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Debate format

Debate format. Components Position construction Refutation Rebuttal Questioning (optional) Audience participation (optional) Preparation time (optional). Debate format. Position construction: - opening speeches . Debate format.

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Debate format

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Debate format Components • Position construction • Refutation • Rebuttal • Questioning (optional) • Audience participation (optional) • Preparation time (optional)

  2. Debate format Position construction: - opening speeches

  3. Debate format Refutation: - responding to arguments of opposition

  4. Debate format Rebuttal: - responding to responses (objection to objection).

  5. Debate format Questioning: - cross-fire, cross-examination, points of information

  6. Debate format Audience participation: audience asks questions or makes arguments in support or against either side.

  7. Debate format Preparation time: both teams have limited time during the whole debate when they can prepare before speaking

  8. Public Forum Debate format 1st Speaker (Affirmative) : 4 minutes 1st Speaker (Negative): 4 minutes Cross-fire (1st two speakers): 3 minutes 2nd Speaker (Affirmative): 4 minutes 2nd Speaker (Negative): 4 minutes Cross-fire (2nd Speakers): 3 minutes 1st Speaker (Affirmative): 2 minutes 1st Speaker (Negative): 2 minutes Grand Cross fire (All speakers): 3 minutes 2nd Speaker (Affirmative): 1 minute 2nd Speaker (Negative): 1 minute

  9. Public Forum Debate format 1st Speaker (Affirmative) : 4 minutes

  10. Public Forum Debate format 1st Speaker (Negative): 4 minutes

  11. Public Forum Debate format Cross-fire (1st two speakers): 3 minutes

  12. Public Forum Debate format 2nd Speaker (Affirmative): 4 minutes 2nd Speaker (Negative): 4 minutes

  13. Public Forum Debate format Cross-fire (2nd Speakers): 3 minutes

  14. Public Forum Debate format 1st Speaker (Affirmative): 2 minutes 1st Speaker (Negative): 2 minutes

  15. Public Forum Debate format Grand Cross fire (all speakers): 3 minutes

  16. Public Forum Debate format 2nd Speaker (Affirmative): 1 minute 2nd Speaker (Negative): 1 minute

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