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2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues

2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues Choi, Mee Kyung 200503383 Table of Content Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs 2008 Presidential Debate on the Issues The map of political faith Liberal/Conservative Scale 2008 Presidential Debate on the Issues Sites Video Sites

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2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues

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  1. 2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues Choi, Mee Kyung 200503383

  2. Table of Content • Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs • 2008 Presidential Debate on the Issues • The map of political faith • Liberal/Conservative Scale • 2008 Presidential Debate on the Issues • Sites • Video Sites • Presidential selector • Work Cited

  3. LIBERALS–believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, and that it is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Believe that people are basically good. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve people’s problems. Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs CONSERVATIVES–believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems. Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs on Issues

  4. Duncan Hunter:Opposes abortion rights. Sponsored legislation which would define life as beginning at conception and apply constitutional protections to the unborn. Fred Thompson:Opposes abortion rights. Says Roe v. Wade is a "bad law" and "bad medical science." Mike Huckabee:Opposes abortion rights. Tom Tancredo:Opposes abortion rights. Issue on abortion • Ron Paul:Opposes abortion rights, but says that the issue should be decided in the states. Supports ban on procedure opponents call "partial-birth" abortion. Says Roe v. Wade • John McCain:Opposes abortion rights except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. • Mitt Romney: Opposes abortion rights except in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother. Supported abortion rights as a 1994 Senate candidate. • Rudy Giuliani: Supports abortion rights. • Issue on Abortion

  5. Mike Gravel: Support abortion rights Barack Obama: Support abortion rights Bill Richardson: Support abortion rights Dennis Kucinich: Supports abortion rights, though previously opposed them. Issue on abortion • Joe Biden: Support abortion rights • Hillary Clinton: Support abortion rights • Chris Dodd: Support abortion rights • John Edwards: Support abortion rights • Issue on Abortion • 2008 Candidates on the Abortion Ruling • The Presidential Candidates on Abortion

  6. Duncan Hunter: Advocates Market-based health care; opposed to government-subsidized universal health care. (Let Americans shop for insurance across state line). Fred Thompson:Advocates Market-based health care; opposed Federal mandate. Tom Tancredo:Advocates Market-based health care; would not rule out Federal subsidies for the needy. Mike Huckabee:Advocates Market-based health care; make private insurance affordable through tax deductions and coast control measures. Issue on Health Care • Ron Paul:Advocates Market-based health care; opposed Federal mandate. • (Want to make health care more affordable without tax increase) • John McCain:Has pledged affordable health care for every American without a federal mandate. • Says universal health care is possible without a tax increase. • Mitt Romney: Encourage states to develop market-based health care programs; opposed to a national version of the plan. • Use federal money now being used to help states cover the cost of medical care for the uninsured. • Rudy Giuliani: Advocates Market-based health care; make private insurance affordable through tax deductions. • The Presidential Candidates on Health Care

  7. Bill Richardson:Require everyone to get insurance, subsidized by employers and the government. Barack Obama:Require children to get insurance; aims for universal coverage. Joe Biden:Immediately to insure everyone under age 18. Work with states to move towards universal coverage. Mike Gravel:Issue vouchers to everyone based on their projected needs. Issue on Health Care • Dennis Kucinich: Establish medicare for everyone. • Hillary Clinton: Require everyone to get insurance, subsidized by employers and the government. • Chris Dodd:Has pledge universal health care, subsidized by employers and the government. • John Edwards: Require everyone to get insurance, subsidized by employers and the government. • The Presidential Candidates on Health Care • Health Care

  8. Duncan Hunter: Supported strict House immigration overhaul legislation that did not provide a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Fred Thompson:Supports stricter enforcement of existing laws to prevent future influx of illegal immigrants. Tom Tancredo: Supported strict House immigration overhaul legislation that did not provide a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Mike Huckabee:Supports Bush-backed immigration plan that provides a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Issue on Immigration • Ron Paul:Supported strict House immigration overhaul legislation that did not provide a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. • John McCain:Co-sponsored Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. • Mitt Romney: Opposes Bush-backed guest worker plan, saying it goes too far in expanding future immigration levels. • Rudy Giuliani: Supports providing a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. • Immigration • On the Issue: Immigration

