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Explore the EU framework for integrating third-country nationals, emphasizing the role of cities, funding opportunities, and Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration. Discover the supportive EU mechanisms and financial support like the European Fund for Integration of Third-Country Nationals to aid Member States in their integration efforts.
The EU framework for integration of third-country nationals: a focus on the role of cities and on funding opportunities Martin Schieffer, ‘Immigration and Integration’ Unit, DG JLS, European Commission
The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals • October 1999 Tampere Programme • Need of approximation of national legislations on conditions of residence • Legal status of TCNs approximated to MS’ citizens • November 2004 The Hague Programme strengthening freedom, security and justice • Need for greater coordination of national integration policies and EU activities based on common basic principles • Common Basic Principles (CBPs) for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU • Underpin a coherent European framework on integration of third-country nationals
The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals Common Basic Principles • (Council Document 14615/04) • 1. Two way process • 2. Respect of EU basic values • 3. Employment • 4. Knowledge of host society's language, history and institutions • 5. Education • 6. Access to institutions, goods and services. Non discrimination • 7. Interaction between immigrants and MS citizens • 8. Inter-cultural and inter-religion dialogue • 9. Participation • 10. Mainstreaming • 11. Indicators • As Integration takes place at the local level, the role of cities and local authorities is an horizontal dimension of the implementation of CBPs
The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals The Common Agenda • September 2005: Communication ‘A Common Agenda for Integration - Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the EU’ • proposals for concrete measures to put the CBPs into practice • supportive EU mechanisms to facilitate this process through cooperation and exchange of good practice
The implementation of the EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals • Supportive EU mechanisms to cooperate and exchange good practice include: • The network of National Contact Points (from 2003) • Handbooks on Integration for Policy-Makers and Practitioners (2004, 2007, 2009) - technical seminars involve primarly stakeholders at local level • Annual Reports on Immigration and Integration (2004, 2006, 2007) • Integration Website (2009) - local stakeholders consultation and use • European Integration Forum (preparatory meeting + 2009) – involvement of cities networks and CoR • Integrating Cities process (Rotterdam 2006, Milan 2007, Berlin 2009, London 2010)
The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals • Council Conclusions on integration policies in the EU of June 2007 (following Potsdam Ministerial conference) • Commission Staff Working Document ‘Strengthening actions and tools to meet integration challenges’. Report to the Vichy Ministerial conference on Integration (3-4 November 2008) on initiatives carried out on the points underlined in June Council Conclusions and draw recommendations. Focus on:- participation and citizenship; - measures targeting at the host society; - contribution on integration to prevention of social alienation • - Council Conclusions on integration policies in the EU of November 2008 (following Vichy Ministerial conference) • New instruments: - Common European modules for integration; - Common tools for the evaluation of integration policies
Financial Support INTI (2003-2006) • At present evaluation of the whole programme • trans-national projects which promote co-operation between Member States, their regional and local authorities as well as other stakeholders • to encourage dialogue with civil society, support awareness on integration issues, develop integration models, seek out, evaluate and exchange good practice on integration and set up networks at European level
Financial Support The European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (2007-2013) (825 million €) • to support the integration challenges that EUMS are facing • to create a new form of solidarity to promote Member States' efforts in enabling immigrants to fulfil conditions of residence and to facilitate their integration • to help Member States to share their best practice reinforcing cooperation at EU level
Financial Support • 768 million € for National Programmes distributed among the MS • Specific priorities (allow increase of co-financing from 50% to 75%): • 57 million € for Community Actions (7% of the total annual resources each year)
Financial Support • Evaluation of National Programmes ongoing • (MAPS and APS 2007 and 2008 adopted) • Each Member State shall organise a partnership: regional, local, urban and other public authorities, international organisations and bodies representing civil society such as non governmental organisations, including migrant organisations, or social partners. • Complementarity with ESF and ERF
Financial Support • Community Actions 2007 • Transnational projects: 10 projects selected • Enhance interaction between Third-Country Nationals and Member State citizens and promote integration measures and best practices targeted at society as a whole • Promote integration strategies and measures targeted at different immigrant groups • Reinforce the complementary linkage between migration and integrationpolicies • DIVE project ‘Diversity and Equality in European Cities’ (Eurocities + Cities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Leeds, London, Rome)
Recent developments and way forward • New 2008 Call for proposal for Community Actions, deadline 9 March 2009 (transnational projects, at least 5 MS). New priorities: - Integration indicators – Integration Modules, - Link migration and integration • 20-21 April 2009: Launching of the European Integration Forum and Web-Site
The EU framework for integration of third-country nationals For further information please check ec.europa.eu/justice_home/fsj/immigration/integration/fsj_immigration_integration_en.htm In particular on funding opportunities: http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/funding/integration/funding_integration_en.htm Thank you