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Apparel. W armer than down or a n y oth e r synthetic in s ula t ion uni q ue co m po s iti o n Soft, dra p able and highly com p res s ible car e ful se l ect i on of mi c ro fibres Drier than down or a n y oth e r synthetic in s ula t ion
Warmerthandown or anyother syntheticinsulation uniquecomposition Soft, drapableand highly compressible carefulselectionof micro fibres Drier than down or anyother syntheticinsulation insulationpropertiesremainstable atall times Singlesite production madewithan unrivalledconsistency
ISOSOFT103-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Isosoft103 is a thermo-and resinbondedmidloftperformanceinsulation offeringa very drapableand softhandowing to afiner denierfibre-blend (100%PES).A 25 g/m² has especiallybeendeveloppedas an extreme thincarrierfor quilted patternsand is alsomostsuitableforpringsummer garments. - Jackets - (Ski) Trousers - coats Valuesasindicationbeforeapplication 2.0-2.5TOG/cm1.3-1.7CLO/cm
ISOSOFT101-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Isosoft101 is a thermo-and resinbondedsuperhighloft,offering a verydrapableand soft hand,madewitha specialblendofspriral crimped polyesterfibres.Isosoft101 offersanUnrivalled performanceon insulationproperties. - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags 1.7-1.9TOG/cm1.0-1.2CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbefore application
ISOSOFT304-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Isosoft304 is a thermo-and resinbondedsiliconisedhighloft performanceinsulation,offeringa very drapableand softhand owingtoafiner-deniersiliconisedfibre-blend(100%PES). - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags Valuesasindicationbefore application 1.6-1.8TOG/cm0.9-1.2CLO/cm
ISOSOFT34-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Isosoft34 is a thermo-andresinbondedmidloftperformance insulationwithaheat-sealedsurface.It ishighlydrapableand hasa softfeelowingto a well-selectedblendoffinedeniersiliconised fibres(100%pes).In weightsequaltoorlower than100 g/m², usablein free hanguse. - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags 1.7-1.9TOG/cm1.1-1.3CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbefore application
ISOSOFT34-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Thatit canbe usedin ajacketorcoatwithoutanystitching. The productmustbe verystrongtobeusedthisway, becausethereare no seamstokeepthe wadding closeto the fabricand thereforthe wadding canbe destroyedmore easilyby washingordrycleaningorfriction.Weactuallyhave onlyone productleftin free hangquality: Isosoft34 in 40-60 -80 and 100 g/m² - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags
ISOSOFT54 Isosoft54 is a thermo-and resin-bonded,siliconisedmidloft performanceinsulation,witha down-likehandas aresultof an exceptionallyfine,siliconisedfibreblendof 100% PES. Isosoft54 gives extraprotectionagainstfibre-migration throughthe heat-sealedsurfaceby means ofasoftacrylic binder. - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags 1.8-2.0TOG/cm1.1-1.3CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbefore application
ISOSOFT707-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Isosoft707 is asynteticdowny feather alternativewitha thermobondedmidloftperformanceinsulationwithan fine siliconisedand spiralcrimpedfibreblend(100%PES). - Coats - Jackets - Trousers - Sleepingbags - Sportswear 100g:3.00-3.40TOG 150g:3.60-4.20TOG 200g:5.25-5.75TOG 230g 6,50-7,20TOG :
ISOSOFT®R76MICRON-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear IsosoftR76 MICRONis a thermo-and resinbondedmidloft insulationofferinga soft,down-likehand.IsosoftR76Micron isa resultofcombiningthe useofmicro-fibresandstill have theextra protectionagainstmigrationthroughthe heatsealedsurface.Finer fiber, content80% recycled.Blendedwithfineµfibers<1DN) - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags 2.3-2.4TOG/cm1.5-1.7CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbeforeapplication
ISOSOFT®R300-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear IsosoftR300isathermo-andresinbondedmidloft performanceinsulation withablendof90%postconsumer recycledpolyesterfibresfrompetbottles. - Jackets - Coats - Trousers - Sleepingbags 2.0-2.6TOG/cm1.2-1.5CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbefore application
ISOSOFTSKIFILL-Outdoor/Fashion/Sportswear Skifillis a weight-efficient,thermo-and resinbonded,siliconised insulation.Through Skifill'sextremethinloft,the garment gains highly ergonomicand comfortablefeatures. - tightjackets - (Ski) Trousers - classiccoats - Gloves - Headwear - Shoes 2.2-2.4TOG/cm1.4-1.6CLO/cm Valuesasindicationbeforeapplication
ISOSOFTJobfill-Workwear “Jobfill100 is an insulationspeciallyengineered for the high performanceWorkwear. Work clothes madewithJobfill100 are comfortable & ergonomicto wear andoffer excellentprotectionagainst extremeclimate conditions Suitable for heavy duty and washable@ 95C°.” withstanding manyindustrialwashing cycles. - Jackets - Coats - Trousers 2.5-2.8TOG/cm1.4-1.7CLO/cm valuesasindicationbeforeapplication
ISOSOFTHangtags Wenormally give 1 hang tag per 1meter ofIsosoft. 1 label costs us : 0.0205 €/pc
TOG-ThermalResistance The TOG value measurement wasdeveloped in 1960 to define insulation values.Thetog is a measure of thermalresistance of a unitarea, also known as thermal insulance, commonly used in the textileindustry. Herewillbe measured the heat transfer resistance. Howisit going? Weput a piece of our waddingona heating plate and we measure thedifference of the temperature before and after 3 hours.The TOG is aimportant indication for theclients to take their choices.
