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Status and prospects of biotechnology in the Middle East and North Africa. First Jordanian Swedish Biotechnology Symposium 26-27 March 2007 Dr. Amjad Khalil Associate Professor of Biotechnology Biotechnology Research Group College of Science KFUPM. PART A.
Status and prospects of biotechnology in the Middle East and North Africa First Jordanian Swedish Biotechnology Symposium 26-27 March 2007 Dr. Amjad Khalil Associate Professor of Biotechnology Biotechnology Research Group College of Science KFUPM
INTRODUCTION • What is Biotechnology? • Biotechnology applies scientific and engineering principles to living organisms in order to produce products and services of value to society. • Biotechnology has been identified as one of the frontline technologies today being developed and used to understand and manipulate biological molecules for applications in medical, agricultural, industrial and environmental sectors of the national economy.
INTRODUCTION/CONT • Biotechnology is not new. • Examples of the ‘old’ technologies include fermentation (such as in the production of beer from malt) and plant propagation and breeding.
INTRODUCTION/CONT • However, there is a new biotechnology which has emerged in the last 25 years and which has been built on new knowledge of DNA structure and manipulations. • In particular, it has allowed geneticists to move genetic material from one life form to another in a way that was not previously possible.
Importance of Biotechnology • Biotechnology is expected to be the engine of global economy during the 21st century. • The growing biotechnology industry and its sectors considered the new directions for long-term economic growth.
Importance of Biotechnology - Rabid advances in genome science are opening up a multitude of new business opportunities in the life science-related industries. - To accompany this growth, manpower appropriately trained and educated in biotechnology is certainly needed.
Recent advances in biotechnology provide good opportunities for immediate benefits to developing countries. • The innovations made in biotechnology applications include : A- the development of micro-propagation systems for many plant species and of new plant varieties with highly desirable characteristics. B- the manipulation of genetic material and its cloning into other organisms. C- the production of genetically engineered plants that are resistant to viruses, insects and herbicides.
D- fermentation technology producing many human and animal health products, as well as food and feed ingredients. • E- treatment and utilization of liquid and solid wastes. These developments could have wide applications in agricultural production and environmental protection.
Most countries in the Middle East and North Africa are characterized by severe weather conditions, lack of fresh water and widespread soil erosion. • As a result, viable agriculture to produce food of both plant and animal origin is strictly limited and is below consumption levels. • Since the population is expected to double in the next two decades, the countries in this region face a food supply problem of some magnitude. • They already suffer from a low standard of living, inferior quality of food, poor health and weak economies. • This clearly indicates the need of these countries to gain access to the new advances and products of biotechnology.
In order to achieve this goal, a long-term program should be established for the generation, transfer and development of biotechnology to the Middle Eastern countries. • Major components of this program will be • A- the development of trained personnel, • B- the strengthening of research and technology transfer facilities • C- the establishment of international and regional collaboration in the field of biotechnology.
This PRESENTATION analyses the major trends of biotechnology in the region as a whole as well as in individual selected countries; then examines the prospects of strengthening biotechnology in conjunction with conventional technologies; and finally, it outlines the strategies for the promotion of biotechnology in the region.
Major trends and prospects of biotechnology applications • The main challenges facing the Middle Eastern countries are related to food supply and conservation of resources. Using biotechnological approaches, different resources can be utilized by: A- increasing soil fertility through biological activities; B- increasing food production through genetic manipulation and plant cell culture C- biological waste water treatment; D- bioconversion of waste for food and feed ingredients. • Most biotechnological activities present in these countries are limited to traditional methods to serve their needs, i.e. industrial fermentation, soil microbiology and bioconversion of waste.
There are various sources of raw materials for fermentation in the Middle Eastern countries. • A- Huge quantities of hydrocarbons and methanol are found in oil-producing countries, • B- carbohydrate by-products (molasses) and lignocellulose waste (cardboard, paper) are found in most countries. • C- Agricultural and forest residues generated in some countries (Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic) are considered renewable resources that can be utilized by biotechnological means for the production of food, feed, fertilizers and fuel.
