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Textile Composites

Textile Composites. Potential Benefits. Increased automation of manufacturing Large reduction in part count Increased through-thickness stiffness, strength, and fracture toughness. Applications of Braids. Aerospace Engine containment, stator vanes, Horizontal stabilizer. Industrial

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Textile Composites

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Textile Composites

  2. Potential Benefits • Increased automation of manufacturing • Large reduction in part count • Increased through-thickness stiffness, strength, and fracture toughness

  3. Applications of Braids Aerospace Engine containment, stator vanes, Horizontal stabilizer • Industrial • Auto cross-beams, rollers, air bags • Recreational • Water/snow skis,, hockey sticks • Medical • prosthetic limbs, surgical devices Ref: www.braider.com

  4. Woven Knitted /stitched * Braided* Textile Composites * Poe et al, AIAA-97-1321 Interlacing

  5. Three-Dimensional Textiles Rudov-Clark, Lomov, Zako 5

  6. -θ Micrograph of a 2x2 Braided Mat 2-D 2x2 biaxial ±q braid 12K tows Courtesy: Dr. Ajit Kelkar, North Carolina A&T University

  7. Manufacturing a Textile Preform (Precursor to Composite Part)

  8. Prehistoric Weaving http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prehistoric_weaving.jpg

  9. Weaving in Ancient Egypt http://en.wikipedia.org

  10. Weaving Machine

  11. Weaving Machine (close-up)

  12. Precursor of Modern Programming

  13. Майский шест (Maypole) Labor Intensive Braiding Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  14. Braider Movie

  15. Braiding machines Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  16. Сложная трёхмерная форма деталей оправка робот управляет движением оправки Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  17. H.G.S.J. Thuis, J.F.M. Wiggenraad and H.P.J. de Vries Вертолёт NH-90 рычаг плечо шасси Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  18. Плетение плеча шасси вставки: отверстия под шарниры Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  19. Конечно-элементная модель плеча шасси Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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