  9. Hillary Clinton: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Chris Dodd: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation… Barack Obama:Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation….. Joe Biden:Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation….. Issue on Immigration • Dennis Kucinich: Supports legal status for some illegal immigrants with long-standing ties to the U.S. Opposed legislation authorizing a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border. • Bill Richardson: Supports comprehensive immigration reform. Opposes building the 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border authorized by Congress. • John Edwards: Supports legal status and citizenship for some illegal immigrants. • Mike Gravel: Supports creating a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. • Immigration • On the Issue: Immigration • The Presidential Candidates on Immigration

  10. Duncan Hunter: Supported Bush plan to increase the number of American troops, but would also require increased use of Iraqi forces. Mike Huckabee:Has offered qualified support for Bush Iraq policy, saying the president has access to military and diplomatic information that is not publicly available. Mitt Romney:Supported Bush veto of Iraq war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008 at the latest. Opposes troop withdrawal. John McCain:Supported Bush veto of war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Issue on Foreign Policy & Iraq • Fred Thompson:Supports Bush Iraq policy, but says U.S. entered war with too few troops and wrong strategy. • Ron Paul:Supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, but opposed war spending bill which included a plan to withdraw most U.S. troops by March 2008. • Rudy Giuliani: Opposes setting timetable for troop withdrawal. Supported Bush plan to send additional American troops to Iraq. • Tom Tancredo:Expressed doubts whether Bush plan to send additional American troops to Iraq will help win the war against "radical Islam." • Presidential Candidates and U.S. Foreign Policy • Iraq • The Presidential Candidates on Iraq • Compare Iraq Policy

  11. Joe Biden:Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Chris Dodd: Says Americans would be safer if U.S. never invaded. Proposed plan for Iraq that includes phased redeployment of troops over a 12-18 month period and improved recruitment and training of Iraqi security forces. Barack Obama:Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Supports phased redeployment of U.S. troops. Opposed Bush's plan to send additional troops to Iraq. Bill Richardson:Calls on Congress to de-authorize the Iraq war. Supports withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2007 Issue on Foreign Policy & Iraq • Mike Gravel:Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Opposed Bush plan to send additional American troops to Iraq. Supports immediate troop withdrawal. • Dennis Kucinich: Supports ending war funding. Opposed Bush plan to send additional troops to Iraq. Opposes additional war funding and has called for troop withdrawal. • Hillary Clinton: Supports de-authorizing the war. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Supports a phased redeployment and a cap on the number of American troops in Iraq. • John Edwards: Opposed Bush plan to send additional American troops to Iraq. • Presidential Candidates and U.S. Foreign Policy • Iraq • The Presidential Candidates on Iraq • Compare Iraq Policy

  12. Tom Tancredo:Co-sponsored legislation that would ban same-sex marriage nationwide. Duncan Hunter:Opposes same-sex marriage and supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Mike Huckabee:Opposes same-sex marriage. Mitt Romney:Opposes same-sex marriage. Issue on same-sex marriage • Fred Thompson:Opposes same-sex marriage. Personally opposes civil unions, but says the issue should be left to states. • John McCain:Supports definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, but opposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. • Ron Paul:Supports definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, but opposes any federal marriage definition. • Rudy Giuliani: Says marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman, but supports domestic partnerships and legal benefits for same-sex couples. • Same-sex marriage

  13. Chris Dodd: Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Joe Biden:Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage Barack Obama:Opposes same-sex marriage, but also opposes a constitutional ban. Supports civil unions. Bill Richardson:Opposes same-sex marriage but supports legal rights and benefits for same-sex partners. Issue on same-sex marriage • Mike Gravel: Supports same-sex marriage. • Dennis Kucinich: Supports same-sex marriage. Opposes constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. • Hillary Clinton: Opposes same-sex marriage but supports civil unions. Says states should ultimately decide the issue. Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. • John Edwards: Opposes same-sex marriage. Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. • Same-sex marriage • The 2008 Presidential Candidates’ Positions on LGBT Issues

