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Biographies of famous people in history

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Biographies of famous people in history

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  1. Biographies of famous people in history

  2. If you are looking for some great biographies to dig into, look no further than these books curated by the Onswish review team. Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang Though many of us will be familiar with the name Mao Zedong, this prodigious biography sheds unprecedented light upon the power-hungry “Red Emperor.” Chang and Halliday begin with the shocking statistic that Mao was responsible for 70 million deaths during peacetime — more than any other twentieth-century world leader. From there, they unravel Mao’s complex ideologies, motivations, and missions, breaking down his long-propagated “hero” persona and thrusting forth a new, grislier image of one of China’s most significant revolutionaries. Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts Here’s another bio that will reshape your views of a famed historical tyrant, though this time in a surprisingly favourable light. Decorated scholar Andrew Roberts delves into the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his near-flawless military instincts to his complex and confusing relationship with his wife. But Roberts’ attitude toward his subject is what makes this work shine: rather than ridiculing him, he approaches the “petty tyrant” with a healthy amount of deference.

  3. The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson IV by Robert A. Caro Lyndon Johnson might not seem as intriguing or scandalous as figures like Kennedy, Nixon, or W. Bush. But in this expertly woven biography, Robert Caro lays out the long, winding road of his political career, and it’s full of twists you wouldn’t expect. Johnson himself was a surprisingly cunning figure, gradually maneuvering his way closer and closer to power. Finally, in 1963, he got his greatest wish — but at what cost? Fans of Adam McKay’s Vice, this is the book for you. For more great dramatic reads and eBooks, check out Onswish.

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