The majority of these countries have established A- traditional fermentation industries, i.e. (the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, the Syrian Arab Republic and Egypt); B- baker's yeast production (The Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt); C- methanol and acetic acid production (Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanon and Egypt); and D- acetone, butanol and citric acid (Egypt). E- Fermented dairy products' plants have been established in all countries.
F- Most of these countries have established biological treatment plants for sanitary waste water and have utilized the treated waste water for landscaping and agriculture. However, there is still a need for more research and development to adapt and optimize treatment technologies, to upgrade the quality of treated effluent and for proper management of sewage sludge.
In 1982, the production of dates in the Near Eastern and North African countries accounted for about 73 percent of total world date production (1.9 million tonnes). Iraq and Saudi Arabia were the leading producers, followed by Egypt, Algeria, Yemen and the Sudan. • The date-palm produces, in its long lifetime, relatively few offshoots which are suitable for transplanting. Vegetative micropropagation through tissue culture is therefore a promising technique for multiplying elite, high-yielding and disease-resistant trees. The results obtained in Saudi Arabia as well as in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia have shown that in vitro micropropagation can be very successful. However, future research is needed to overcome the difficulties related to early flowering and lack of uniformity of the cloned plants.
It is particularly important to create date-palm clones resistant to the disease caused by Fusarium wilt, which is threatening the palm groves in Morocco. In the date-producing Arab countries, high-quality dates are still imported even though domestic production exceeds consumption. In these countries, the application of tissue culture techniques to improve date-palm varieties, coupled with progressing, packaging and marketing efforts, would lead to major changes in their capacity to export high-quality dates.
As regards plant production, most countries that responded to the questionnaire adopted tissue culture techniques to improve plant production, in addition to conventional methods of plant breeding. These countries are cooperating with international organizations for the adoption of advanced plant biotechnological techniques . • Some activities related to animal health were reported from Egypt and the Sudan. The Animal Health Production Institute (AHRT) and the Veterinary Serums and Vaccine Research Institute in Egypt were cooperating with FAO and international institutes in Finland and the United States in combatting brucellosis and other animal diseases.
Algeria • Successive governments have had to search for means to increase food production and reverse the downward economic trend. • The government intends to develop self-sufficiency in cereals. • Algeria depends on imports of durum wheat. This dependence on cereal imports is reflected by the focus of several biotechnology projects which have been implemented under government auspices. Both the National Institute for Agricultural Research and the Department of Plant • Currently, these institutions also use various biotechnology approaches to look for alternative sources of protein, such as potato and chickpea. • The Department of Animal Production focuses on the protein content of straw for livestock feed.
Basic biotechnology research is mainly carried out at the Houari Boumedienne University of Science. . • The relationship between universities and commercial breeding companies is still in a state of evolution, the only successful undertaking so far has been a program for potato micropro-pagation supervised since 1989 by the Institute for the Development of Vegetable Crops. • In 1988, plans for future biotechnology research were formulated by the High Commission for Research.
Five priority areas were identified: A- Food industries. Production of single-cell protein, Spirulina, enzymes and solid-state fermentations. B- Increase and improvement of agricultural production. C- Production of pharmaceuticals. For the extraction of biologically active plant substances. D- Immunology. Production of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. E- Use and recycling of agricultural and industrial wastes and by-products. For the production of ethanol, acetone butanol and methane.
Egypt • In Egypt, biotechnology activities were initiated in the early 1950s.. • The government showed its interest in providing support to biotechnology by offering to host one of the principal laboratories of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB); • this culminated in the agreement that Egypt would establish an affiliated ICGEB biotechnology centre with the Academy of Scientific Research Technology (ASRT) as the principal liaison institute. • The academy established a national biotechnology committee in 1984; since then, research in plant biotechnology has been carried out in different institutions. • The Cell Research Section of the Agriculture Research Centre (ARC) in Cairo became the Biotechnology Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1990, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to create a
National Agricultural Genetic Engineering Laboratory (NAGEL). The main research objective of NAGEL is to apply genetic engineering and tissue culture for transfer of desirable traits such as tolerance to salt and drought and pest resistance in the major crops. - Tissue culture is used for micropropagation of strawberries, potatoes, bananas, and date-palms.