TOG-ThermalResistance The TOG value measurement wasdeveloped in 1960 to define insulation values.Thetog is a measure of thermalresistance of a unitarea, also known as thermal insulance, commonly used in the textileindustry. Herewillbe measured the heat transfer resistance. Howisit going? Weput a piece of our waddingona heating plate and we measure thedifference of the temperature before and after 3 hours.The TOG is aimportant indication for theclients to take their choices.
Wash&Care Iron up to110° Waschingwith40°and 95°(Jobfill/Workwear) Don`t bleachwithChlorine Don`t useadryer Only mildchemicalcleaningwith Perchloräthylen(Tetrachlorethen)
Competitors/market Competitors Thermore,Italy Primaloft,Albany-Group, USA Sandler,Germany Freudenberg,Germany JacobHärdi,Switzerland Polyfill,Austria LocalProducerin EasternEuropeand Asia
Somehelpfulinformation - Standarddimension/150cmforApparel,otherwidthshave tobearranged.Inthe fieldofworkwearis sometimes160 cm standard - Rollsare packedin plasticbags(no palletspossible) - Standarddiameterofthe packed/pressedrollsare 50 cm - You canload(fulltruck with120 m³ about440 rollsin 150 cm - Oneroll (dependingofthe weight/runningmeter)hasa weightof10,8–15 kg and avolumeof0,27m³ - Deliver timeis 3-4weeks+transport
FurtherInformation/market Wecanproducespraybondedvolumenonwovenbasedon PES fibers(padding/wadding)in 2plants. B-Meulebeke(Libeltex) D-Bocholt (Germany The wholeIsosoftRange,exceptISOSOFT 707willbe producedinBelgium.Itis stillverypopulartousespray/resin bondednonwoveninthe fieldofapparel.Ithelpsagainstfibre migrationand bringsveryoftenbetterwashingresults.Cheap versionsfromAsiaare oftenonlythermobonded. Wehaveclientsalloverthe world(USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland,Russia,Poland,….)
The writtenApplicationsare possibilites,basedon our experiencesand mustbe finallyproofedthroughour clients, becausethereare al lot ofthings,thatcanhaveinfluencereg. the rightproducts. The bestwayis toget get samplesfromusedproductsandthe tecnicalrequirements. Oneimpprtantpointistheriskoffibremigrationsthrough thefabric.Ourproductshasgotagreatprotectionagainst it,buttobesure,ifthefabricandthenon-wovencanwork togehter,wecanmaketestsinourlab.
Physicalproperties(clothing-shoe) Fibermigrationtest SIS650049 Martindaleabrasiontest 23
Washability Textiles-Domesticwashing and drying proceduresfor textiletesting (ISO6330:2012);Germanversion EN ISO6330:2012 24
Thermalinsulationmeasurements Clothing/ bedding : ISO 5085 (TOG device) Building insulation : EN 12667 (lambda device) 25
Weightandthicknessmeasurements Acc. to application, different standards /equipment for thickness are used : •ISO 9073-2 (non-wovens) •EN 823(building insulation) •Lhomargy 26