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Asphalt Shingle Recycling: Recycled Materials Resource Center and Environmental Issues

Asphalt Shingle Recycling: Recycled Materials Resource Center and Environmental Issues. Chicago, IL November 1-2, 2007. Jenna R. Jambeck, PhD Research Assistant Professor, UNH Recycled Materials Resource Center. Established in TEA-21 in 1998 National center in partnership with FHWA

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Asphalt Shingle Recycling: Recycled Materials Resource Center and Environmental Issues

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  1. Asphalt Shingle Recycling:Recycled Materials Resource Center and Environmental Issues Chicago, IL November 1-2, 2007 Jenna R. Jambeck, PhD Research Assistant Professor, UNH Recycled Materials Resource Center

  2. Established in TEA-21 in 1998 National center in partnership with FHWA Focus on the long term engineering and environmental performance of recycled materials in the highway environment Primary activities are research and outreach RMRC Overview/History MISSION Overcome barriers to the appropriate use of recycled materials in the highway environment

  3. Current RMRC • Joint venture of University of New Hampshire and University of Wisconsin-Madison • UNH: Kevin Gardner (co-director), Jeff Melton, Jenna Jambeck, David Gress, Colleen Mitchell • - UW:Craig Benson (co-director), Tuncer Edil, Hussain Bahia, Andy Graettinger, Phil O’Leary, and Gary Whited

  4. Approach The original Center had seven recycled materials focus areas: • Testing and evaluation guidelines and specifications • Material-application specific research and development • Economic and institutional issues • New materials and innovative technologies • Field trials of materials • Technical services • Technology transfer and training

  5. Research Map Over 40 Research projects completed!

  6. Project 22 - Overcoming Barriers to Asphalt Shingle Recycling • Partners: MnDOT, Minn. Office of Environmental Assistance, Minn. Local Road Research Board, SKB Environmental, Bituminous Roadways, Inc. • Principal Investigators: Roger Olson, MnDOT & Dan Krivit, Dan Krivit & Assoc. • Project Stats: 32 Months (July 2002 – December 2004) • Approach: • Prepare design documents • Two field demonstrations • Evaluate demonstrations

  7. Other Activities • Shingle Recycling Forums • 2003, 2007 • Provisional Specifications • American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO), "Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Shingle as an Additive in Hot Mix Asphalt: A Provisional Standard Specification (M2005A-TS-2c)" Final publication in preparation. • American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO), "Provisional Standard Recommended Practice for Design Considerations when using Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles in New Hot Mix Asphalt (R2005A-TS-2c)" Final publication in preparation.

  8. Education and Outreach

  9. RMRC Outreach • RMRC sponsored conference sessions • RMRC sponsored workshops • Beneficial Use of Recycled Materials in Transportation Applications Conference • Software and guidance documents • Beneficial Use Guidelines - shingles

  10. RMRC Recycled Materials Workshops • Four workshops – Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West • Attendees – FHWA, State DOT, State Environmental Agencies, US EPA • Focus on training recycling/beneficial use coordinators, improving DOT recycling programs • Providing a forum for communication

  11. How is sustainability and shingle recycling related?

  12. Sustainability • Sustain: to keep in existence; maintain • Big picture • Sustain the earth • Finite resources • Decrease or mitigate negative environmental impacts of human existence • Conserve resources

  13. Environmental Impacts • Examine impacts of various options/choices and choose those with the least impact • How to quantify? • Impacts can be assessed: • Greenhouse gas generation (e.g., methane, carbon dioxide) • SOx, NOx emissions • Toxics released (air, water, soil) • Organics – TCE, PBDE, etc. • Inorganics – Hg, Pb, etc. • Exposure routes may be considered

  14. Conservation of Resources • Use as little of our resources as possible • Use renewable resources • Reuse products already produced • Conserves energy • Recycle the materials from a product to make a new product • No need for virgin materials • Extract resources from the product • Conversion into energy

  15. Economics • In the long run, it doesn’t save to exploit our resources • But the immediate cost time frame is critical for a market economy • Often times immediate costs and sustainable practices coincide • Sometimes more sustainable practices (or switching to them) can result in a greater expense • Often there is a payback • Many corporations, industries and institutions now see the benefits in practicing environmental sustainability

  16. It can be a difficult balance between environmental impacts, trade-offs and cost… RMRC has experience evaluating risk, benefits and cost.

  17. Surface Entry Run-off High Ground Drainage Vapor Movement Capillary Suction Project 7/8 - Development of a Risk Analysis Framework for Beneficial Use of Secondary Materials • Partners: MnDOT (MnROAD), NYSDEC, Laboratoire Centrale des Ponts et Chausees (LCPC) • Principal Investigators: Dr. Taylor Eighmy & Dr. Kevin Garner, UNH • Project Stats: June 2000 – August 2004 • Approach: • Literature review • Model selection • Model validation with MnROAD data • Develop a risk assessment • approach for state regulatory • agency use Water Table Rise

  18. Sustainable Road Construction • Must create a product with consistent high quality • From that standpoint, how can we do this in a more sustainable manner? • Beneficially use materials; offset virgin materials - shingles • Recycle materials • Assess environmental burdens and trade-offs of various options • Life-cycle assessment

  19. Potential Applications What are potential environment and health impacts of using a material in an application? • Context of use • Proper characterization • Potential receptors and risks • Trade-offs Environmental Characterization • Shingles • Asbestos • PAHs

  20. Pavement Life-cycle Assessment Tool for Environmental and Economic Effects (PaLATE) Developed by Arpad Horvath (UC Berkeley) for the Recycled Materials Resource Center www.recycledmaterials.org

  21. Questions that can be answered: • For a particular roadway, which material is better environmentally, economically: e.g., recycled or virgin? • Will changing the recycled material content in a particular pavement affect its environmental impact? • Does sending demolished portions of a road to a processing plant or to a landfill make more environmental and economic sense? • Which maintenance options will minimize environmental and economic effects?

  22. Factors that are considered: • Design of the roadway • Construction materials, material transportation distances and modes • Technology choices – e.g., on-site construction and maintenance equipment (e.g., asphalt paver), and off-site processing equipment (e.g., rock crusher) • Life-cycle economic costs

  23. Recycled Material Use Example • Conceptual for shingles • Crumb rubber surrogate in asphalt • Road in NH, 2.6 miles, single lane (31 feet wide) • 5.5 inch wearing course, 12 inch base

  24. Energy

  25. Carbon Dioxide Emissions

  26. Case Study Results: Energy Consumption (MJ) • Initial Construction: Recycling uses 3.5M MJ less energy than use of virgin materials (reduced materials production) • Maintenance: HIPR uses 1.5M MJ less than crack sealing & resurfacing. • HIPR - equipment processes • Crack seal & resurfacing - materials production

  27. N E W CC S Case Study Scenario (2) • Divided PA DOT PGH demand into 5 areas defined by a single point • City center • 25 miles north, south, east and west of city center

  28. Summary • The future of utilizing recycled materials, including shingles, fits in with our sustainability concept • Life-cycle impacts • RMRC will Continue to • Be a central resource for technical issues • Engineering • Environmental • Conduct outreach and education • Webinars, etc. • Be a bridge between stakeholders • Let us know how else we can help!

  29. Further information available on RMRC website: www.recycledmaterials.org Jenna R. Jambeck, PhD Research Assistant Professor Department of Civil/Environmental Engineering University of New Hampshire 244 Gregg Hall, 35 Colovos Rd. Durham, NH  03824 Phone: 603-862-4023 Jenna.Jambeck@unh.edu

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