At the National Research Centre (NRC), a Division of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology was established with the following departments: • Molecular biology: for enzyme production for industrial and clinical diagnosis. • Cell biology: for animal cytogenetics (chromosome and gene mapping); biotechnological methods for embryo technology (embryo culture, transfer, sexing, splitting pre-implantation, embryo freezing and twinning). • Plant cell and tissue culture: for plant tissue culture to produce secondary metabolites; the selection of plant cell lines for stress tolerance e.g. to salinity and drought; the production of virus-free potato planting material; and the micropropagation of plants with difficulties for conventional propagation. • Microbial biotechno1ogy: for ethanol production from sugar by-products and methane production from agro-industrial wastes. • Microbial genetics: for the production of useful microbial compounds through genetically improved strains such as saponin production in Poinciana regia to Azotobacter; elimination or degradation of pollutants; transformation of cellulolytic nitrogen fixers; construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains capable of cellulose, cellobiose or lactose consumption.
sterility in indica x japonica crosses, fixing inherited traits such as protein content and starch characteristics and generating variability. • Research on the use of the biofertilizers to increase rice yields in Egypt has demonstrated the beneficial effects of the blue-green algae, Cyanobacteria, for rice growth and yield increase. Algal supplementation has been found to reduce the need for inorganic nitrogen by 30 to 50 percent, and to maintain soil fertility and gradually improve the content of soil organic matter. Another major advantage of this biofertilizer is the ease with which it can be produced, stored and distributed. The Ministry of Agriculture has set up a programme for the production of sufficient Cyanobacteria inoculum, to cover an area of about one million feddans (400 000 ha).
Need for Biotechnologists in the Kingdom • Despite the urgent needs for biotechnologists as professional manpower, none of the academic institutes in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers any program of biotechnology. • One of the main objectives of the suggested program is to supply the market of the Kingdom and the region with well-trained, professional biotechnologists.
Need for Biotechnologists in the Kingdom • KFUPM could become the first university in the Kingdom and the gulf region to successfully graduate biotechnologists with strong background in different disciplines of biotechnology. • In the near future ,hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, and research institutes will need a well trained biotechnology professionals.
Need for Biotechnologists in the Kingdom • In the last few years, the gulf region lunched two projects on Biotechnology. First, Jeddah BioCity as an international pioneering company in the transference of biotechnology via the creation of projects in research and development to produce a high economic return. • Second, Dubai Biotechnology Park (DuBiotech) is designed to be the center of excellence in biotechnology that will link government, academia and industry through national and international collaboration to develop new technologies and products to address regional health and environmental issues. • The presence of these biotechnology centers in the gulf region will increase the demand for well trained and professional biotechnologists in the near future.
Why at KFUPM? • KFUPM has established a very strong and reputable sciences and engineering programs, Thus it could play a very important role in preparing students with strong science background in the field of Biotechnology. • KFUPM will be the first university in the area that has taken the lead in proposing to design such a program, which could serve the community and the students by transferring the new technology to Saudi universities and companies.
BIOTECHNOLOGY AS STRATEGIC CHOICE • Taking a strategic decision by KFUPM to go for Biotechnology program will be an excellent point in its history. • The opportunity exists for KFUPM to position itself as an important contributor to the advancement and evolution of biotechnology in this century. • The Biotechnology team believes that KFUPM can become known as a major national key player in the area of biotechnology. • The university support for this strategic initiative is an opportunity to build excellence in an area affecting all forms of life.
To achieve success in the area of biotechnology KFUPM should do the followings: • Formation of Biotechnology steering committee . • Build human resources in the area of biotechnology. • Develop scientific and technological capabilities. • Linkages between academic institutions and industry.
Successful Examples from the rest of the world • There are a variety of lessons that KFUPM can learn from the organization and management of biotechnology in other countries, particularly developing countries such as Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand and China, which have made significant strides in the development and commercialization of biotechnology over the past two decades.
Brazil • Brazil is emerging as one of the developing country leaders in biotechnology . • Excellent achievement in citrus crop diseases and cancer . • Development of vaccines for diseases such as tuberculosis, and hepatitis B.
