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Maritime Transport. Maritime Transport in Iceland Responsibilites. Ministry of the Interior Icelandic Maritime Administration The Maritime Traffic Service (VTS) Icelandic Coast Guard Icelandic Marine Accident Investigation Board Ministry for the Environment The Environment Agency
Maritime Transport in IcelandResponsibilites Ministry of the Interior Icelandic Maritime Administration The Maritime Traffic Service (VTS) Icelandic Coast Guard Icelandic Marine Accident Investigation Board Ministry for the Environment The Environment Agency Responsible for marine pollution
Icelandic Maritime AdministrationMain tasks in Maritime Transport IMA Resides in Kópavogur, near Reykjavík 65 employees Responsible for centrally administrating maritime, harbour and lighthouse affairs Operations commenced 1 October 1996 when the Directorate of Shipping (1903-1996) and the Lighthouse and Harbour Administration (1878-1996) were consolidated IMA Organisation Chart 2006 - pdf Legislation IMA Act (pdf) No. 6/1996
Icelandic Maritime AdministrationMain tasks in Maritime Transport Ship registration and measurement Ship surveillance – Marine equipment Issue of Ship Certificates Recognised organisation Flag State Port State Control Vessel Traffic Monitoring LRIT-AIS-SafeSeaNet Lighthouses Certificates of Competency (Domestic/STCW) Safe Manning Document Manning regulations for fishing vessels
Icelandic Maritime AdministrationMain tasks in Maritime Transport Cont. • Legal registration of seamen • Seafarers rights and obligations • Living conditions, safety and health • Hours of work and rest • Safety of seafarers and vessels • Passenger vessels • Oil tankers – bulk carriers • Pilotage • Research projects • Participation in International co-operation (IMO, ILO, EU, EMSA, COSS, Nordic co-operation) Weather and Sea State Icelandic Waters and North Atlantic
Icelandic Coast GuardMain tasks in Maritime Transport Resides in Reykjavík and established 1926 140 employees Homepage Safety and security surveillance and law enforcement at sea Protection against illegal activities such as illegal migration and illegal drug trafficking Fisheries control and enforcement Pollution surveillance and response Natural resource and ecology protection Salvage and rescue diving International cooperation
Icelandic Coast GuardMain tasks in Maritime Transport Coast Guard Vessel Thor To be delivered 31 August 2011 • Cont. • Search and rescue • Emergency medical transport • Explosive Ordinance Disposal “EOD” • Hydrographic surveying and nautical charting • Assistance to law enforcement on land • Civil protection
Maritime TransportNumber of ships registered in Iceland 1st January 2011
Maritime TransportFerries in Iceland Herjólfur
Maritime TransportGENERAL ISSUES AFFECTING ALL MODES OF TRANSPORTPASSENGER RIGHTS Reg. 1177/2010 (rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterway) Compliance date: 18 December 2012 EEA Relevant No problems are foreseen in implementing Reg. 1177/2010
Maritime TransportACCESS TO MARKET Reg. 3577/92 (maritime cabotage) EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 563/1998 on the entry into force of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3577/92 of 7 December 1992 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage). Cargo and passenger transport by ships between Iceland and other countries have always been free and open to all. The same applies to maritime transport between ports in Iceland.
Maritime TransportACCESS TO MARKET Reg. 4055/86 (freedom to provide services) EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 572/1993 on the entry into force of provisions according to the Agreement the European Economic Area regarding maritime transport Cargo and passenger transport by ships between Iceland and other countries have always been free and open to all. The same applies to maritime transport between ports in Iceland
Maritime TransportACCESS TO MARKET Reg. 789/2004 (transfer between registers) EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Regulation (EC) No 789/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on the transfer of cargo and passenger ships between registers within the Community and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 613/91 (Text with EEA relevance), 698/2006.
Maritime TransportACCESS TO MARKET Reg. 4058/86 (action to safeguard free access to cargoes in ocean trades) EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 572/1993 on the entry into force of provisions according to the Agreement the European Economic Area regarding maritime transport. Cargo and passenger transport by ships between Iceland and other countries have always been free and open to all. The same applies to maritime transport between ports in Iceland
Maritime TransportINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Reg. 4057/86, Dec. 77/587 EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 572/1993 on the entry into force of provisions according to the Agreement the European Economic Area regarding maritime transport.
Maritime TransportINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Dec. 92/143 and Reg. 2158/93 EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 442/1994 on the entry into force of provisions according to the Agreement the European Economic Area regarding maritime transport.
Maritime TransportINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Reg. 2158/93 EEA Relevant This Reg. is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 442/1994 on the entry into force of provisions according to the Agreement the European Economic Area regarding maritime transport.
