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Upcoming workshop in Canada

The Optimal Health Solutions is introducing an upcoming full-day workshop that will be held on September 9, 2017, at the Quality Resort Bayside Hotel BC, Canada. <br><br>If you are interested to know more about the workshop, feel free to visit this link https://goo.gl/Uvbcph

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Upcoming workshop in Canada

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Presentation Transcript

  1. T R A D I T I O N A LC H I N E S EM E D I C I N EW O R K S H O P 09 SEPT, 2017 9:00AM TO 5:00PM

  2. E N T I T L E DA S “ U n l o c k t h e S e c r e t H e a l i n g P o w e r o f C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ” , S e r v e a s a g r e a t r e m i n d e r t o p e o p l e t h a t T r a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e i s o n e o f t h e o l d e s t a l t e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d .

  3. INTHISWORKSHOP, YOUWILLLEARN: Simpleandeasy-to-followsolutionsto balanceyourYinandYangenergy and improveyouroverallhealth. Howtotreateachcommonillnesswithjust onesimpleandquicksolutionthat isdrug-free, suchasacough, headache, backpain, insomnia, andotherchronic conditions.

  4. INTHISWORKSHOP, YOUWILLLEARN: Howtocombinemoxibustionwithsome mostimportantacupointsforanti- aging, chronicpainrelief, andcommon illnesstreatment. Howtousetheancientmethod - cupping effectivelyforweightloss, detoxification, andchronicdisease management.

  5. INTHISWORKSHOP, YOUWILLLEARN: Popularancientself-caresolutionsfrom TraditionalChineseMedicineforanti- agingandweightloss. Hands-ontrainingtomastertheancient techniquesfromTraditionalChinese Medicine. Andmuchmore....

  6. A B O U TT H EP R E S E N T E R Lucy Liu: As a holistic health practitioner and registered Dietitian, Lucy Liu has more than 10 years  background in Chinese medicine. She has combined TCM in her practice with other healing modalities to help clients achieve the best result for many years.

  7. B O N U S E S You will receive Lucy’s NEW eBook  "Harness the Magical Power of Ancient Chinese Medicine" as a bonus, which includes many useful tips and solutions from Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you develop a healthy daily routine to live a happy long life.

  8. S P A C EI SL I M I T E D , R E G I S T E R O N L I N EA T : https://optimalhealthsolutions.ca/events Venue Quality Resort Bayside Hotel, Parksville Canada Email us at support@optimalhealthsolutions.ca

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