  14. Duncan Hunter: Says he is considering all options to reform the program and prevent impending insolvency. Tom Tancredo:Supports allowing younger workers to divert some Social Security payroll tax into private retirement accounts. Mike Huckabee:Supports Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts.. Mitt Romney:Has suggested creating an independent panel to formulate a plan to reform Social Security. Issue on social security • Fred Thompson:Voted in favor of using budget surplus funds to create a private savings account program as a supplement to Social Security. • John McCain:Supports Bush plan to allow workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes to private retirement accounts. • Ron Paul:Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. • Rudy Giuliani: Supports private retirement accounts as a part of Social Security, but not at the expense of guaranteed benefits. • Social Security • Bush Plan: Social Security Document • Bush's plan for Social Security

  15. Chris Dodd: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts.. Joe Biden:Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Supports using private accounts as a supplement to the program. Barack Obama:Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts Bill Richardson:Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Issue on social security • Dennis Kucinich: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Says that the program is not in "crisis." . • Mike Gravel: Supports investing money from the Social Security Trust Fund to improve solvency, and allowing workers to leave surplus benefits to their heirs. • Hillary Clinton: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. . • John Edwards: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts.. • Social Security • Bush Plan on Social Security

  16. The map of political faith • How the 2008 U.S. Presidential Candidates fit on the grid • (London’s TimesOnline)

  17. Conservative Scale Fred Thompson Mike Huckabee John McCain Mitt Romney Ron Paul Tom Tancredo Rudy Giuliani Duncan Hunter

  18. Liberal Scale Mike Gravel Dennis Kucinich John Edwards Joe Biden Barack Obama Chris Dodd Hillary Clinton Bill Richardson

  19. 2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues • 2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues • Side-by-Side Comparison of Candidate Responses • 2008 Presidential candidates comparison • On the Issue • 2008 Presidential Election Podcast Podcasts

  20. 2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues: Video • First GOP Republican Presidential Debate: at the Reagan Presidential Library 5/3/07 • 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Debate: New Hampshire (9-5-2007) • 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Debate: Michigan (9-9-2007)

  21. 2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues: Video • Montage of Barack Obama at recent debate • Keith Olbermann moderates the forum that took place between the Democratic Presidential Candidates at Soldier Field in Chicago. • TPMtv: Highlight Reel Democratic Debate on Iraq: Dartmouth College in New Hampshire • The Democratic presidential candidates engaged in the first ever YouTube-fueled debate Monday night • The Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate: Drexel University in Philadelphia • The CNN Youtube debates the Democrats

  22. Presidential selector • 2008 Presidential Candidate Selector: This selector features over two dozen names of announced candidates and politicians considered by pundits to be possible White House contenders. • Which 2008 Presidential Candidate Agrees With You? : 2008 presidential candidate that best aligns with your beliefs. • Quiz to help you choose best 2008 presidential candidate: Find out which candidates you most closely align with and why • Political Compass website: a test that places you on a grid based on the degree to which you are “left” or “right” on the economic scale as well as how socially libertarian or authoritarian you are.

  23. Work Cited Ahmed, Murad. “The map of political faith.”August 01, 2007, Dec. 6, 2007 <http://timesonline.typepad.com/comment/2007/08/the-map-of-poli.html> “Election Center 2008: Issue.”CNNPOLITIC.COM: Dec. 7, 2007 <http://edition.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/issues/issues.abortion.html> “The Presidential Candidates on Iraq.” 2007:The New York Times Company Dec. 10, 2007 <http://politics.nytimes.com/election-guide/2008/issues/iraq/index.html> StudentNewsDaily.com.“Conservative versus Liberal Beliefs.” Dec. 5, 2007 <http://studentnewsdaily.com/uploads/conservative_vs_liberal_001.pdf>

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