Maritime TransportINTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Dec. 2002/971 (HNS) Dec. 2004/246 (IOPC) amend 2004/64, 1490/2007, 2002/762 and 2008/143. Iceland has not yet ratified HNS and IOPC
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONSRecognized Organisations Dir. 2009/15/EC Com. Dec. 2009/491 Com. Dec. 2009/78 (Polish Register) EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation with: Ship Survey Act, No 47/2003 (Art. 10) Regulation on the recognition of classification societies and on rules and standards for institutions responsible for carrying out ship survey and control, 142/2004. Reg. 391/2009 (recast) – Not yet incorporated into the EEA Agreement - No problems are foreseen in implementing this Regulation
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Flag State Dir. 2009/21/EC - on compliance with Flag State Requirements Compliance date: 17 June 2011 EEA relevant No problems are foreseen in implementing this Directive
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Port State Control Dir. 2009/16/EC Amend. 428/2010, 801/2010 and 802/2010 Dir. 96/40 (identity card) Iceland has been a party to the Paris MOU since 1 July 2000 According to a notice from Schengen and SafeSeaNet, there were 351 single ship arrivals to Iceland in 2010 which is 6 ships fewer than the preceding year. Single ship arrival means that a ship is only counted once although they arrive more often in Icelandic ports during the period. A total of 106 ships were inspected, which amounts to 30.2% of foreign ship arrivals in Iceland These Directives are fully imposed into Icelandic legislation with: Ship Survey Act, No 47/2003 (Art. 14) Regulation on Port State Control No. 589/2003, a new Regulation according to Dir. 2009/16/EC, as amended and will be published later this month
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Vessel Traffic Monitoring Dir. 2002/59/EC Amend. 2002/84, EEA Relevant These Directives are fully imposed into Icelandic legislation with: Act No 41/2001 on the Maritime Traffic Service Regulation No. 672/2006 on the Maritime Traffic Service Dir. 2009/17, 2009/18 and 2011/15 Not yet incorporated into the EEA Agreement - No problems are foreseen in implementing these Directives
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Vessel Traffic Monitoring The Maritime Traffic Service (VTS) was established 2004 and is on the responsibility of IMA who has entered into a service agreement with Emergency Iceland (112), Coast Guard, Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue (ICE-SAR) Notifications of ships LRIT – AIS – SafeSeaNet Since 1st January 2011 all fishing vessels registered in Iceland must be equipped with AIS Weather and sea state (information system)
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Vessel Traffic Monitoring – Range of AIS shore-based stations - A total of 35 stations
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS International Safety Management Code Reg. 336/2006, amend. 540/2008 Com. Decision of 21. feb. 2011 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Act No 76/2001 on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships Art. 9 A Regulation 337/2009
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONSPilotage Dir. 79/115 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Notice No. 569/1993on the entry into force of the provisions according to the Agreement on the European Economic Area on ship pilotage of deep sea pilots.
Maritime TransportREPORTING FORMALITIES Dir. 2010/65 (repealing Dir. 2002/6) EEA Relevant Implementation in Iceland: Regulation No. 869/2004 on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from EEA Member States, implemented Dir. 2002/6. A new Regulation according to Dir. 2010/65 is currently being implemented and no problems are forseen. Not yet incorporated into the EEA Agreement -
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONSMarine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC; amend 98/85, 2001/53, 2002/75, 2008/67, 2009/26, 596/2009 and 2010/68 EEA Relevant This Directive is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003; Art. 1, par. 4 og 7 and Art. 3 Regulation No 589/2004 on marine equipment, with later amendments
Maritime TransportTechnical and safety conditionsPassenger ships Dir. 1999/35, amend. 2002/84, 2009/18, 2003/25 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003, Art. 1. par. 4 Regulation on the inspections of ro-ro ferries and high speed passenger craft engaged in international voyages, cf.595/2004.
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Safety of fishing vessels Dir. 97/70/EC, amend. 1999/19, 2002/35 and 2002/84 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003 Regulation No. 122/2004 on the safety of fishing vessels of 15 metres in length overall and over, as amended
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Safety of fishing vessels - Long-term safety programme IMA administrates the implementation of the programme in co-operation with a management board, consisting of representatives of the Ministry and stakeholders. The main programme topics are: Education and training A safety-management system (SMS) is being prepared for fishing vessels involving a manual where special emphasis will be placed on the human element in the working environment of fishing vessels. Development of educational material and guidelines. Manuals, brochures and video tapes/DVDs on safety matters are prepared and issued on a regular basis. Fatal accidents: Work at sea (red) – Work ashore (grey)
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Safety of fishing vessels - Legal registration of seamen Before every Icelandic vessel leaves port, the master must register into a central computer database the names of the crew members and their positions on board. The database is accessible to official control authorities (e.g. IMA and Coast Guard) Reasons for the strict registration policy: Who is on board? Is the Certificate of Seaworthiness valid? Has the Tonnage Certificate been issued? Are the Certificates of Competency of the master and other crew members valid and authentic? Is the ship fully manned according to Safe Manning Document? Are all insurances valid and authentic? Have the crew members attended all mandatory safety courses? Records on seagoing service in connection with issue of Certificate of Competency. Basis for Seamen’s Tax Reduction.
