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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT- VOCABULARY PRESENTATION FOR ENG 205 COURSE WEEK 2. ARCHITECTURAL STYLES AND MOVEMENTS UNIT 1. Can you identify which architectural movement the buildings reflect? . Here are some of the architectural movements:
Can you identify which architectural movement the buildings reflect? Here are some of the architectural movements: • ClassicalArchitecture • MedievalArchitecture • RenaissanceArchitecture • BaroqueArchitecture • ModernArchitecture • Postmodern Architecture • Deconstructivist Architecture
Can you identify which architectural movement the buildings below reflect? If you cannot, read “A Brief History of Architectural Styles and Movements” and try to guess again.
Size(n) : Word Formation : - Definition : how big or small something is Synonyms: - Antonym:- Ex: The apartment is roughly 360 square feet in size.
Depth (n) : Word Formation : deep (adj) Definition : the distance from the top of something to the bottom Synonyms : deepness Antonym:- Ex: The lake reaches a maximum depth of 292 metres.
Proportion(n) : Word Formation : - Definition : the correct or most suitable relationship between the size, shape, or position of the different parts of something Synonyms : - Antonym:- Collocations : proportion of sth Ex: Builders must learn about scale and proportion.
deform(v) : Word Formation : deformation (n), deformed (adj) Definition : to spoil the usual and true shape of something Synonyms : distort Antonym: beautify, improve Collocations : - Ex:The buildings that were deformed during the war are being reconstructed or restored now.
ornament(n) : Word Formation : ornate (v), ornamental (adj) Definition : an attractive object that is used as a decoration in a home or garden Synonyms : decoration Antonym: - Collocations : - Ex:The building style is plain, with very little ornament.
fragmentation (n): Word Formation : fragment (v), fragmented (adj) Definition : breaking sth into small parts Synonyms : - Antonym: - Collocations : fragmentation of sth Ex:Guggenheim Museum by Frank Gehry is an example of fragmentation in architecture. The parts of the building cannot be integrated into a whole.
rearrangement(n) : Word Formation : rearrange (v), rearranged (adj) Definition : when you change the order, position or time of arrangements already made Synonyms : - Antonym: - Collocations : - Ex:Deconstructivist architectural movement is characterized as the rearrangement of Modernist forms. So, some Deconstructivist structures are similar to Modernist ones.
pioneer(v) : Word Formation : pioneer (n), pioneering (adj) Definition : to be the first person to do, invent or use something Synonyms : initiate, originate Antonym: - Collocations : - Ex: The new cancer treatment was pioneered in the early eighties by Dr Sylvia Bannerjee.
primary(adj) : Word Formation : primarily (adv), Definition : most important Synonyms : basic, fundamental Antonym: secondary, supplemental Collocations : - Ex:Some of the primary architectural movements are Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern and Deconstructivist Architecture.
symmetrical(adj) : Word Formation : symmetry (n), symetrically (adv) Definition : having the same shape or size on both halves Synonyms : well-proportioned Antonym: asymmetrical Collocations : - Ex:The design of the house is pleasingly symmetrical. The long shape of the building is parallel with its high windows.
subjective(adj) : Word Formation : subjectively (adv) Definition : influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather than based on facts Synonyms : personal Antonym: objective Collocations : - Ex:When designing a house, the subjective perception of colors is important as colors might have different effects on different people. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
restrictive(adj) : Word Formation : restrict (v), restriction (n), restricted (adj) Definition : limiting the freedom of someone or preventing something from growing Ex:Many employees think that the rules are too restrictive in their working places and they are not allow to work freely. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Exercise I: Below is the summary of the text . There are 10 mistakes in this summary. Find and correct them. (p. 7) There are two main groups of Classical architecture which are Greek and Roman. The difference between Roman architecture from Greek architecture is that the first one would use ornaments and pay more attention to visuality than the latter. Religious structures were equally important for both Roman and Greek architecture. It can be said that Roman architecture was affected from Greek architecture but unlike Greeks, Romans were interested more in large and luxurious buildings. Gothic churches were one of the samples of Medieval architecture. Religion was an important concept in this period; however, the religious point of view affected the creativity of the architects in a bad way.
Exercise I: During the Renaissance architecture movement, the religious architecture gained importance more than before. Also some Classical ideals such as geometry and proportion were used. These features belonging to Classical ideals enabled Renaissance architecture to be more creative than the architecture of the Medieval period. Baroque architecture is regarded as a movement that both accepts and rejects Renassaince architecture. It adopted the stylistic drawings and organization of the Renaissance to a great extent, but also distorted the perfect geometrical shapes and used the ellipse instead of the circle in the buildings. In 1800’s, with the improvements in technology, Modern architecture began to rise. The focus was on the simple but effective building structure. Modernist architects never used any ornaments or any kind of artistic styles in their buildings. Then, in 1960’s, the Postmodern architecture started.
Exercise I: Postmodern architecture was against the Modernist architecture, however, the buildings constructed in this period were also like Modernist structures: plain and noncreative. 1980’s were the years when Postmodernist architecture movement was most popular.The Deconstructivist architecture imitated Post-modernism, the preceding architectural movement. It can be observed that during this period, the buildings were not easily understood. They were generally the distorted copies of a pure form and the Deconstructivist architectures are believed to be influenced by Jacques Derrida, a famous deconstructivist architect, who believes that everything is subjective and things can have more than one meaning to different people.