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The Magic Flute. Chapter 8 Three foolish sons. Let’s recall what happened in the last chapter.
The Magic Flute Chapter 8 Three foolish sons
Let’s recall what happened in the last chapter. When Lin failed to catch the golden bird, he went back to the palace and told his two brothers about what happened. Then, it was the youngest son’s turn. His name was Sang. He took a bag of jewels to the forest and gave it to Chang. He took the golden bird and tied it to a piece of string. But when it heard the flute, it flew away again into the forest.
Let’s start reading Chapter 8 You are going to have a few minutes to read pages 31, 32 and 34.
The Emperor sent for his three sons. He thought that one of his sons caught the golden bird. But unfortunately, none of them could catch the golden bird!
He asked : “Now, which one of my sons caught the golden bird for me?”. But they all replied:”No, Father, when the bird heard the boy playing the flute it flew away!”. The Emperor was so angry!! He shouted: “I have THREE FOOLISH SONS!”. Not one of them can catch the golden bird.
Finally, the Emperor decided that he mustgo and catch it himself.
Read chapter 8 again • Answer pages 16 & 17 in the workbook.