1. Great Zimbabwe and East Africa How can trade change the world?
2. Kush Another kingdom arose in southern Nubia called Kush
Part of modern day Ethiopia
Conquered Egypt as a new nation and ruled for 150 yrs
Took on Egyptian ways, known as the Black pharaohs
3. Aksum Queen of Sheba went to Jerusalem to visit and fell in love w/ Israelite king Solomon, had a child who became ruler of Sheba, now known as Aksum
About 1,000 B.C. believed people sailed across Red Sea and settled on East coast of Africa, set up trading post @ Aksum, 586 B.C. Jews from Jerusalem fled to Aksum when Babylon destroyed Jerusalem
Aksum sat on a major trade route, gold, ivory and spices common
Christianity came to Aksum through trade, A.D. 300s King became a Christian, made Christianity the official religion, traded and influenced North Africa and Europe, new art, education and literature came from these areas
Famous for obelisk which are similar to Egypt's in shape and telling a story but are hollow and can be entered, people driven by Muslims into Ethiopian highlands
Established new kingdom of Ethiopia, cut off by Muslims develop own brand of Christianity, claim to host the ark of the covenant in small church and maintain high priest who protects the building it is in
4. East Africa-Kilwa New trade centers developed South of Aksum, when Muslim invade and explored East Africa, at least 30 cities developed
Kilwa located on coast of Tanzania, a Muslim city w/ orchards and gardens watered by streams
King charged duties, taxes on all goods that entered port, grew rich from taxes, jewelry and cotton from India, porcelain and silk from China, honey, wheat and rice from Europe, they had gold, ivory, and iron and a large store of slaves
Descendants of Arab and Bantu speaking people, Swahili was there language and became the official trade language all over Africa
1500s Portuguese captured and looted Kilwa, built forts along the coast
5. Great Zimbabwe Gold that Kilwa and other trade cities traded w/ came from Zimbabwe
Mines around the Great Zimbabwe, founded in 1100 by Bantu speaking farmers and herders
Grew powerful through gold mines, eventually lost power when gold depleted
Europeans arrived hundreds of yrs later but ruins of the great stone house , Zimbabwe still remain