde is dit(1) • What are the principles of management/Bespreek die beginsels van behandeling(4)
STATION 10 STASIE This child has been in a MVA (motor vehicle accident) He is fully conscious and systemically and neurologically normal. Question: What are the principals of management (5) Die kind was in ‘n motorongeluk. Hy is by sy volle bewussyn en sistemies en neurologies is daar geen afwykings. Vraag: Noem die beginsels van sy hantering(5)
STATION 14 STATION 14 • Above is a picture of a 35 years old female who presented with a 24 hour history of sudden onset left lower limb severe pain, with no previous history of claudication and no risk factors of atherosclerosis. She had no palpable popliteal and distal pulses palpable. • a.. What is the diagnosis? (2) • b. Give three signs of a non-viable limb? (3) • .c. Give three systemic complications of revascularizing this limb • (3)
STATION 15 • A 50 years old male presented with a one week history of a left lower limb swelling. He has had hip surgery one month earlier. • a.. Looking at the picture above what is the diagnosis? (2) • b. How would you confirm the diagnosis (1) • c. Give two acute complications of this condition (2) • d . How would you achieve immediate luminal patency? (2)