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Oil tankers Reg. 417/2002, amend. 2099/2002, 1726/2003, 2172/2004, 457/2007 and 1163/2009 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003, Art. 1 Par.4 Regulation No. 1110/2008 on the design of oil tankers
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Bulk carriers Dir. 2001/96, amend 2002/84 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003, Art.1 par 4 Regulation No 204/2004 on harmonized requirements and methods on safe loading and discharging of bulk carriers.
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Accident investigation Dir. 2009/18 Compliance date: 17 June 2011 EEA relevant – not yet incorporated No problems are foreseen in implementing this Directive. Directive 2009/18/EC is currently being translated into Icelandic and its implementation is being prepared.
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Accident investigation A special accident investigation board is responsible for investigating marine accidents and incidents. The Minister shall appoint a five-person board of experts for a four-year term to investigate marine accidents. Board members must have such qualifications and experience as will be particularly useful in investigating marine accidents The Board shall publish a general report on its work each year and reports on individual cases. These reports shall be regarded as public documents Act on Investigation of Marine Accidents Reg. on Investigation of Marine Accidents Information brochure
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS Insurance Dir. 2009/20 Compliance date: 1 January 2012 EEA Relevant No problems are foreseen in implementing this Directive. A Bill is being prepared for the implementation of the Directive.
Maritime TransportTECHNICAL AND SAFETY CONDITIONS COSS Reg. 2099/2002; amend 415/2004 and 93/2007 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully imposed into Icelandic legislation with: Ship Survey Act No. 47/2003, Art. 1. para. 4 Regulation No 652/2009 establishing a Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) Icelandic Maritime Administration participates in COSS meetings.
Maritime TransportE M S A Reg. 1406/2002; amend. 1644/2003, 724/2004 and 2038/2006 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully imposed into Icelandic legislation with: IMA Act (pdf) No. 6/1996, Art 3, par. 13Regulation No. 1138/2007 on the establishment of a European Maritime Safety Agency Director General of IMA has participated in the EMSA Administrative Board meetings and has the right to speak and make proposals. Employees of IMA, Icelandic Coast Guard and the Environment Agency have attended Work Shops at EMSA in Portugal
Maritime TransportENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSShip-source pollution Dir. 2005/35; amend. 2009/123 Not yet incorporated in the EEA Agreement No problems are foreseen in implementing this Directive.
Maritime TransportENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Ship-generated waste Dir. 2000/59; amend. 2002/84 and Dir. 2007/71 EEA Relevant These Directives are fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Act No. 33/2004 on marine and coastal antipollution measures (unofficial translation), Art. 6 k and l and Art. 11 Regulation No. 792/2004 on the reception of waste from ships (2000/59) as amended463/2011 (2007/71)
Maritime TransportENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSOrganotin compounds Reg. 782/2003; amend. 536/2008 EEA Relevant This Regulation is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Act No. 33/2004 on marine and coastal antipollution measures (unofficial translation), Art.6,par. v. Regulation No. 824/2005 on prohibition of organotin compounds on ships, amend. 827/2010 (implementing 536/2008)
Maritime TransportMARITIME SECURITY Reg. 725/2004; amend. 2009/83, Dir. 2005/65 Reg. 324/2008 Rec. from 11 March 2010 EEA Relevant This Regulation is fully transposed into Icelandic legislation: Act on Maritime Security, No. 50/2004, cf. amendments No. 18/2007 Regulation No 474/2007 on ship and port security, as amended (725/2004 and 324/2008) Regulation No 265/2008 um the implementation of maritime security (2005/65)
Maritime TransportSEAFARERSTraining of seafarers Dir. 2008/16/EC Amend. 2005/45 and 2010/361 (Israel), 2010/363 (Algeria), 2010/705 (Georgia), 2010/704 (Sri Lanka) EEA Relevant Implementation in Iceland: Act No 76/2001 on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships Regulation on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships No. 416/2003 Regulation on Watchkeeping Arrangements on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships No. 599/2001 College of Navigation and Marine Engineering - Reykjavík
Maritime TransportSEAFARERSTraining of seafarers IMA issues all Certificates of Competency to Icelandic Seafarers. Currently 700 STCW CoCs are valid. Iceland has ratified the STCW Convention and is on the IMO White List IMA is responsible for controlling that education in maritime colleges meet s the requirements of International Conventions Masters and Mates < 65 GT in near coastal in Iceland (1 semester) < 500 GT in near coastal (4 semesters) < 3000 GT (7 semesters) Unlimited (8 semesters) Marine Engineers: < 750 kW (2 semesters) < 3,000 kW (9 semesters) Unlimited (10 semesters) College of Navigation and Marine Engineering - Reykjavík
Maritime TransportSEAFARERSSocial aspects Dir. 1999/63 (working time) EEA Relevant Implemention in Iceland: Act No 76/2001 on Crews Serving on Board Icelandic Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships , Art. 7A og 7B Reg. 680/2004, amend. 1019/2006 incorporates dir. 1999/63 Directive 2009/13/EC is being translated and its implementation is being prepared. No problems are foreseen in implementing these Directives