Nigeria • Nigeria is one of the African countries that has embarked on a determined program to exploit biotechnology for the benefit of its peoples and to ensure that Nigeria becomes a key participant in the international biotechnology arena within the next decade. • The Federal Government provided the National Biotechnology Development Agency with US $263 million per annum for three yearsas a take-off grant to fund the executive programs in agriculture, health, industry, environment and human resource development.
Cuba - Cuba is a developing country that has made significant strides in biotechnology. - 35 national research institutes dedicated to health-related biotechnology - 25 agricultural centers apply biotechnology approaches. - Produces the world’s only successful anti-meningococcal vaccine, which is patented worldwide. - Cuba has invested more than US $1000 million in its biotechnology research centers alone.
USA • USA has the largest and most profitable biotechnology industry, consisting of more than 1,300 companies, with combined revenues of over $22 billion and employing 162,000 people. • Some of the biotechnology companies are of the top 15 Nasdaq-listed companies .
Australia • The number of biotechnology companies 160 companies. • The total biotechnology sector generates annual revenue of roughly R4 billion. • The Australian Government spends roughly one billion rand a year on biotechnology research. Most of this money is spent through the universities.
Jordan • In the last 10 years, Jordan moved into the area of Biotechnology and achieved number of good goals such as: • 1- Four universities offer undergraduate Biotechnology programs, and one graduate program. • 2- Twocenters of Biotechnology: • A- Biotechnology center at Jordan University affiliated with Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research. • B- The Virtual Biotechnology Center directed by The Higher Council for Science and Technology . • 3- Two Pharmaceutical Companies work in the area of Biotechnology for developing Recombinant Drugs. • 4- Jordan developed a National Biosafety Framework as main components of Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety.
Conclusions of Part A • To achieve a significant progress in the field of biotechnology, KFUPM requires a body (committee) to champion biotechnology. • establishing well-funded and staffed agencies dedicated to biotechnology is essential. • The need to build up a scientific and technological capabilities. • Investment in biotechnology must be based on an explicit national goal of generating products and processes and commercializing these on domestic and international markets.
Vision • The KFUPM undergraduate program of Biotechnology aims at taking a leading role in research, innovation, education and postgraduate training in the Gulf and Middle East regions. • The program will support and enhance the technology transfer, industrial development and community services .
MISSION • The mission of the program will be provided high quality education, research, and community service in the area of biotechnology and related fields.
Specific components of this mission are: 1- To conduct basic and applied research that expands knowledge in the area of biotechnology and provides innovative solutions and differentiating technologies for the Saudi industries and for the healthcare services. 2- To provide high-quality education in biotechnology and its related sciences, and to prepare professionals for the ever increasing complexity of the systems in this field and extend collaborative links both nationally and internationally. 3. To provide high-quality professional training and consultation in the area of biotechnology.
Program Objectives • Develop basic laboratory skills, perform standard techniques, and work with the state of the art-instruments. • To broadly educate students for positions in the biotechnology industry and to prepare students for graduate and professional study in the life science. • Students will be able to solve problems in biological sciences using biotechnology approaches. • Linking research establishments with economic and service sectors by concentrated comprehensive marketing to facilitate the creation of new highly skilled work force and jobs that will benefit the Saudi community.
Benefits to the society the biotechnology program is beneficial to the society as a whole because KFUPM, a leading university in science and technology, will contribute to the scientific training of under graduate student of this program and provide the community with well trained graduates with adequate scientific knowledge and skills.
Benefit to KFUPM • The University will play an important role in creating, developing and advancing research and development in biotechnology which benefit the Kingdom and the region.
Benefit to the Industry and Economy of KSA • Biotechnology is a goldmine in the developed economies. • KFUPM will help in linking research establishments with economic and service sectors by concentrated comprehensive marketing to facilitate the creation of new highly skilled work force and jobs that will benefit the Saudi industry and economy. • KFUPM biotechnology program will encourage the government to support the investment in Biotechnology applications which are expected to have futuristic concept that blends innovative research and manufacturing in an economic container that would contribute to the welfare and prosperity of KSA society.