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Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM

Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM. B. C. Bigelow, UM Physics 10/6/04. Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM. Overview of talk: Design of focal plane mosaic components and assemblies Design and analysis of telescope and instrument structures

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Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM B. C. Bigelow, UM Physics 10/6/04

  2. Opto-Mechanics for SNAP at UM • Overview of talk: • Design of focal plane mosaic components and assemblies • Design and analysis of telescope and instrument structures • Optics – support of optics specifications and procurement • Design of misc. mechanics and sub-systems B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  3. Focal Plane Mosaics • Focal Plane Mosaics: • Previous experience with FPM • Large focal plane mosaic review for SNAP • MCT and CCD packaging designs and FEA • Design of discrete filter frames, aperture masks • Design of sub-arrays and FPM assemblies • More at http://www.physics.lsa.umich.edu/bigelow/snap/index B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  4. Previous FPA experience - IMACS 67 Mpx mosaic fully assembled B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  5. Previous FPA experience - IMACS NGC 2359, 15x15 arcmin B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  6. Large FPM review ACIS (AXAF Charge-coupled Imaging Spectrograph) B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  7. Large FPM review Kepler focal plane mosaic – 90 Mpx B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  8. GAIA astro focal plane mosaic GAIA astro focal plane, 180 CCDs, 2000x4500 px – 1.6Gpx B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  9. GAIA astro focal plane mosaic First GAIA development detectors have been delivered B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  10. Focal Plane Mosaics • Focal Plane Mosaics: • Previous experience with FPM • Large focal plane mosaic review for SNAP • MCT and CCD packaging studies • Design of discrete filter frames, aperture masks • Design of sub-arrays and FPM assemblies • Files at http://www.physics.lsa.umich.edu/bigelow/snap/index B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  11. MCT packaging designs H2RG package – 3 flat mounting pads and two locating pins B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  12. Discrete filter/apertures H2RG package with filter frame, filter, and aperture mask B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  13. IR sub-module Sub-array with CRICs, flex circuits, connectors, local IR electronics (cold), sub-plate heater B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  14. Focal plane fully populated B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  15. SNAP structures • Design and analysis of structures: • Space frames and trusses for OTA • Fold and tertiary support trusses • Focal plane support truss • Spectrograph support truss • Athermal struts • Composite truss nodes • Files at http://www.physics.lsa.umich.edu/bigelow/snap/index B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  16. Secondary Support Structure Secondary mirror support FEA model B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  17. TMA-63 telescope structure B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  18. TMA-65 telescope structure B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  19. TMA-65 telescope structure B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  20. Spectro installed FP assembly with spectrograph included (note redundant str.) B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  21. SNAP optics • Optics: • Supporting development of telescope optics specifications • mirror figure specifications • mirror AR coatings • Opto-mechanics for mirrors • fold mirror models • Participating in TDM/TPF-C mirror design reviews • at request of M. Lampton and E. Cohen (JPL) B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  22. Misc. opto-mechanics • Other sub-systems: • Alternative shutter designs • Alternative telescope baffles • Calibration systems, projector optics, sources (LEDs) B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  23. Alternate shutters Rotating barrel shutter B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  24. Telescope lower baffle Baffles fully enclose optical system, FPA B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

  25. Future work • Focal Plane Mosaic • Preliminary design (detector packages, sub-assys, baseplate) • Fabricate prototype parts, vibration and/or thermal testing? • Telescope Structures • 2.25 - 2.5m telescopes • Detail design of nodes, optics interfaces • Carbon-fiber prototypes (nodes, struts, structures) • Optics • TDM/TPF-C developments, design reviews • Review of commercial design studies • Site visits to optics/OTA vendors B. C. Bigelow - UM Physics

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